Al Sharpton's Secret Work As FBI Informant Untold story of how activist once aided Mafia probes


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Al Sharpton's Secret Work As FBI Informant
Untold story of how activist once aided Mafia probes

Note his connections with Obama and DiBlasio of NYC (neither their true names). All of them involved with organized crime, all the presidents, all the media, entertainment industry, the entire country, rotten to the core.




Convicted narco trafficker, Jorge Cabrera, at White House Hanukkah-Kwanza-Christmas party with Hillary Clinton.
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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Al Sharpton's Secret Work As FBI Informant
Untold story of how activist once aided Mafia probes

Note his connections with Obama and DiBlasio of NYC (neither their true names). All of them involved with organized crime, all the presidents, all the media, entertainment industry, the entire country, rotten to the core.




Convicted narco trafficker, Jorge Cabrera, at White House Hanukkah-Kwanza-Christmas party with Hillary Clinton.
You would think that they could have hid a wire in Sharpton's dandy hair cut or his expansive belly. Usually informants don't come in from the cold without getting caught doing something illegal. Sharpton was a roadie for James Brown he might have been caught procuring narcotics for Brown or maybe doing drug deals on the side. Dropping weight and getting his mane cut had made him look "respectable" but he still the same idiot who screams racism whether its justified or not and conveniently forgets to apologize to the peoples lives he's tried to ruin to advance his "career" whatever it is.....

Ps the mob had their hooks in the music industry as deep as what they had in boxing. These days the influence is minimal in terms of White mobsters but Black mobsters/gang members have run large hip hop record labels.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Far as I know, WIR, Jews still run the black hip hop-rap music business.

You'd think the Mafia would have whacked Reverend Al by now. What seems to be the delay?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Far as I know, WIR, Jews still run the black hip hop-rap music business.

You'd think the Mafia would have whacked Reverend Al by now. What seems to be the delay?
Jews seem to run the more legitimate labels ie Sony or Capitol Records. But the underground labels like Death Row Records have been run by guys like Suge Knight. Back in the day Jews ran and signed acts but in may cases they were the front men for the mafia. Similar to Rocky Marciano's Jewish manager Al Weill. Weill was the clean front man for the mafia.

Similar to Henry Hill the people that Al Charlatan finked on might not have any relevance to the modern mafia. At this point they're either in federal prison or dead. Plus Charlatan is basically legitimate and isn't involved whatever scummy stuff he did 30+ years ago. When you whack a clean civilian the heat is much worse than whacking a dirty underworld figure.

Ps the scummy stuff Sharpton was involved in is all time great leeching. When Rush Limbaugh called him Reverend Mail Box he was spot on. I don't think until the recent transformation to an elder statesman, Sharpton has ever worked a legitimate day in his life. Also if you ever watch the Sopranos there is a reverend who takes bribes from Tony Soprano in similar manner to Sharpton and a councilor who take bribes in a similar manner.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"...the underground labels like Death Row Records have been run by guys like Suge Knight. Back in the day Jews ran and signed acts but in may cases they were the front men for the mafia."

Vice versa actually. Jews are the real Mafia, running the financial system and the media and the politicians and fixing the elections and starting the wars...and making films and tv shows about the Italian Mafia... and Jews even run that, since Meyer Lansky was the real capo di tutti capi.

And here are the Black Muslims complaining that Death Row Records has been taken over by a Jew:

"Death Row, which was owned by a Black man by the name of Suge Knight, built an impressive roster of talented artists and dominated the charts selling millions of records generating hundreds of millions in revenue. Again, disagreements between the two brothers ended in a parting of ways. Dr. Dre walked away from Death Row Records, who at that time had acquired the legendary Tupac Shakur. After selling millions on Death Row/Interscope Tupac was murdered. A series of personal and professional misfortunes landed Knight in prison and the house that he and Dre built ended up in the hands (Interscope). Interscope is owned by a man by the name of Jimmy Iovine. Mr. Iovine happens to be Jewish."

"When you whack a clean civilian the heat is much worse than whacking a dirty underworld figure."

Especially when that "clean civilian" is butt buddies with the Kenyan *** that they're passing off as president of what was once the USA!


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
But a black mobster, along with the jewish media masters, did get the hustling black criminal his own radio and tv show. From the very excellent article:

"Two years before signing with MSNBC in 2011, Al Sharpton traveled to Los Angeles to try and sell a daytime TV show that would have starred him in a “Judge Judyâ€-type role. His partner in the “Judge Sharpton†endeavor was James Rosemond, a music industry executive who paid airfare, hotel, and other expenses related to the proposal (which did not ultimately secure a Hollywood green light).

Like many of Sharpton’s prior business acquaintances, Rosemond, too, had a nickname: “Jimmy Henchman.â€

At the time of the “Judge Sharpton†pitch, Rosemond, who managed hip-hop artists, already possessed a lengthy rap sheet and had served nearly seven years in prison for various weapons and narcotics convictions. He also happened to head a large bi-coastal cocaine trafficking ring. The notorious drug kingpin is now serving life in prison for that criminal operation, proceeds from which Rosemond used to cover “Judge Sharpton†costs.

In recent months, as Sharpton has been promoting his latest book, interviewers have not bothered to ask about Rosemond or any other gangsters to whom the civil rights leader has been linked.

Instead, Oprah Winfrey, Wendy Williams, Matt Lauer, and others have focused on Sharpton’s trim figure..."

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
But a black mobster, along with the jewish media masters, did get the hustling black criminal his own radio and tv show. From the very excellent article:

"Two years before signing with MSNBC in 2011, Al Sharpton traveled to Los Angeles to try and sell a daytime TV show that would have starred him in a “Judge Judy”-type role. His partner in the “Judge Sharpton” endeavor was James Rosemond, a music industry executive who paid airfare, hotel, and other expenses related to the proposal (which did not ultimately secure a Hollywood green light).

Like many of Sharpton’s prior business acquaintances, Rosemond, too, had a nickname: “Jimmy Henchman.”

At the time of the “Judge Sharpton” pitch, Rosemond, who managed hip-hop artists, already possessed a lengthy rap sheet and had served nearly seven years in prison for various weapons and narcotics convictions. He also happened to head a large bi-coastal cocaine trafficking ring. The notorious drug kingpin is now serving life in prison for that criminal operation, proceeds from which Rosemond used to cover “Judge Sharpton” costs.

In recent months, as Sharpton has been promoting his latest book, interviewers have not bothered to ask about Rosemond or any other gangsters to whom the civil rights leader has been linked.

Instead, Oprah Winfrey, Wendy Williams, Matt Lauer, and others have focused on Sharpton’s trim figure..."
Birds of feather stick together?......:scared:

Ps don't drink any beverages with the next story as it could cause you to land in the emergency ward due to laughter. The last time I bought Planters mixed nuts the cashew nuts seemed rather small.....
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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Birds of feather stick together?......:scared:

Ps don't drink any beverages with the next story as it could cause you to land in the emergency ward due to laughter. The last time I bought Planters mixed nuts the cashew nuts seemed rather small.....
My final point on why Sharpton who has no credentials beyond "knowing the streets" will always be able to transform into something and earn money is this story. His Jewish lawyer who probably has dirt on him but can't reveal it due to attorney client privilege is already being publicly distanced by the slick weatherman in Sharpton......


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
... His Jewish lawyer who probably has dirt on him but can't reveal it due to attorney client privilege ...

You better believe that each those dirt bags, the revrin and lawyer rubenstein, have tons of dirt on each other. Likewise for Mayor "De Blassio" and all the other ******* and hebraic subhuman scum, and their employees, that has seized power here in what was once a the USA.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
You better believe that each those dirt bags, the revrin and lawyer rubenstein, have tons of dirt on each other. Likewise for Mayor "De Blassio" and all the other ******* and hebraic subhuman scum, and their employees, that has seized power here in what was once a the USA.
Ethnic politics has always been a dirty business. Tammany hall was largely based on corruption and kickbacks with various ethnic groups in NYC from the mid 19th century until the mid 20th century. The movie Gangs of New York had a scene where an Irish American thug was promised the position of Chief of Police if he delivered the Irish vote for his district. As corrupt as Sharpton has been since he discovered racial politics, Boss Tweed had the power that Sharpton could never achieve due to less corruption in the judiciary and police force. I think Sharpton would have hair like Buckwheat or Don King if he could get his hands on the millions that Boss Tweed had in the Democratic kitty back in the late 19th century.....



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

Did you like that "gangs of ny" movie? I quit watching after about 1/2 hour. Looked to me like a bunch of Hollywood pretty boys in shiny new costume dept. costumes in choreographed fight scenes. But I read the book, written in 1927, and found it very interesting.

I think that Boss Tweed may have gotten a bad rap in the history books. He was certainly no angel, but he wasn't even in the same league of treason and evil as the contemporary USSA politicians.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006

Did you like that "gangs of ny" movie? I quit watching after about 1/2 hour. Looked to me like a bunch of Hollywood pretty boys in shiny new costume dept. costumes in choreographed fight scenes. But I read the book, written in 1927, and found it very interesting.

I think that Boss Tweed may have gotten a bad rap in the history books. He was certainly no angel, but he wasn't even in the same league of treason and evil as the contemporary USSA politicians.
No he was only a bag man for a municipal political machine. He didn't rig financial markets like many of the Robber Barons did in the late 19th century. He also didn't start any wars under false pretense like W did. He also was a convenient scape goat to avoid arresting higher ups. Supposedly after embezzling millions in 19th century dollars he died penniless while in prison.

Ps the Gangs of New York was decent, but not brilliant. I have seen much worse in the theaters. Granted these days I hardly go and see a movie as where I live they don't show the type of movies that I like as there are maybe two multi-plexes that show only standard boring Hollywood fare.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I liked ol' Bill the Butcher from "Gangs of New York". He was an old time hard@$$ who didn't take well to usurpers. We need more of those kind these days. ;-)


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
No he was only a bag man for a municipal political machine. He didn't rig financial markets like many of the Robber Barons did in the late 19th century. He also didn't start any wars under false pretense like W did. He also was a convenient scape goat to avoid arresting higher ups. Supposedly after embezzling millions in 19th century dollars he died penniless while in prison.

Ps the Gangs of New York was decent, but not brilliant. I have seen much worse in the theaters. Granted these days I hardly go and see a movie as where I live they don't show the type of movies that I like as there are maybe two multi-plexes that show only standard boring Hollywood fare.

I will mostly only watch old movies. Almost all their new movies are propaganda, overt and covert.

Also Boss Tweed didn't try to destroy our race and civilization.

He actually escaped from jail once. Interesting guy.

"On one of these [prison furloughs], Tweed escaped and fled to Spain, where he worked as a common seaman on a Spanish ship.[SUP] [/SUP] The U.S. government discovered his whereabouts and arranged for his arrest once he reached the Spanish border; he was recognized from Nast's political cartoons. He was turned over to an American warship, which delivered him to authorities in New York City on November 23, 1876, and he was returned to prison.