A Rising Storm


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Very informative article, well worth reading. We had better wake up!!

<DIV dir=ltr align=left>What's'a'matter, Bunky? Having trouble making ends meet? Sick of the cost of everything going up while your income actually goes down? Laid off? House equity shot? Borrowed up to the gills with all your credit cards maxed out? Now you can't afford food, you say?
<DIV dir=ltr align=left>
<DIV dir=ltr align=left>Well, here's a big part of the reason why. $36,000flowsto each illegal alien family in America, each andevery year (see the firstarticle reproduced below). If that doesn't sound like much, consider that, with perhaps 80 million tax-paying households in America (yours being one of them, of course), each and every one ofour householdspays $4,325 each and every yeartoward that $36,000 that each illegal alien family receives.

Did you net $36,000 after taxes last year? Neither did I. But they did. No wonder they keep flooding over that border. Wouldn't you?


My son took my little girl to the local hospital emergency room a few weeks ago with a severe asthma attack. Pretty much a routine, in-and-out affair. Used to be, that mightcost $100, or about twice what a doctor visit might cost. Total bill this time? Over $750! Guess why? Jose uses the Emergency Room freely as his doctor's office because Federal law requires our hospitals to treat his family there, whether or not they are able to pay. We already pay for Jose in increased insurance premiums, but we also pay for him when we dare to use it, in outrageous charges.
<DIV dir=ltr align=left>I have a $5,000-deductible health insurance plan, which means that I provide my family insurance coverage only for catastrophic events. I can't really afford it, but figure that I can't be without insurance altogether, just as so many Americans have been forced to do without. That means I must pay my little girl's ER visit of $750 out of my pocket, just as if I had no insurance at all. Thanks, Jose.
<DIV dir=ltr align=left>snip
<DIV dir=ltr align=left>I don't know about you, but I am fed up with being a second- or third-class citizen in my own country, with racial preferences pushing Negroes and Mestizos ahead of my family, all while I am forced to pay for their good fortune. And my money is taken at a time that forces me and mine to do without because of the rising cost of everything.

Each of the three "candidates" chosen for us to "vote" upon for President this time has pledged, if elected, to grant amnesty in one form or another to all these illegals.


Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, yet 29% are on welfare, acknowledges our government grudgingly.

The US Senate voted to grant social security benefits to illegals, beginning this year.

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens, per FBI figures.

Over a million sexual assaults are committed annually in America by illegal alens.

The Los Angeles Times reports that, in Los Angeles (our largest city now effectively occupied by illegals):

- 95% of warrants for murder are for illegal aliens.

- 75% of people on the most wanted list are illegal aliens.

- 2/3 of all births are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

- 25% of all inmates in California

detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

- The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

- 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Yeah this is a real problem it is putting hospitals either out of business or forcing them to "radically jack up the prices." What are the answers?

I'd say it's time to start legislation to have these illegals pay fines so afterward "if they have no criminal record and have some working skills" we can get them to be citizens "so they are paying taxes" and deport the rest.

IMO we also need to have a basic "government run" HMO in this country funded by taxes. I know most on this site would disagree, but I have relatives in the hospital industry and lack of insurance is a huge problem in this country. People that want a better plan and can afford it (ie. rich people) should have to pay out of pocket for the better plan. This is the policy they have in Australia and it is working dandy.