
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
I read this article on a few weeks ago, and posted a comment as well. After reading the article thoroughly, I was truly speechless. Seriously guys, I was so exasperated, that I literally had NOTHING to say. No ranting, no profanity, no angry banter...nothing.

Most of todays "liberated" women are completely f**ked up, total pieces of sh*t. They are basically MTV zombies who do whatever t.v. tells them to do. I said this before in previous post, and I'll say it again: Women are basically social climbers, and they only care about being trendy, being cool, and being accepted. So if jewtube t.v. says, "oi vey, go dress like a pornstar, dance like a stripper, and sleep with a monkey", you can bet she will.

I'm still in school, and I bartend/bounce part-time at a local spot near my university. I see sh*t like this all the time where I work. Girls with no shame what-so-ever, on the dance floor dancing with apes in a disgusting manner. I make a mental note of the whores I see doing this, so I don't accidentally hook up with them in the future. LOL...and my mom wonders why I haven't settled down with a "nice young lady" yet.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Im right there with you Groundfighter, I am a young guy (24), pretty much the strong silent type and I do not put up with that sh*t. I look down upon all that interracial stuff and have no respect for women who partake in it because MTV has polluted the minds of women and men who do not care about it and actually accept it. I don't have time for it or the people who agree with it.


Aug 6, 2006
Good points both of you guys above!,I have grandchildren,and you can't believe the garbage coming from t.v.aimed at them! Starting with cartoons,when I was young,featured in them were,teddy bears,bunny rabbits,puppy dogs,etc.Now most show monsterous looking males and females screeching and screaming at each other,dressed horribly,complete with burping,flatulence,throwing up,etc!

So if you think the girls are bad now,wait until you see the next generation! Is this orchestrated?you bet it is,and you guys know where it's coming from!One show on nickelodeon is called "fairly odd parents"planting the idea in kids heads a negative thought process toward mom and dad.A reality show shows females slapping weak looking males around,knocking them to the ground and basically degrading them!And oh yes,the race mixing messages abound.needless to say I'm the bad guy when I will not let them watch this garbage at my house.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm always surprised that there's as many relatively uncorrupted young white people as there are, considering how all these unhealthy influences are shoved in their faces 24/7, plus the indoctrination they get at the government schools. One factor may be that a fair amount of what this country used to be like and its value system survives in older television shows and movies and through some familial, church and organizational influences. But the number of whites who are successfully programmed to willingly help bring about the eventualextinction of their own kind continues to grow every year.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Don Wassall said:
I'm always surprised that there's as many relatively uncorrupted young white people as there are, considering how all these unhealthy influences are shoved in their faces 24/7, plus the indoctrination they get at the government schools.

Actually Don, in contrast to what I stated in my above post, I agree with you. There are a good number of uncorrupted youth out there, but they will generally not come out publically with their views.

I remember a fews years ago, I was in my political science class at school, and made the mistake of assuming that every student in the class was brainwashed, liberal, guilt-ridden sheep. I was wrong.
One kid was so far to the right politically, HE even taught ME a few things. LOL.

Personally, I think the number of racially aware people could be better, but its not terrrible for right now anyway.

The problem is not our numbers, but how we connect with and discover one another.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Groundfighter has a good point. socially, whites are reluctant to share their personal views about blacks, gays, and various other "sensitive" topics. if it's just a small group of two or three folks, then the walls come down and you uickly find out how they really feel.

it would be nice to have some sort of connection with others, kind of like on MySpace or whatever, but of course the lunatics that show up tend to ruin a good thing i guess.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Jimmy Chitwood said:
it would be nice to have some sort of connection with others, kind of like on MySpace or whatever QUOTE]

Ahhh, but such a place DOES exist, my fellow victim of vicious, anti-White discrimination...

...we're on it right now. Thank God for Caste Football
Oct 24, 2005
Stay away from any white women who like blacks. They are more problems then they are worth.
From my experience, they hate white men. This may be the result of an absent or abusive father. It may be the result of brainwashing. This is worse now then in my day. By the time a girl reaches college, she has been exposed to 12 years of feminist propaganda. She probably chats, "all white men bad, Black guys are nice because they are not white men." This type of women will be little everything you do, and find excuses for any black misbehavior.
Leave these women alone. Let them link up with the black men who beat them. This might wake them up, but most likely, they will find another black man and the cycle repeats itself.
There are plenty of good white women out there. Go for them.


Mar 5, 2006
I'm always surprised that there's as many relatively uncorrupted young white people as there are, considering how all these unhealthy influences are shoved in their faces 24/7, plus the indoctrination they get at the government schools.

One reason for this is actually teenage rebellion!

All a White Teen needs to do today to rebel is be Racially Aware! In many ways the 'unhealthy influences' are back-firing on themselves.