Awesome white corner internet piece.

Feb 11, 2016
I am not very computer literate but I just found a VERY long and good article on the discrimination against the white corner for the last 30 years.
It is called something like " The white cornerback: players from the past and the present.
It interviews Sehorn, Lisowski, Kaesviharn, Ethan Kilmer, Brian Davis, Stanford's Mark Mueller and the one that really stands out is Dustin Fox.
Fox gets real angry about being a starting corner for 4 years at Ohio State and his vertical and forty were off the charts and he says " look I made plays for 4 years. I was a hell of a better than half the corners already in the NFL. " If someone could find this article and post it that would be great. It is an awesome read but the only weakness is it quotes John Entine to much. I actually bought that book in 2000 and could not finish " Taboo. Why blacks dominate sports and why people are afraid to talk about it." Or something close to that title. The article quotes the black ancestry waaaay to much.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Pretty good article - the stuff about coaches not seeing skin color is total BS though.

I really enjoyed Dustin Fox's comments in the article and Tomlin's veiled racism in the nickname he gave him just makes me despise Tomlin that much more.

Donny Lisowksi is another name a i remember - man did the NFL do a job on getting him out of the league asap. I appreciated his comments and self-confidence as well.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Eh not so awesome. Fox was the only one with the balls to call out the obvious racial bias and discrimination. Mueller and Sehorn are cocky and see themselves above the white athlete. Mueller even got him a negro trackstar wife2. **** that guy.
Kaesveharn was close to speaking up got close to saying something truthful then clammed up. Liskowski knows the deal.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Funny how it isn't racist to say Whites aren't physically capable of playing CB, but you'll NEVER ever hear someone say blacks aren't capable of playing QB. We hear blacks bitch about their plights in MLB and at QB. Just another accepted lie.

**Also like to add whites are discriminated against a lot of times based on being well spoken and clean cut. NFL wants the thugs and gangsters of USA's **** hole inner cities.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I like this sentence from the article: "Yes, it can get mighty awkward anytime a white man raises his hand and points out what might be a touch of racial discrimination against him, especially in America in 2017."

A "touch" of discrimination? And why is it "awkward" when White men are openly despised and pushed to the back of the line whenever possible, as the media illustrates every day in every way? The open discrimination against White cornerbacks is but the tip of a huge iceberg. The answer is because America has become a communist country, and in a communist country truth is always a prime victim.

Blacks clearly aren't very good at playing quarterback, but that won't stop endless opportunities being afforded to them every year in major college ball, along with a wildly supportive media. White men most assuredly can play cornerback, and given the pathetic defensive backfields that populate most NFL teams should be given every opportunity to prove their ability. But it's "awkward" to mention the extreme anti-White agenda that is glaringly obvious to any thinking person with an IQ above 80, because blacks will always be the professional victims in the American Matrix.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
That article was excellent. It wasn't 100% accurate but it at least touched on the taboo subject or race in football. You guys heard what Sherman said. Mueller was the better athlete at all the measurables. I have no doubt that our guys can compete, start and excell if they were treated fair. They have not, are not and probably never will be treated fair.

My hope is that we can crack the rb position first. We need more of our guys at the star postions. This can help to disprove
stereotypes. It' s an uphill battle for sure.


Sep 29, 2011
Thanks for posting this, finally cracks in the authority and legitimacy of the caste system are starting to appear. "Conservatives" always shy away from attacking the authority or legitimacy preferring instead to wander off into the weeds of facts.
Feb 11, 2016
Thanks Don. Good stuff guys. I would have to agree Fox was the only one here with real cajones. I wonder when Washington's TE Cam Cleeland got his hazing ritual in New Orleans many years ago, where all the black players made him run a gauntlet and punch him in the face that a llot of white corners are afraid to speak up because of some " Blacklash" ? Food for thought.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Eh not so awesome. Fox was the only one with the balls to call out the obvious racial bias and discrimination. Mueller and Sehorn are cocky and see themselves above the white athlete. Mueller even got him a negro trackstar wife2. **** that guy.
Kaesveharn was close to speaking up got close to saying something truthful then clammed up. Liskowski knows the deal.
Eric Weddle easily could have been a conerback in the NFL. I can't say it has hurt his career being a safety as he is a borderline hall of fame candidate but I would have loved to see what he could have done at cornerback.

PS a few White safeties who were college cornerbacks have failed PED tests because they have been forced to move to safety and pack on 20 pounds+ of unnatural muscle on their frames.
Feb 11, 2016
Eric Weddle easily could have been a conerback in the NFL. I can't say it has hurt his career being a safety as he is a borderline hall of fame candidate but I would have loved to see what he could have done at cornerback.

PS a few White safeties who were college cornerbacks have failed PED tests because they have been forced to move to safety and pack on 20 pounds+ of unnatural muscle on their frames.

Good point. I remember a corner in the mid-nineties from Appalachian State named Matt Stevens. He was projected to be a late first round draft pick my numerous sources. He tore up his knee his senior year but was still drafted by the Bills though I forgot the round. The Bills promptly moved him to safety and about two years he was suspended 4 games for PED use. Gee I wonder why?
Weddle was ranked as the top corner prospect in the 2006 draft by many people. But I knew the deal long before this and I knew where they were going to move him to.
I posted this about 6 or 7 years ago but never got a response. Brian King was a shutdown corner from West Virginia. After a tremendous junior season I read an article on him wanting to transition his senior year to safety because I quote: " come on? A white corner in the NFL . " Really sad to hear but that is the mentality of talented white players and the caste system.
The one that got me the most which I also posted and no one responded was a rb from the state of Washington named Taylor Rank where the previous coach for South Carolina offered him a scholarship. Steve Spurrier took over as Rank came in as a freshman and I read a summer interview over the internet with Spurrier talking about his 4 running back prospects. The first 3 talked about were black and then Spurrier got to Rank. " Well he dosen't LOOK like a running back ", and then he catches himself and pauses " well he is in the mix and he has some talent. " Dosen't look like a running back. Yeah Steve you are not a race traitor what so ever. It is idiot's mentalities like this is why the caste system will not change.
Feb 11, 2016
I was a huge Bill fan back in the early 1990's. How many teams nowadays can get to the Super Bowl with 4 white wr's and 2 white db's ? :) One of these Dbs was Eastern Washington's Kurt Shulz. His senior year he was an all American corner albeit not D1. He was a 7th round pick in 92'. He was fast , fluid and talented. I watched him play at least 3 preseason games at corner exclusively though it was during the third and 4th quarters of the game and he looked really really good. The season starts and Boom he is backing up Mark Kelso at free safety. Makes no sense to me. I think he was around the league for a few years but was out soon after that.
Sep 12, 2016
Harrison Smith could be a cornerback as well. DWFs who call him too slow should be reminded that his 40 yard dash time was identical to that of supa afrolete Richard Sherman.

Rocky B

Jan 1, 2017
Good article......I remember being pissed about Dustin Fox......I remember Sehorn tearing his ACL running back a kick.....We need college coaches to recruit without bias.....It burns me up hearing how white fans (for instance) get mad at Pittsburgh for drafting TJ Watt saying they should have picked so and so......Having some white pride does not mean you are anti everyone else......Pittsburgh should have taken Kupp late in the 2nd round, but took JuJu instead......No way in hell would they draft white in the first two rounds......No way......

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I posted this about 6 or 7 years ago but never got a response. Brian King was a shutdown corner from West Virginia. After a tremendous junior season I read an article on him wanting to transition his senior year to safety because I quote: " come on? A white corner in the NFL . " Really sad to hear but that is the mentality of talented white players and the caste system.

Brian King comes off in the article as a self-righteous liberal who believes that everyone is equal, but oh by the way Whites are inferior athletes. And if what he says is true, Fred Belitnikoff is an *******:

“If you’re a white corner, you’re guilty until proven innocent,” Davis explains during a break from his job as a trainer in his hometown of Phoenix. He has worked in the past with MMA champions and 2008 Olympic wrestling gold medalist Henry Cejudo, among others, and he doesn’t know how to pull a punch. “I’m not going to be politically correct about this,” he warns. “It comes down to this: How many white guys are f‑‑‑‑‑‑ fast enough to play cornerback in the NFL? Very, very few. It just doesn’t show up as often in white bodies. Even if I’m a white coach or a coach who’s pulling for [the white cornerback], I’m still thinking, ‘Why is he here? I don’t want him. He can’t run, he can’t jump, he’s too damn nice.’ That’s another stereotype, by the way: nice, polite. [NFL coaches] want a f------ baller.”

Even at the pinnacle of Davis’s career, when he capped Washington’s Super Bowl–record 35-point second quarter by intercepting John Elway just before halftime, Davis was overlooked. ABC’s Dan Dierdorf (and the ensuing NFL Films documentary about the game) called him Tony Davis. Brian Davis was not wired to care about such minor details, even though the mistake did lend him a whiff of ethnicity. Besides, he endured worse disrespect on the field.

“I heard every kind of white boy comment you can think of,” he says. In particular he remembers an older, gray-haired man in Oakland who used to chain-smoke on the sideline during warmups. “He’d be over there laughing, saying, ‘Look, it’s the great white buffalo! Hey, you’re the long-lost white buffalo!’ I was like, Who is this guy? How’d he get down here? My teammates told me, ‘That’s Fred Biletnikoff.’ ”

Davis became close with Williams when they both played for Washington. “Doug said to me one time, ‘BD, what I like about you, you don’t see color,’” says Davis. “To me, that’s one of the highest praises you can give someone. That’s how I’ve tried to raise my [kids].

“I remember one time, my daughter was about eight. She was playing with three or four kids and there was one black girl in their little group. Afterward my daughter was trying to tell me something about this girl—she was describing her shirt, her brown eyes, everything about her. And I go, ‘Wait, are you talking about the black kid?’ ”

“She goes, ‘You mean the brown one?’”

“To me, that’s what Dr. King was talking about,” Davis says. Then he quotes the late civil rights leader word for word: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”


Mar 16, 2013
I think the fact we are suddenly seeing very long think pieces on the lack of white athletes in certain sports and or positions is a clear indication there is a growing anxiety over this chronic issue. The notion of black athletic superiority has cast a daunting and dangerous shadow over not only white Americans but non black people around the world. And what makes it such a modern times powerful force is sports are in our face every day and it is very visceral. Sports hit home and along with the media caste speak whites are generally cringing in corners and truly feeling like their race can't measure up. Many might disagree but I do believe this issue is a major source of white despair. In fact it is somewhat new this full boar onslaught that announces to the world via the sports field and the sports media that blacks are a superior race. Some argue that performing better in sports should not make that a given but it is hard for many to escape the onslaught and it's ill effects. Of course I am not saying anything new here but it only shines a light on guys like former CB Brian Davis and his clumsy and hurtful remarks. Davis could have framed his "argument" better by pointing out all lot of things we talk about here at caste that inhibits whites from performing at their best but instead took the standard issue approach.
Hell even the certain "scientists" who do proclaim blacks are superior know that their ideas don't mesh with the overwhelming number of black athletes at say CB. If on average blacks are considered slightly faster than whites it does not explain why there are so few white CB's. Given the so called speed differences that these scientists figure probably wouldn't effect anything regarding the racial lay out of CB's or WR's or RB's. Instead we get the hyper exaggerated version of their theories ( 132 black NFL CB's zero white CB's) which pounds the black superiority idea home with sticks of dynamite.
Dec 18, 2004
Brian King comes off in the article as a self-righteous liberal who believes that everyone is equal, but oh by the way Whites are inferior athletes. And if what he says is true, Fred Belitnikoff is an *******:

“If you’re a white corner, you’re guilty until proven innocent,” Davis explains during a break from his job as a trainer in his hometown of Phoenix. He has worked in the past with MMA champions and 2008 Olympic wrestling gold medalist Henry Cejudo, among others, and he doesn’t know how to pull a punch. “I’m not going to be politically correct about this,” he warns. “It comes down to this: How many white guys are f‑‑‑‑‑‑ fast enough to play cornerback in the NFL? Very, very few. It just doesn’t show up as often in white bodies. Even if I’m a white coach or a coach who’s pulling for [the white cornerback], I’m still thinking, ‘Why is he here? I don’t want him. He can’t run, he can’t jump, he’s too damn nice.’ That’s another stereotype, by the way: nice, polite. [NFL coaches] want a f------ baller.”

Even at the pinnacle of Davis’s career, when he capped Washington’s Super Bowl–record 35-point second quarter by intercepting John Elway just before halftime, Davis was overlooked. ABC’s Dan Dierdorf (and the ensuing NFL Films documentary about the game) called him Tony Davis. Brian Davis was not wired to care about such minor details, even though the mistake did lend him a whiff of ethnicity. Besides, he endured worse disrespect on the field.

“I heard every kind of white boy comment you can think of,” he says. In particular he remembers an older, gray-haired man in Oakland who used to chain-smoke on the sideline during warmups. “He’d be over there laughing, saying, ‘Look, it’s the great white buffalo! Hey, you’re the long-lost white buffalo!’ I was like, Who is this guy? How’d he get down here? My teammates told me, ‘That’s Fred Biletnikoff.’ ”

Davis became close with Williams when they both played for Washington. “Doug said to me one time, ‘BD, what I like about you, you don’t see color,’” says Davis. “To me, that’s one of the highest praises you can give someone. That’s how I’ve tried to raise my [kids].

“I remember one time, my daughter was about eight. She was playing with three or four kids and there was one black girl in their little group. Afterward my daughter was trying to tell me something about this girl—she was describing her shirt, her brown eyes, everything about her. And I go, ‘Wait, are you talking about the black kid?’ ”

“She goes, ‘You mean the brown one?’”

“To me, that’s what Dr. King was talking about,” Davis says. Then he quotes the late civil rights leader word for word: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

I remember Zander's Pro Football Preview book of the 70's. It gave a thumbnail sketch of each player. One of the items about Fred Biletnikoff was: "Tight with black Raiders." However, I think Biletnikoff was just an ******* anyway.

It's possible Fred Biletnikoff's feelings have changed. In 1999, his daughter Tracey was murdered by an "immigrant" from Fiji named Mohammed Haroon Ali. They had met at a drug treatment facility and later dated. Tracey tried to get Ali to go back to treatment. He then strangled Tracey Biletnikoff to death, threw her body in a ditch, and fled to Mexico.

Ali was convicted of the murder, but the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the conviction because the prosecutor removed a black juror for cause.

At the 2012 retrial, Ali was convicted again and sentenced to 55 years. At the sentencing hearing, Fred Biletnikoff called Ali "an animal," and said "My hatred of Ali will never go away."
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I was finally able to read through the entire article and noticed that Sehorn played soccer. Having raised two pretty good athletes, I would suggest if any here have young children and planning on introducing them to football or any other sport, I would start them out in soccer. You can start relatively early(young) without much risk of injury. You can start them in a rec league, but move them to advanced travel league, because the coaches are generally better and will teach a lot of footwork skills that will be key in their long term athletic development. I don't know very much about soccer other than my two boys started playing at like age 4/5 before any other sport and although they didn't play beyond the 7th grade they developed quick feet and I also saw a few converted soccer players start playing football their senior year in high school and not one of them were slow. All had quick feet and could flat out run. Not really on subject, just my observation.
Apr 28, 2017
We are starting to see the effects of Trump's presidency. While I am not real keen on him making globalist moves after running as a Nationalist, I do like that White America has become a little more empowered. Not empowered, but rather a little more confidant.

The Cultural Marxists have spent the last 50 years bringing us down, and it's a testament to our resolve that we fought back...peacefully at that.

That said, with that renewed confidence, and the absolutely idiocy of the Social Justice movement hijacking (and subsequently destroying) ESPN, sports are as white friendly now as they have been in a long time.

Thats why its time to strike now while the iron is hot. Let's get this site online to multiple medias and start bringing this to the masses. It's ridiculous to think this guy's article is radical, but in today's America it is.

Let's take our country back, and truly make the adage "the best players play", more than some cuck speak for some brainwashed, white-guilted fan.