Almagamation in SA, Brazil: The Critical Lessons


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
It's easy to say that blacks are stupid and show their "lack of foresight" when they rape and murder Whites in Rhodesia (and kick the White farmers out), and then they starve...

unless they find a dead elephant..


That's a fine snout on the "superior" negro that is 2nd on the right, with the bloody fingers.

That aside.. what f**king "White men" would impregnate a significant number of negresses in places like South Africa????? Their "colored" folk are the finest examples of amalgamation in all the world. Their pure-blooded ancestors were no doubt HIDEOUS.

Oh, yeah, SA is a huge country and has an abundance of various mineral resources, so they needed "more labor".. They knew that they were creating dumb mongrels, not to mention dastardly ones. Mongrels are EVEN more violent than pure-bloods, and the evidence-sheet just keeps growing by the day. There is no shortage of mongrels in prisons across the world. Also, "blonde haired/blue eyed" (PTBs favorite whipping-boys) serial killers are EXTREMELY rare and largely don't exist at all.

This mongrelization in SA was WRONG and SICK, plain and simple. You now have a PERMANENTLY dysgenic class of "people" that just hate hate hate hate hate... I would like to see a bunch of Jews and Jewesses go to SA and "convert" these fine fellows into "Whitehood" (which is what Jewish Supremacists preach to the Goy). What a CROCK!!

You say that coal-blacks are violent, too? (At least they CAN'T say that Whitey mongrelized them, though). Bringing mongrels' into the world is one of the cruelest acts that exist, and it doesn't matter if both parties "agreed" to do it. Did the child agree? Did it give it's consent?

The White farmers in SA were largely not involved in the mixing, but they have been affected by what the "sick Whites" did.

It's funny because I've seen a few dark-skinned (statue-esque, too) sistahs in places like Barbados, and they looked good, but English men apparently had the wherewithal to realize that miscegenation was wrong (in ALL circumstances).
Keep the world truly "diverse!"

In my view, the lesson is that it doesn't matter what "era" mongrels are born in; The results are always the same. "Monsters of Miscegenation" isn't some myth or cruel stereotype; It's biological reality. Heck, Nelson Mandela is obviously a mongrel too. Do we really need more scum like that?

It has gotten to the point where pushing the SA mongrels into the sea sounds like a "humane" thing to do. "Foresight" - White men could use more of it, too.

Edited by: Deadlift

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
In North America this has happened too. If Emmitt Smith who looks like a full blooded African(or pretty damn close) is 1/5th(apx)non ******* then who is in North America? Well Michael Irving maybe as he has a nose built for Peruvian Nose Candy....


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Actually, many Negroes in the American South look darker than African-Africans to me. Has anyone else noticed that?

Just watch SEC or ACC football!

Edited by: Deadlift