Al Michaels


Mar 14, 2011
Ill be honest I have had many Jewish friends and my niece and nephew are half as well. I dont like the power many of the others weild but they arent all bad. Im sorry to offend the hard core viewers here. I just wanted to say I think Al Michaels is NOT a caste clown. I think I may be biased becasue I love well played hockey as when its done right its the most beautiful game on the planet. So I have an affinity for the 1980 US Olympic Team. There is a shot of Coach Herb Brooks looking up at the scoreboard 6 seconds aftre Mike Eruzione scores the go aheadgoal. NOt only did Michaels coin the phrase " Do you beleive in Miracles " ? but he was smart enough to catch Brooks looking up to check how much time was left, and yet it was very subtle can see Brooks kind of suck his lips together and almost smile. Hisemotion was " can we actually do ?this " and during the emotion of the call Michaels sais" Oh, I love the look on Brooks face. Just classic. I have watched MN football with Al for years and he pretty much seemed to not be a caste clown. He called a super great game to the greatest sports upset in History.


Mar 14, 2011
I also just wanted to say as I have never in all my years of reading about the USA victory ovre the Soviet Union was what happened .3 seconds before Michaels yells " Eruzione scores". Ken Dryden the color commentator actually yells scores right before Michaels does. Of all the hockey fans here when was the first or last time you have ever heard a color commentator yell score. Dryden may have sounded calm durring his calls but his emotion shows how Eruzione was the 2nd shot heard around the world. Just awesome.