Aleppo Freed, Biggest US Defeat Since Vietnam


Feb 23, 2013
New York

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Ian Greenhalgh, Managing Editor

Aleppo has been liberated after almost four years of a barbarous and cruel occupation by the so-called Syrian opposition. The people of Aleppo are celebrating the fact, no longer will they be subjected to the most brutal, murderous regime imaginable.
What really made Aleppo such a hellhole
was not the privations of being a city under siege, nor was it the cruelty and barbarism of the occupying forces – it was the fact that no-one outside Syria was lifting a single finger to help them, they received no aid, no foreign volunteers came to provide medical help, no foreign government did a single thing to alleviate their suffering.

However, the MSM told a very different tale, night after night, the TV news was full of tales of brave aid workers, courageous doctors and all manner of volunteers who were trying to save the people of Aleppo.

They kept telling us that aid convoys were flowing into the city to keep the people from starvation and that ambulances were ferrying the wounded to hospitals in Turkey. All of it was lies, an inversion of reality; the aid convoys were, in reality, supplying the occupying forces with arms and munitions as well as food and other essentials.

The ambulances were also bringing in arms and supplies, the wounded they carried out to be treated in Turkish hospitals were not innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, they were ‘rebel’ fighters injured while fighting against the legitimate Syrian armed forces and their allies

Full article and source:


May 1, 2015

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Ian Greenhalgh, Managing Editor

Aleppo has been liberated after almost four years of a barbarous and cruel occupation by the so-called Syrian opposition. The people of Aleppo are celebrating the fact, no longer will they be subjected to the most brutal, murderous regime imaginable.
What really made Aleppo such a hellhole
was not the privations of being a city under siege, nor was it the cruelty and barbarism of the occupying forces – it was the fact that no-one outside Syria was lifting a single finger to help them, they received no aid, no foreign volunteers came to provide medical help, no foreign government did a single thing to alleviate their suffering.

However, the MSM told a very different tale, night after night, the TV news was full of tales of brave aid workers, courageous doctors and all manner of volunteers who were trying to save the people of Aleppo.

They kept telling us that aid convoys were flowing into the city to keep the people from starvation and that ambulances were ferrying the wounded to hospitals in Turkey. All of it was lies, an inversion of reality; the aid convoys were, in reality, supplying the occupying forces with arms and munitions as well as food and other essentials.

The ambulances were also bringing in arms and supplies, the wounded they carried out to be treated in Turkish hospitals were not innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, they were ‘rebel’ fighters injured while fighting against the legitimate Syrian armed forces and their allies

Full article and source:
Yes, "liberated" is the proper term to use, unlike the filthy CIA Mockingbird-MSM-Controlled-Media that was collectively referring to it as "the fall of Allepo" last night during the evening "news" on ABC, NBC, and CBS. I was on the treadmill at the gym and have a whole array of TVs in front of me, so I couldn't help but watch it. Of course all of the main alphabet nightly "news" shows referred to it as the "fall of Allepo". Funny how when my eyes were scanning between these "news" sources that each of them had pretty much the same stories throughout their thirty minute broadcast, in some cases with the exact same or nearly exact same headline for each story. How in the hell is that even possible unless there's some central "news" authority (CIA) pushing the (a false) narrative?


Feb 23, 2013
New York