2008 NBA Draft

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I just thought that I would start a thread for the upcoming nba draft. I live in Arizona and they have had alot of talent coming into Phoenix to show their stuff. The last couple of days have been awesome with Chase Budinger and Joe Alexander in the workouts. Both of these guys have out of this world hops. The Suns are in love with both guys but they don't pick until the 15th spot of the first round. Chase might be there but Joe Alexander probably won't. I think the Suns would kill to have Alexander. They say he is as athletic or even more so than Shawn Marion. He can also play 4 out of the 5 positions.

Let's get some discussion going on the future talent that we will be watching soon.


Hall of Famer
May 14, 2006
I think Chase should stay in school.
He is very very athletic, but I don't think he has developed his skills enough. I watched many of his games on TV, and he often disappeared during parts of some games.
If he gets drafted, he will languish on the bench for a few years while trying to develop his talent. If he stays in school he has more opportunity to work on his game.


I also think Chase should play more NCAA.

The Suns hired an average black coach. They have two old MVPs who are past their prime. They are not an important team anymore.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
While I would love to see him play for my Suns, I would rather that Chase stays at the University of Arizona for another year. He would be a lottery pick and probably go in the top 10 guys next season. He has to decide by this Monday so we will know soon.Edited by: white lightning


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Nevada are you refferring to Steve NAsh as one of those washed up mvp's? If you are, i will have to disagree with you. I think he still has a couple more good years ahead of him.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
ESPN's NBA Draft Promo's = Whites need not apply?

They show past #1 Picks and then show Michael Beasley and Derrick Rose. They are asking, of course, which player will be the next 1st Overall Pick?

One of these promo's show Allen Iverson, Shaq and Tim Duncan. I know you are wondering, where's "King James?" Where's "King James?!!!!"

I caught part of a Draft promo that has him in it. I'm not claiming that all the promo's have the exact same theme; I don't know how many there are. But, the question is, will there be a White face? I believe some people on this site have said that the NBA is inept for putting forth an almost-complete black face in their marketing. I would certainly agree with those posters.

"Subtlety" tends to be a more effective weapon (against Whites) and, so, the anti-Whites have lost their "creativity." The powerful forces don't need more money, but what do they gain as more Whites abandon the "black supremacist" and expensive NBA? Nothing, really. They simply refuse to deviate from the "black power" script. Of course, this script limits the amount of Whites that are "allowed" to be "stars."

Naturally, this script has also made it VERY, VERY VERY VERY... Easy for blacks to be "stars." One should have to REALLY EARN "star" and "superstar" status, and it's something that just shouldn't be "handed" to them. That, right there, is the epitome of the Caste System and Caste Media. This affirmative action, "bar-lowering" technique, has been noticed by many former fans of the NBA.

I also think that a basketball court offers a closer view of things than a football field, and there's less players to focus your eyes on, so, these ultra-hyped "athletic GIANTS" become EXPOSED very quickly.

You know how Whites are portrayed as "scared" to shoot? You also know how black players hog the ball and shoot a ton (as the team continues to lose), but it's aa-ight because they are playing for a fat free agent deal? f**k the TEAM; I gotz to feed my fambly, YO! Now comes JJ Reddick. He isn't "scared" to shoot the rock and look how the NBA has treated him? Whites MUST not be seen as confident. They must be portrayed as timid, weak and scared. This propaganda is most blatant in the NBA.

It's frickin' AMAZING that trolls come to this site and act like Whites can't get the smaller ball into the bigger hoop. That's stretching the "big lie" technique to the EXTREME! By the way, has the basketball rim gotten larger? Talk about affirmative action!!

Back to the Draft. The promo's that I've seen are stupid. Do they want people to watch the first two picks and then turn it off? As for last years draft, I waited something like an hour and a half before I started watching it. They were then on pick 26 or something like that. It appears that, in recent years, fewer Whites have been drafted in the 1st Round. I tuned in from the late 1st Round through the whole 2nd Round because I wanted to see highlights of Euro players and I wanted to know whether Brazil's Tiago Splitter was White as he was praised in mock drafts that I had seen. I tuned in at the right moment because that's when a few more Whites were selected.

I will probably try to catch Pick 20 and up in this Draft.Edited by: Deadlift


Deadlift said:
I believe some people on this site have said that the NBA is inept for putting forth an almost-complete black face in their marketing. I would certainly agree with those posters.

I'd have to disagree.The Final's ratings were it's highest since 2000, it's 17+ million viewers TRIPLED the all-white hockey Finals, and the 21,394,757 regular season attendance was 3rd ALL-TIME.26 of the 50 highest paid athletes in 2008 were NBA players. The league's hierarchy knows exactly what it's doing.

Now comes JJ Reddick. He isn't "scared" to shoot the rock and look how the NBA has treated him? Whites MUST not be seen as confident. They must be portrayed as timid, weak and scared. This propaganda is most blatant in the NBA.

The NBA doesn't own and/or control JJ Redick. The league is not in the position to "treat" him any way. Your desire to play victim is what makes you feel that the evil league is being mean to him, and forcing Orlando not to play him. *TWO* SEPARATE COACHES have STATED that he is a DEFENSIVE LIABILITY. He's not athletic enough to move laterally and cover NBA two's. They watch him play everyday in practice and during games, and they're obviously NOT IMPRESSED.

A black GM drafted him, believing he was talented. Then, when he got down to Orlando, the two white coaches regimes were extremely underwhelmed.

It appears that, in recent years, fewer Whites have been drafted in the 1st Round. I tuned in from the late 1st Round through the whole 2nd Round because I wanted to see highlights of Euro players and I wanted to know whether Brazil's Tiago Splitter was White as he was praised in mock drafts that I had seen. I tuned in at the right moment because that's when a few more Whites were selected.

The reason fewer whites are being drafted is because the mythical "Euro invasion" bubble is almost through busting. Teams finally got the message that Euro players don't pan out. Over the last 10 years, there's only been *TWO* great players from Europe.. Dirk Nowitzki and Tony Parker. There's one almost great player in Pau Gasol (personally, I think he's over-rated), and 4 above average players (including a Russian), 2 of whom had bad years last year, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt. That's it.

After years of blowing pick after pick after pick on these busts, the league's had enough and isn't falling for it anymore. All that glitters isn't gold.

Edited by: Maximus


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Maximus, Andrew bogut is arguably the most consistent Milwaukee Buck. He hasnt been injured much and almost always averages a double-double. I feel he is very underrated because he plays a sound game with out spectacular dunks and all that. This last year i am willing to argue with you that he was more important to the team than Michael Redd who is often injured.

Also how many Blacks in the NBA are liabilities on defense and still manage to find the floor? It is absolutely ridiculous that the magic can not find a place in their lineup for J.J. to come in and shoot the ball. They make it sound as if J.J. just stands there and lets his man coast on by. My point is that Black scorers can get in the game without nearly being as criticized about defense as Redick does.

Also i feel you should give the "Euro's" a good three years to pan out before you consider them afraid of the NBA, or better yet fit into your category of "sucking".


LOL. Maximus cracks me up. Clearly he's smart, but he still says lots of stupid stuff.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina

I got you to come out of the woodwork!

DeMarr Johnson, Darius Miles, Jonathan Bender, Michael Olowakandi, Kwame Brown, Michael Sweetney, Jarvis Hayes, Marcus Banks, Stacey King, Harold Miner, etc etc etc. What do they have in common? They were very high picks and they had "all the potential in the world." They had "ceilings as high as the Taj Mahal" -- so what happened?

There's more. Shawn Kemp, Shareef Abdul-Rahim, Penny Hardaway, Vin Baker, Mitch Richmond, Jimmy Jackson, Nick Anderson, Derrick Coleman, Pervis Ellison, Willie Anderson, and dozens of others have "faded" so quickly. Vince Carter continues to fade as we speak. Grant Hill was so overrated. Why is Adonal Foyle still in the league? It has been shown that "Superman" Shaq IS NOT made of steel.

Not a good track record from a supposed "super-race." You have been done in because of the "Whopper-nature" of your own propaganda, and I ain't going to shed one measely tear for ya. Who's going to fade next? Dwyane Wade?

The 2003 Draft (supposedly a "good" draft)


At least 6 black "Euros" -- and/or black guys that played in Euro Leagues -- were selected:

Mickaël Piétrus
Boris Diaw
Ndudi Ebi
Sofoklis Schortsianitis
Malick Badiane
Paccelis Morlende

Maciej Lampe


He was projected to go earlier, but ended up being taken 30th overall. Is he a bust?

From Tiago Splitters bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiago_Splitter

On May 28, 2008, ESPN Brazil reported, Splitter resigned a two-year contract with TAU which will likely keep him in Spain at least through the 09-10 NBA season. The contract allows the Brazilian to make 8 times more than the NBA rookie cap would have allowed him to make with the Spurs.

On June 7, 2008, The San Antonio Express Newspaper reported, Spurs GM R.C. Buford said that Tiago Splitter has informed the team that he won't be coming to San Antonio for the 2008 - 2009 season. Splitter, will sign an extension with Tau Ceramica that would keep him in the Spanish League through 2012.

Who knew?! The NBA isn't the end all and be all of "pro" basketball. Then again, I bet you think Tiago's a wimp and couldn't "hang" in the NBA. Or, maybe he has black ancestry!

Many of these Euros are going to play for teams that "allow" them minutes. Sorry, Maxi, but would you like to be treated like a 3rd Class citizen in the NBA? I don't expect a heartfelt answer.

You think things are on the "up-and-up" because EVERY black doesn't make it into the NFL and NBA. Because not every black that gets their foot in the door succeeds. You've said so in previous incarnations. You know how stupid that is?

The people on this site don't go around and "annoint" EVERY White athlete. I can't say the same for OUR opposition and the pro-black media. They "annoint" affletes like crazy and they are wrong more than half the time. Would you just annoint someone with the title of "World's Greatest Surgeon" -- or do they have to earn it? Jamal, you've been EXPOSED; you have a 3rd World mentality. You feel me?

You said:

Teams finally got the message that Euro players don't pan out.

That's all I needed to hear. White skin tells you all you need to know, huh...

Edited by: Deadlift
Apr 22, 2005
Mitch Richmond? God, I only wish there were a white American-born
player who averaged over 20 points for his career and was a six-time all-
star. He faded, because he was old. But at least he did it.

And Shawn Kemp impleded. But again, I can only dream of a 6-10 white
American in the current NBA playing over the rim like that. How good was
he the year Seattle made the finals?


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Lets sort through your latest lie. Players in the last two drafts cannot be considered busts. Guys like Joel Freeland and Rudy Fernandez haven't even come over to America yet. Marcin Gortat from 2005 by accounts of Magic fans themselves blossomed into an incredible player last season in Europe and has impressed in camps this offseason.

Beno Udrih doesn't suck, not even close, he was a starter this year for the Kings and performed quite well at PG in his first year starting without an overly talented team. Makes you wonder why the Spurs cut him for journeyman Jacque Vaughn who is older and lacks the upside of the young Udrih. Carlos Delfino has played pretty darn well off the bench for the Raptors after playing very few minutes in Detroit backing up Tayshawn Prince. Sasha Pavlovic doesn't suck another lie. A guy who started much of this year and last for a good Cavaliers team at SG doesn't suck. That label is for 9th and 10th men. Juan Carlos Navarro has blossomed into an important contributer this year for the Raptors as a role player he doesn't "suck". Bostjan Nachbar for the Nets by even the accounts of the caste media is an "athletic" swing man who isn't afraid to draw contact and attack the rim. Nachbar has been getting around 25 minutes off the bench for the Nets. Primoz Brezec isn't anything special, but he doesn't "suck". Gordon Giricek is a bit soft, but he is a contributer in the NBA and was good enough to keep Ronnie Brewer as a bench player last year in Utah until Brewer was ready to take over this year. I will admitt Brewer is better than Giricek and the Jazz don't miss him. White Matt Harping is a better backup anyway.

Your first 4 players under doesn't quite suck are average starters, so that would make them above average NBA players. Your first 4 players under average are all above average with Okur and Bogut being one rung below great. Kirilenko is also one rung below great and I thought you said Defense wins championships Blacksimus and Kirilenko is one of the best in the league on D.

Plus Mr. Blacksimus why are you including black Euros on your list of Euros not measuring up when the points of all your other posts is to point out black supremacy? Are you trying to point out American supremacy now? You just wait, I predict no gold for the U.S in Beijing. What will be your excuse, a lack of team chemistry? That doesn't make sense, most of the Euro teams have their top players playing professionally in some league now and their is no significant difference in the amount of time the players get together to form chemistry compared to the U.S. The United States with a population of 300 million should be dominating the smaller countries' teams. But in international ball with the college offensive foul rules and where stars aren't given freebies at the line without earning it much of the time the United States is no longer dominant. The Euro teams passing, smart shot selection and surprising athleticism and finesse will win one of their teams the gold medal! Or Argentina which is an all white team or even Brazil which is highly white influenced could beat the United States. The following two nations are not in Europe, but measure up with the U.S as well.
Dec 9, 2007
most drafts aren't really that good. so you will see lots of busts.

I would agree that the NBA has too many so-called "Superstars."Kobe is one, Lebron is one, Garnett is one (in the first 3 quarters), Tim Duncan is one. Chris Paul is almost one. Steve Nash and Jason Kidd hover around that status, and Shaq used to be one many pounds ago.

There are some very good white players like Nash (two time MVP) and Dirk (one time MVP), but those guys are not super athletes like Lebron or huge centers like Dwight Howard.

if we get some white players who can fly and dominate the paint, the league could not help but acknowledge it.
Perhaps Joe Alexander would help. Maybe Kevin Love. Kevin Love was definitely hyped going into college and him being a 5th pick is not exactly a huge dis.

That Spanish kid Ricky Rubio should help when he comes in.

I would agree that black players are given more time than white players. Guys like Kwame Brown may be given more chances than guys like JJ Reddick and Mike Dunleavy.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
C Martynas Andriuškevièius

He was attacked by a "wonderful" athlete.

One player suspended, another hospitalized after fight


From what I'm told, when he got hit unexpectedly, he went out cold instantly and fell right back on his head," Rudoy told the Sun-Times.

This was a basketball court, not armed jungle warfare, but what else would you expect from the "brave" and "tough" ones?


On December 21, he sustained a serious head injury when he was attacked by Awvee Storey. The center suffered a fractured skull, severe concussion, and a two-centimeter hematoma on the left side of his brain. Doctors initially thought it'd be months before he could speak, but he was able to within a month, and stated his desire to play basketball within a year.

How badly would I like to see "Awvee" in the ring with Povetkin or in the Octagon with Lesnar. A back alley would work as well. Something tells me, though, that Awvee doesn't want to truly "fight"..


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
The reason fewer whites are being drafted is because the mythical "Euro invasion" bubble is almost through busting. Teams finally got the message that Euro players don't pan out. Over the last 10 years, there's only been *TWO* great players from Europe..

As opposed to all the truly "great" black players from the last ten years, right?

Considering the relatively low numbers of Europeans playing in the league relative to the numbers of American blacks, the arbitrary "two" you mentioned are all the more impressive.

I'm sure you'd love it if the "Euro bubble" were indeed bursting, but you'll just have to deal with the fact that the NBA is becoming less and less black, thanks in large part to the fact that "teams are finally getting the message that being black does not equal being good at basketball."


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
BTW I forgot to mention Zaza Pachulia is another guy he listed as sucking who does not suck. Zaza started for the Hawks for a while and was a solid starter. He is now one of the best backup centers in the league. Much of Maximus's post is an outright lie. But anyways here is Draftexpress.com's mock draft for the lottery selections:
1. Chicago- PG Derrick Rose
2. Miami- PF Michael Beasley
3. Minnesota- SG O.J Mayo
4. Seattle- C Brook Lopez
5. Memphis- PF Kevin Love
6. New York- SF Danilo Gallinari
7. Los Angeles (Clippers)- Jarryd Bayless
8. Milwaukee- SF Joe Alexander
9. Charlotte- PG/SG Russell Westbrook
10. New Jersey- SG Eric Gordon
11. Indiana- C Kosta Koufos
12. Sacramento- PG D.J Augustin
13. Portland- C Alexis Ajinca
14. Golden State- SF/PF Donte Greene

Not bad, that is 4 whites selected in the lottery. Anyways, I be off to work. Better leave now it's a 20 minute drive.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
The Utah Jazz got Kosta Koufos at #23. It might be the steal of the Draft.

Not surprisingly, he was described as not being a great athlete.

Since I just started watching the Draft, I wonder how they described Roy Hibbert, who was picked 17th?? Kosta has a solid wingspan and runs the floor better than Roy, among other things.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
5 Whites taken in the 1st Round.

10+ Whites are probably going to be taken in the 2nd Round, but they will have a higher hill to climb and can be tossed aside more easily.

BTW, it's good that some Euro studs want to play in front of "their" people in Europe (or Euro people that are similar), because Europeans deserve to SEE greatness and have pride and hope. One more White in a Euro League means one less black in a Euro League. That's the way it is.
Jun 17, 2007
The New York crowd really lambasted Danilo Gallinari. I did not think it was right and they should be ashamed of themselves. I hope the kid does well and wins them over. But the fans in those drafts boo anyone that they haven't heard of, seen or don't want. Even Donovan McNabb said he would never forget when he was booed when the Eagles picked him instead of Ricky Williams. But I really hope that Danilo really shoves it down their throats.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I remember when Dan Majerle was booed by the Suns Fans when he was selected years ago. Their coach at the time was Cotton Fitzsimmons and he said boy will you guys regret this. Man was he right as "Thunder Dan" wowed them over a great career. One of my favorite Majerle moments was in his 1st or 2nd year in the playoffs. He stole the ball from one of the G.S. Warriors and went down and dunked over 7'7 Manute Bol. The crowd went wild as Thunder Dan was 13 inches shorter but dunked on him with ease. They have a poster of that in the Suns Team Shop.

Danilo will be fine. Mike is a good coach and he will help to bring him along. Viva Italia!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
We may not even reach 10 Whites in the 2nd Round! Well, we just got (at least) 6 now.

Is Nathan Jawai of Australia black? They didn't show his profile, and I have my doubts.

Now, 7! It's a miracle!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Sasha Kaun is #8. Jay Bilas definitely underrated Sasha in his commentary.

The second, very White Turk, was just taken in the Draft.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Jawai is a big black player. saw a video of him beofre