Another Fixed Super Bowl


Oct 21, 2004
For the 44th straight time, the Super Bowl managed to be underwelming, to say the least. Still waiting for the first overtime game. The "comeback" by the Saints tied a Super Bowl record. That's right, folks- the greatest "comeback" in all those 44 games has been 10 points. Shockingly enough, the whiter team lost, and more imporantly, the best white player in the game came up short when it counted. Trust me, you will hear a lot about that.

The pass that Peyton Manning threw, right into the hands of a Saint DB, was simply ridiculous. This is perhaps the most accurate passer of all time, and even though he had plenty of time to throw, somehow he didn't notice the DB who was draped all over Reggie Wayne. Even more incredibly, the DB who had the game clinching pick six gift wrapped to him by Manning just happened to be the same clown the cameras had focused on earlier on the sidelines. Well, they actually focused on his shaved head, where his bits of hair left spelled out Super Bowl 44. How quaint that he should be the big hero.

The most crucial question for every sporting event now in Don King's America is- what will make most black people happier? Unquestionably, the Saints winning the Super Bowl will make most black people happy. You know, Katrina and all that. Who dey and all that. At least Reggie Bush wasn't named MVP.

If this game wasn't fixed, then the Colts' play calling was about as bad as it gets, especially inside the red zone. The Colts' all black defense was abysmal- even for today's NFL, the tackling was indescribably bad. The dropped passes at key times- Garcon's was especially important, and don't forget the last play, when the mostly invisible "star" Reggie Wayne dropped a TD. And how about that shocking onside kick to open the second half? Did any of you really expect the lovable Saints to lose after that? After a black backup TE dove too soon (laughingly so- sometimes they are rotten actors) and missed the rolling ball which was directed right at him? Most grandmothers could have fallen on that.

There are numerous reasons to hate New Orleans. Tom Benson. Who dat. The treatment of Mike Hass. Harry Connick, Sr. Harry Connick, Jr. While they aren't the least lovable bunch to win the Super Bowl by a wide margin, Indy winning would have been a better thing, in terms of everything most of us on Caste Football stand for.

The worst thing about this Super Bowl result will be that Peyton Manning will (rightfully, if these things aren't fixed) be soundly criticized for that awful interception.

Wow- just heard the fans chanting "Reggie" over and over again as the immortal Reggie Bush- who did nothing in the game- walked by the NFL Network jock sniffers. Then, to put the icing on the cake, the future Hall of Famer Tracy Porter, asked to describe what happened on the interception Manning threw right into his hands, responded by blasting Austin Collie! Yes, he said something about "we knew Collie wasn't their number 1 receiver." Huh? What did Collie have to do with that play? Now they are continuing to interview Bush, who had 63 total yards in this game, and was not an impact player in any way, shape or form. And finally, here comes Kim Kardashian, to be solemnly interviewed by these sports "journalists."

This is indistinguishable from pro wrestling.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Colts were only Whiter by one player I believe, and they have a black head coach. So I think they would have wanted the black coach to win if it were fixed. 3 out of the last superbowls being won by black coaches would have been exactly what they wanted.

More White people were affected by Hurricane Katrina than blacks. The 9th ward is only a small section of the city. Chalmette is an entire city that got worse, and plenty of other majority White towns that got it worse, yet you don't hear about these. My grandpa died in Katrina. This win has made more White people in the area happy than black. It wasn't a big focus by the media for this game, as they were more concerned about Haiti, with Garcon and Vilma, both on different teams having relatives over there. The blacks in New Orleans already got what they wanted, federal aid, housing etc, the Saints superbowl win wouldn't mean anything to them unless they were getting a handout. The White people are still struggling, yet are managing to make it without all of the government help, less job opportunities like construction jobs because mexicans coming in and working for ultra cheap. Its just a game, so I don't know how it would make people that happy, but for the moment im glad my dad is in a good mood after all we had to go through during Katrina.

Yes Hass was screwed over by the Saints, but also by the Bears and the Seahawks. The Saints were I think the only team to start an all White linebacking corps for 2 straight years in a long long time and had a White DT those 2 years also, but he had to retire due to injury and old age. They still have 2 which is more than most teams. Sean Payton used Heath Evans in one half of a season more than hes been utilized in his entire career, unfortunately he went down with a pcl injury. Other than Hass and the mostly sumo line, there is not much reason to dislike the Saints.

The kicker made several long kicks 3 over 40 yards in a row, i think the most in superbowl history. I dont think they could script that. The only thing that was odd is that Manning kept going back to Garcon and Wayne when Clark and Collie were the ones moving the ball down the field.

Manning didn't come up short, his black receivers did, as for the interception, who knows what the play was called and what type of route the receiver was actually supposed to run.

The media had been hyping up the Colts the entire week and how Drew Brees wouldn't win the big one because he lacks the prototypical size. From what I know about Manning, he hates to lose, even back in high school when my cousin's team had to play them he would cuss and yell if his team was losing. I highly doubt it he would willingly lose the game. Wayne disappears during the playoffs, he and Harrison back when he played have done it Manning's entire career. This is the reason Manning has struggled post season. Hopefully he will notice this next year and throw more to Collie and Clark (the two guys moving the ball down the field). He still has plenty of time left in his career and I guarantee he will make it back and win another Superbowl before his time is done.Edited by: dwid


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Drew Brees must be a great actor... because those tears in his eyes, while holding his son, looked like a very authentic and real moment.

It would be naive to look at career stats and then say that Peyton would beat Brees because Peyton has more stats. Drew Brees has VERY respectable career production! He isn't Radio!!

Drew Brees is a total class act, and he's now a legend. Let him have his moment!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
How this thread is not in the NFL forum??????????????????
Dec 18, 2004
Who puts up the money for the fix? How much more was Peyton Manning's cut than what he would have made if he won?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Westside said:
How this thread is not in the NFL forum??????????????????

Don asked that 'fix' threads be posted in Happy Hour.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
sport historian said:
Who puts up the money for the fix? How much more was Peyton Manning's cut than what he would have made if he won?

I don't agree with bigunreal's assessment, but saying the outcome was scripted does not imply that someone has to pay for the game to be 'fixed.' If one posits, as he does, that the NFL is a the football version of the WWE, well, the owner's and so on are the one's putting up the money, just as they would be if it were not 'scripted.'

This Super Bowl, the NFL has a story no matter who wins. Saints = Katrina, Colts = a black man the first rookie coach to win the Super Bowl.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
White Shogun, I know it was my lame attempt of being funny.
Dec 9, 2007
Could it have been scripted? Sure.
Down playing the Saints could have made them come out hungrier.
Hyping up Garcon so Manning would throw to him more.
But it looks like a great team with a great QB and a great coach won.
I'm also glad that the Colts got punished for not going for an undefeated season. Instead of being known as the team that went for history by trying to go undefeated they will be known as the team that lost
to the Saints in the Super Bowl.


Oct 21, 2004
This was a strange game in many respects. Unlike every other Super Bowl I can remember, the referees didn't appear to effect the outcome. In fact, they were almost inactive, calling very few penalties. They did miss a blatant block in the back on Manning during Porter's interception return, but then that happens regularly. Also, there were no instances of black players writhing in agony on the field until late in the game. I counted only that one token injury. For a modern day game, that's truly incredible.

Many of the responses I get here to my "fixed" posts are identical to the kind any Caste Football poster would get from mainstream fans on any sports forum. Just substitute the caste system for "fixed" and you'll see how similar the arguments are.

We all know that not a single NFL general manager drafts or selects free agents based strictly on who is the most talented player. We all know that not a single NFL coach decides who to cut and who to keep, or who to play and who to bench, based strictly on talent. Race is the overriding factor. That wouldn't happen if they were primarily interested in winning games. They are obviously far more interested in promoting the same racial agenda that the world of Hollywood, academia, business and government is.

The NFL is one of the largest, most successful business enterprises in the world. They clearly select players dishonesly. Their first priority is not competing to win, or at least one g.m. and coach would go after all the neglected white players. Given the officiating charades we see in almost every game, and the inherent dishonesty of virtually everyone associated with the NFL, why is it such a crazy notion that the games themselves would be rigged in advance? If nothing else, wouldn't this allow those who control the game to take the drunk white gambler type of fans to the cleaners?

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Westside said:
White Shogun, I know it was my lame attempt of being funny.

Oops, sorry man.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
bigunreal, I share your observation that very few penalties were called during this game. However, although I do not think it determined the outcome, the lack of calls for pass interference on the Saints D was noticeable. There were a couple of non-calls in which the Saints d back appeared draped over the Colts' receiver. I believe even the booth made a comment that it should have been a penalty, but the comment was nonchalant as though it were no big deal.

It reminded me somewhat of the way the Ravens busted up the Colts pass game years ago, when the Ravens went to the Super Bowl. They said they were going to do it before the game, and they did, and the refs didn't call it. The Ravens knocked the Colts receivers out of bounds on pass routes, knocked them down, etc, and got no calls. The following year the NFL issued an 'emphasis' ruling that ordered the refs to call more pass interference penalties. Didn't matter to the Colts then though; they didn't make it to the Super Bowl.

I haven't double checked where the Colts D ranked in pass defense this year, but they certainly had a number of blown coverages during the Super Bowl. How many times was Marques Colston or Devery Henderson rolling along all by himself, the nearest Colt defender ten yards away? Many of the Saints' catches later in the game came when these guys appeared to be completely uncovered.


Dec 9, 2004
Bigunreal,so how much money did you lose on the game.This sounds like a typical rant from a big gambler who feels he has all the bases covered for the big game and knows exactly who will win and by how much and when he loses it's fixed because goodness me he could never be wrong.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Bigunreal your fixed theories are very interesting. Have you watched all 44 SuperBowls to say that they all where underwhelming? Why do you think every close game is "fixed"?


Oct 21, 2004
I have indeed watched all 44 Super Bowls. That's what addicts do, I guess. I've viewed the crucial interception again a few times, and certainly Reggie Wayne shares a big part of the blame by breaking his route off. Still, he wasn't open to begin with, so Manning shouldn't have tried to force it (something he does way too often to Wayne).

I don't bet on these games, because gambling is stupid unless you know the outcomes in advance (which I theorize the mob and the NFL hierarchy do, and thus profit from). If these games are fixed, they aren't predictable (except that, if you ever see a white majority team again, you can bet the farm they will never win the Super Bowl).

I also was wrong in identifying the clown who managed to miss the onside kick, which rolled directly to him. It wasn't a backup TE, it was the immortal Hank Baskett, who according to his idiotic playmate girlfriend should have been playing ahead of Kevin Curtis in Philadelphia. I stand by my assessment that the average grandmother could have pulled that football in. I know many of these black players are seemingly unable to do the simplest things on the field, despite their incredible affleticism, but that was ridiculous.

Shogun, I agree about the non-calls against the Saints' DBs. Hard to believe the Colts receivers were blanketed so often, even though Manning was getting good protection. On the other hand, Brees had all day to throw and his receivers were always wide open. The Colts basically were in a prevent defense the entire game. What team plays that soft for an entire game? I don't think they blitzed one time the entire game. It clearly wasn't working.


Apr 13, 2005
Next time they "fix" a Super Bowl they should fix it make it an interesting game.


Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
My friend's and I wanted the Colts to win, and we were p*ssed off when the Saints' recievers were about 10 yards wide open on their final couple of drives. Freeny was dominating horrible left tackle Bushrod for the first quarter and part of the 2nd, then he was ineffective for the rest of the game. The Colts' offense was only able to muster 7 points after the 1st quarter.Edited by: Jack Lambert

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
bigunreal said:
We all know that not a single NFL general manager drafts or selects free agents based strictly on who is the most talented player. We all know that not a single NFL coach decides who to cut and who to keep, or who to play and who to bench, based strictly on talent. Race is the overriding factor. That wouldn't happen if they were primarily interested in winning games. They are obviously far more interested in promoting the same racial agenda that the world of Hollywood, academia, business and government is.

No, we don't "all know" that. NFL teams, like corporations that have affirmative action policies, pick the best players and try to have the best teams possible within the confines of that policy. Since college football teams also voluntarily operate with a similar largescale AA program, the NFL for the most part has little choice but to draft and try to develop the best black players, but of course their affirmative action guidelines are even stricter so only the cream of the small White collegiate crop goes onto play professionally.

You must have no confidence in the integrity of any White man as you believe Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, and every White player and every White coach, GM, etc., is on the take, felons when you get down to it. That's a highly anti-White position to take.

Then we always get down to the basics -- the players were obviously playing hard; for games to be fixed all 22 players on the field would have to perfectly execute the script on every play. How often is a play perfectly executed?Do kickers get messages in their helmets telling them when to make or not make long distance kicks?

As it is, NFL teams are worth a billion dollars and most players are millionaires; who is paying them off and how much? What happens if they fail to execute the script to perfection? Why haven't any players been found floating with the fishes? And then there is that nagging problem that none of your wacky opinion has anything to do with the Caste System -- why are black QBs rigidly shut out of the biggest game, why aren't coal black teams always facing off, why wasn't Austin Collie selected to have a bunch of drops and fumbles followed by a black DB leveling him and knocking him out of the game, and on and on.

To believe this nonsense one has to believe that everyone involved, from the players to the refs to everyone in executive positions on all 32 teams toeveryone in themedia, are all knowingly working together to execute a script rather than just letting teams play. And then there is the ripple effect that if this is so by now there must be literally millions of people -- former NFL employees, their relatives, friends, etc. -- who also know about it. And we are to assumethat not a single person involved in the game-fixing is upset enough at his felonious actionsto blow the whistle, even anonymously in this era of internet blogging routinely outscooping the corporate media.

Bigunreal, here's a video just for you:



Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I agree with your assessment, Don. I posted a similar, albeit sarcasm laced, response to bigunreal a few months back after a similar rant. But hey, we've made significant progress, it's now over here in the Happy Hour section, as requested, where "buffoonery" is somewhat tolerated.

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
I seriously doubt two teams filled with mistake prone affletes could actually fix a game. To top it off, they make millions of dolllars anyway. Why would any athlete, white or black, want to risk his career to fix a game? I think they'd rather keep making their millions for a few more years.

There is a reason Hank Baskett was cut by black-loving Andy Reid and the Eagles- he sucked so bad that even Reid couldn't keep him around. Baskett always messes up and doesn't deserve to sniff an NFL roster, but with today's AA NFL, the Colts scooped him up. Baskett being on the field was the caste system's fault, but he should've been able to make that play, though. But with Baskett's past in the NFL, it is not surprising he missed it.

I agree with what Don said, if games are fixed, then why were two of the best white QBs on two of the more fair NFL teams playing against each other last night? Why not the Eagles and Jaguars?Edited by: Jack Lambert
Dec 18, 2004

Thanks for your post. You detail it better than anyone else. I would add:

Why hasn't Jesse Jackson unloaded on the NFL for keeping black QB's out of the Big Game? Some black player would have blown the fix for this reason long ago.

Since bigunreal has finally told us that the "mob and NFL hierarchy" are behind the fix and allegedly have the power to script what happens, why don't they fix it so the Super Bowl games are always exciting instead of the "underwhelming" games they usually have been?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jeez, what's with all the spitefully sarcastic ridicule?

Say whatever you'd like about bigunreal, but its quite obvious that nothing anyone says to him can change his opinion or his very distinctive stance on the caste system. I may not always agree, but I really admire a quality like that. White men are usually so g*ddman fickle.

You guys are coming off as somewhat hypocritical, as nearly 100% of sports fans around the globe would certainly laugh sarcastically in your/our faces at the notion of an institutionalized "caste"Â￾ or "racial spoils system"Â￾ in sports (even after reading all the evidence)"¦let alone the perception that race (or specifically, anti-whiteness) has permeated every other facet of modern society.

It's as though it doesn't matter if a poster with nearly 1,300 posts stays or leaves our cause. Some of you younger members should apologize, as BU has been an invaluable and knowledgeable member of the site since its infancy...perhaps during the days when you were swilling beer whilst cheering for your favorite black man.Edited by: Thrashen


Oct 21, 2004

Every argument you made about fixed games could easily be made by the DWF's defending their precious racial caste system. You say I'm being "anti-white" by impugning white athletes, coaches and g.m.s. What are you accusing white g.m.s and coaches of everyday on this forum? I'm truly shocked that you'd say NFL teams "pick the best players." You obviously don't believe that. Clearly, they don't. While that doesn't make them felons, it gives a lie to their supposed mission to put the best team they can on the field.

Look, you can ridicule me all you like. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. I don't trust anything about professional sports. I don't think there is anything legitimate about them. I think they are resembling pro wrestling more and more. I can't prove the games are fixed. No "journalist" in the mainstream media would expose the fix, just as they wouldn't comment truthfully about the massive discrimination white players face from both the NCAA and the NFL.

I'm just stating my admittedly eccentric opinion. I put this in Happy Hour, as you requested. If you simply don't want me to ever mention the subject again, it's your forum and I'll abide by your wishes. I'm perfectly capable of discussing these subjects from a non-"fixed" standpoint, as I have for years in most of my over 1000 posts.

Edited by: bigunreal


Oct 21, 2004

Thanks very much for the kind words.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Sir, you complained last year because Mike Tomlin "won" the Super Bowl.

Why should I believe that you WOULDN'T have made a huge rant if Jim Caldwell had "won" the Super Bowl this year, and we had to deal with the inevitable media-slobbering?? How can I take you seriously? I know you would have ranted if Manning and Caldwell "won" the big game...