
Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I have something to share with my CF brothers. I share this not to “grandstand”, but I suspect some of you might feel similar.

I have “officially” became a misanthrope. I’ve been a growing cynic for the last several years but my Christian faith helped keep ‘mass hatred’ at bay. However, seeing the mass decline of society & retrogression of culture (...towards Sodom & Gomorrah) has pushed me past the realm of mere cynicism. People (in general) & modern society (Amerika 2.0) utterly disgust me. I think becomes ever more apparent during the “holiday” season where the worst of covetousness & materialism is on full display. People get more & more irritating as IQs & common sense seem to be on the downward spiral. I find myself (now) totally despising “the holidays” due to the plastic, artificial ongoings & buffoonish behavior. Driving in traffic & dealing with crowds is nearly unbearable as is...much less around this time of year.

As for modern Christianity, most of it is apostate crapola. 75-85% of churches preach apostate doctrine or a watered down (user friendly) message. The heresy of the social & property “gospel” is rampant..as is the lie of “God loves everyone” (which the Bible clearly refutes). I believe God’s Word, but it’s grossly misinterpreted by modernist churches & (faux) “Christians”.

I find the overwhelming majority of people to be self-centered, shallow, plastic vassals (w/ marginal intelligence at best). Combine that with the plethora of sheeple who have been totally duped by cultural Marxism + “bread & circuses”, and I can honestly say that I hate people (in general). FTW! :mad:
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Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Greetings again DD,

I had to lovingly laugh as I read your post. I empathize and totally relate to everything you wrote. I know your heart.

Like me, you actually love God and Christ's plan for people and the overwhelming majority of them "refuse to receive the love of the truth" as the the Bible states. It is very disturbing and discouraging to me to see people eschew not only the God who made the universe and us (in the image of Him no less) and further spurn and even disdain common sense wisdom that is available even to those who haven't believed in Christ yet. You are not truly misanthropic in my opinion. You want the best for people and you know that the cure for most of society's ills is available to anyone and everyone if they'd only receive it. It's a real pisser that most don't. I get that. That's the bottom line and you see your fellow man ruining their own lives (and ours!) right in front of us in astounding levels on a daily basis.

Anyway, I loved your rant. You and I and probably many CFers are on the same page. You are not alone and you are not "weird" for having such thoughts and putting those types of musings out there, your feelings on your sleeve. Welcome to the club.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Greetings again DD,

I had to lovingly laugh as I read your post. I empathize and totally relate to everything you wrote. I know your heart.

Like me, you actually love God and Christ's plan for people and the overwhelming majority of them "refuse to receive the love of the truth" as the the Bible states. It is very disturbing and discouraging to me to see people eschew not only the God who made the universe and us (in the image of Him no less) and further spurn and even disdain common sense wisdom that is available even to those who haven't believed in Christ yet. You are not truly misanthropic in my opinion. You want the best for people and you know that the cure for most of society's ills is available to anyone and everyone if they'd only receive it. It's a real pisser that most don't. I get that. That's the bottom line and you see your fellow man ruining their own lives (and ours!) right in front of us in astounding levels on a daily basis.

Anyway, I loved your rant. You and I and probably many CFers are on the same page. You are not alone and you are not "weird" for having such thoughts and putting those types of musings out there, your feelings on your sleeve. Welcome to the club.

Thanks for the kind retort good sir. I do retain compassion & empathy (at times) for certain folks. In addition, I have a (very vigilant) conscious. Thus, I’d not consider myself a sociopath, etc. However, I am fairly introverted & (generally) aloof in public, at work, etc. I tend to be outgoing (only) amongst folks I care about (like my CF kinsmen). I believe there’s a few of y’all who feel likewise. :)

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
White people, especially White Americans, have been turned into the lab rats of an evil agenda. "Soulless" is an apt word to describe Amerikan society and most Amerikans. Tis indeed a tragedy of the highest order, one obliterating all the best characteristics and the nobility of our people, with most completely clueless about how they continue to be exploited, manipulated and processed to be just another species of domesticated animals.


Dec 1, 2006
Im in the same boat DD, I think its helpful to only concern oneself with endogenous variables instead of exogenous ones (this is the nerd way of saying only worry about what you can influence).
On the plus side, natural disasters and terrorist attacks become less saddening, as the majority of victims are most likely imbeciles anyway. Not a popular opinion but it helps you get through the day ;)


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Im in the same boat DD, I think its helpful to only concern oneself with endogenous variables instead of exogenous ones (this is the nerd way of saying only worry about what you can influence).
On the plus side, natural disasters and terrorist attacks become less saddening, as the majority of victims are most likely imbeciles anyway. Not a popular opinion but it helps you get through the day ;)

Good stoic philosophy there. I agree with that tenet & need to try to (fully) apply it.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I have something to share with my CF brothers. I share this not to “grandstand”, but I suspect some of you might feel similar.

I have “officially” became a misanthrope. I’ve been a growing cynic for the last several years but my Christian faith helped keep ‘mass hatred’ at bay. However, seeing the mass decline of society & retrogression of culture (...towards Sodom & Gomorrah) has pushed me past the realm of mere cynicism. People (in general) & modern society (Amerika 2.0) utterly disgust me. I think becomes ever more apparent during the “holiday” season where the worst of covetousness & materialism is on full display. People get more & more irritating as IQs & common sense seem to be on the downward spiral. I find myself (now) totally despising “the holidays” due to the plastic, artificial ongoings & buffoonish behavior. Driving in traffic & dealing with crowds is nearly unbearable as is...much less around this time of year.

As for modern Christianity, most of it is apostate crapola. 75-85% of churches preach apostate doctrine or a watered down (user friendly) message. The heresy of the social & property “gospel” is rampant..as is the lie of “God loves everyone” (which the Bible clearly refutes). I believe God’s Word, but it’s grossly misinterpreted by modernist churches & (faux) “Christians”.

I find the overwhelming majority of people to be self-centered, shallow, plastic vassals (w/ marginal intelligence at best). Combine that with the plethora of sheeple who have been totally duped by cultural Marxism + “bread & circuses”, and I can honestly say that I hate people (in general). FTW! :mad:

So Ebeneezer Scrooge had it right the first time! "Christmas bah humbug!"
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"As for modern Christianity, most of it is apostate crapola. 75-85% of churches preach apostate doctrine or a watered down (user friendly) message. The heresy of the social & property “gospel” is rampant..as is the lie of “God loves everyone” (which the Bible clearly refutes). I believe God’s Word, but it’s grossly misinterpreted by modernist churches & (faux) “Christians”.

Always the Christian churches have been in the very forefront of the destruction of white civilization, from ancient Rome to southern Africa to the USA today where they are importing the lowest and worst scum of the earth - "immigrants", the controlled ziomedia calls them - into the country, especially into the nicest and most peaceful and productive parts of the country.

Nietzsche: Christianity is the revenge of the Jews against the goyim.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Nietzsche: Christianity is the revenge of the Jews against the goyim.[/QUOTE]

That’d be the modernist, ‘contemporary’ (faux) Christian churches. It was far different circa 1500s thru the early 1800s. Men like Martin Luther knew the fallacy of papalism and the scourge of jewery. Plus, these were prior to the invention of the fallacious “secret rapture” doctrine & the outright lie of “Christian” Zionism.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
After reading the “We Are Living in a Cartoon” thread updates today, I must say “BUMP”. :BangHead:



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

Well, I’ve officially stop attending church...as the ones around here preach a weak, watered down, softball message OR are totally apostate. On top of that, most church go’ers are disingenuous glad handers...which I totally abhor. I have to deal with a litany of lip service rendering phonies all week at work (corporate stooges & toadies, etc.). Thus, I don’t want to subject myself to it on the weekends. As I initially inferred on this thread, I really do hate “people” (in general) & don’t like being around them. There’s some folks that I respect, a few folks that I like & extremely few that I truly love. ***Not that I’m anything great or special, but I do have respect for many of y’all. :)
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Oct 6, 2007
DD, I completely get what you are saying. Personally, I try to find people, groups, websites, etc. that I agree with and most align with my take on reality and vision of the world, and I recognize the crap and lies for what it is. But there is so much garbage out there. Though we do have it better in alot of ways than other generations before us, these are without a doubt very dangerous, treacherous times we live in. What is sick and evil is largely now mainstream, and if you voice disapproval of homosexuality, transgenderism, miscegenation, or the destruction of the white race or Christianity, you risk losing your job or being socially exiled. I think this is a trial that all Christians and normal, decent people are being put through. A Fourth Turning, a time of crisis. My opinion, we all need to be strong, stay focused, keep our faith, don't ever give up or give in to the lies and the malevolence of the deceivers, and eventually we will triumph and come out of this darkness on the other side. I believe many more people will join those of us who are already awake. It is inevitable.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
DD and Riggins44,

Hey brothers,

Just wanted to chime in and let you guys know I am right there with you. Although I do attend a small independent Bible church I probably wouldn't if it were not right here in my city. It's not perfect, but no church is, and at least it's biblical in all it's principles.

Having said that I am on the fringe I'm sure with my beliefs on race and don't even bring it up while I'm there. Why ruin a good thing I guess.

The other stuff in this world is an absolute blitzkrieg Satanic assault against all things natural and ALL THINGS WHITE AND CHRISTIAN as you well know. The enemy elite Jews will continue to hate us and all the righteous ones fiercely, as they are very emboldened now with the mass brainwashing through their stranglehold on any and all messages communicated on a massive scale. There's never been a power structure like what the NWO Jews have now. No king or pope in history has ever had such a broad type of influence and control over their "subjects" via the media, tv, Hellyweird, internet, twoFacedBook, Twitter and any other Communist vehicle.

I usually work in a setting where I see a lot of people in public. It's the line of work I have and I see them away from their occupation and it's a recreational setting. I am saddened every single day by what I see. Especially White women. Dressed like they have no clue, and their bodies defiled and defaced with tattoos. It is beyond repulsive what has happened to our women and women in general in America.

I've been divorced for two years and will never even date again. All desire is gone. I am only here on this Earth now to fight the NWO Jews and their duped Leftist cronies. My life is on borrowed time.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
R44 & BFedUp,

Thanks for sharing your (like minded) insight on this matter. I conduct myself (mostly) as a southern gentlemen, unless someone gets out of line. I usually come across as fairly cordial, but also can be (very) aloof at times. I just cannot stand ‘modern’ society (pop culture, PC ran amok, etc.) & detest the low grade lemmings who “embrace” it.

***BFedUp, FYI, I’ve been married nearly 20 years now, & we’ve had ups & downs. God forbid we ever split (or she passed before me), I too would never seek to date...much less re-marry. I don’t care for most all modernist “women” & could NOT lower myself to ‘chase after’ & butter up to these jezebels. I’d be fine alone (if I lived to be an “empty nester”). I never had a problem being by myself when I was single, & wouldn't mind it in the (hypothetical) ‘future’.
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011

Well, I’ve officially stop attending church...as the ones around here preach a weak, watered down, softball message OR are totally apostate. On top of that, most church go’ers are disingenuous glad handers...which I totally abhor. I have to deal with a litany of lip service rendering phonies all week at work (corporate stooges & toadies, etc.). Thus, I don’t want to subject myself to it on the weekends. As I initially inferred on this thread, I really do hate “people” (in general) & don’t like being around them. There’s some folks that I respect, a few folks that I like & extremely few that I truly love. ***Not that I’m anything great or special, but I do have respect for many of y’all. :)

Hey DD, CF Christians, my brothers in Christ. I would like to offer words of encouragement. Please do not quit attending church. Let me quote you a verse of which you are familiar. "Do not forsake the assembly of yourselves, as the manner of some is, but exhort one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Hebrew 10:25.
I'm sure there's a church in your area that is not so watered down as you put it, but also remember, we are not all on the same level. You'll never find the perfect church as we are all imperfect people. As long as the church doesn't compromise God's Word. To neglect going to church is to give up on encouraging and helping other Christians. We gather together to help, encourage and to serve others, not just for our own needs. A Christian with your knowledge could be a big to help to someone who may not be as mature as you. As we get closer to the "Day" when Christ will return, we will face many spiritual battles and possibly persecution. Anti-Christian forces are growing! This is no time to give up! We should be making an even greater effort to be faithful and encouraging others to do the same. I attend what I consider a Bible believing church, however, I know I don't agree with everything people in my church think or how they act, as with myself, the way I act or think sometimes, but we have to extend grace brothers as we have been extended the utmost of mercy and grace by our savior the Lord Jesus Christ, by the love he displayed on the cross!
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify us, A Peculiar People, zealous of good works." Titus 2: 13-14.
DD, I pray that you will reconsider your decision!
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Hey DD, CF Christians, my brothers in Christ. I would like to offer words of encouragement. Please do not quit attending church. Let me quote you a verse of which you are familiar. "Do not forsake the assembly of yourselves, as the manner of some is, but exhort one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Hebrew 10:25.
I'm sure there's a church in your area that is not so watered down as you put it, but also remember, we are not all on the same level. You'll never find the perfect church as we are all imperfect people. As long as the church doesn't compromise God's Word. To neglect going to church is to give up on encouraging and helping other Christians. We gather together to help, encourage and to serve others, not just for our own needs. A Christian with your knowledge could be a big to help to someone who may not be as mature as you. As we get closer to the "Day" when Christ will return, we will face many spiritual battles and possibly persecution. Anti-Christian forces are growing! This is no time to give up! We should be making an even greater effort to be faithful and encouraging others to do the same. I attend what I consider a Bible believing church, however, I know I don't agree with everything people in my church think or how they act, as with myself, the way I act or think sometimes, but we have to extend grace brothers as we have been extended the utmost of mercy and grace by our savior the Lord Jesus Christ, by the love he displayed on the cross!
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify us, A Peculiar People, zealous of good works." Titus 2: 13-14.
DD, I pray that you will reconsider your decision!

Thanks for the Biblical exhortation CS. You’re a far better Christian than I. However, I will point one thing out. Hebrews 10 : 25 - 31 does not specify the frequency of gathering/assembly. That nullifies the “3 to thrive” baloney. If it’s a “daily” mandate than nobody is “right with God”. I think it implies “frequently”, but doesn’t dictate “weekly” or 3x weekly. That’s MAN’S rule to keep butts in the pews and the collection plates full.

None the less...I probably will re-consider my decision, but it’ll be very difficult as my “flesh” can’t stand to be around phony folks (which I have to do all week). Plus, many ‘modernist’ (so called) Christians believe they’re , “serving the Lord” just by sitting in a church pew...which is fallacious. Again, I appreciate your thoughts & Words here. :)


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I’m gonna say it one last time...FORK THE WORLD & about 90% of its inhabitants!!! I’m not only a full fledged misanthrope & pessimist, but a border line nihilist. People are utter garbage, as nobody gives a **** about anything not in or about their little “world”. Well, p1$$ on modern society & their BS “pop culture”. To HELL with “Amerika 2.0” & all of its reprobate advocates!

As for the modern ‘Christianity’, it’s a complete farce. Most all denominations are apostates & creampuffs. About 75-80% of self proclaimed “Christians” are frauds (I’ll add myself to that number). So p1$$ on modernist “Christians’ & their BS churches, ministries, etc. I won’t throw in with fallacious charlatans any longer...nor will I BE one!

I totally abhor “people” (in general), and I only foresee that hatred growing as this sick, warped world retrogresses further into the gutter of total depravity & wickedness!

***Sorry for the soapbox rant. :cursing2::scream:
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
I’m gonna say it one last time...FORK THE WORLD & about 90% of its inhabitants!!! I’m not only a full fledged misanthrope & pessimist, but a border line nihilist. People are utter garbage, as nobody gives a **** about anything not in or about their little “world”. Well, p1$$ on modern society & their BS “pop culture”. To HELL with “Amerika 2.0” & all of its reprobate advocates!

As for the modern ‘Christianity’, it’s a complete farce. Most all denominations are apostates & creampuffs. About 75-80% of self proclaimed “Christians” are frauds (I’ll add myself to that number). So p1$$ on modernist “Christians’ & their BS churches, ministries, etc. I won’t throw in with fallacious charlatans any longer...nor will I BE one!

I totally abhor “people” (in general), and I only foresee that hatred growing as this sick, warped world retrogresses further into the gutter of total depravity & wickedness!

***Sorry for the soapbox rant. :cursing2::scream:
Brother, I don't know what's going on in your life, but please get your eyes off of people and get your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ. People will always disappoint, including both me and you. It is only by the mercy and grace and what Christ did for you on the cross that you're saved!
I could post verse after verse, but please read Luke 18 9-14. I would never question any confessing Christian about their salvation, but you're looking in the wrong direction Brother. I mean this with all sincerity!
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 18:14.


Jun 3, 2016
DD, I am not religious nor do I want to be but I do feel your pain brother! I see alot of American white cultural society crumbling a little bit each day and it is heartbreaking to see. Being a Canadian I am not seeing it to the extremes as in the US but it is coming and white people here are more cucked than in the US. When I see how negros present themselves in public(tribal behaviour), in sports, in Schools it makes me sick. Negro women think the more slutty they present themselves in public the more powerful they are, white people(cucks) love this shyte, especially young white females.

Yes many of today's population are not good people, the world is becoming increasingly more violent on a daily basis and it is hard to stay focused on what is most important to us...which is our families, friends and our countries.

Religious fanaticism is the reason why the world is in the shape it is in and it is fueled by the Jews and Muslims. Rid the world of these two factions and the world will be a better place for all.

Like I said earlier I am not religious nor do I want to be but if you have your god in your heart then you need not worry so. Right?

Love and family.....

Cheers brother..


Jul 23, 2015
DD I am not telling you nothing but the honest truth, I feel the same way about what is going on in America. I have one thing to suggest to you when you are in this black mood. Think about your family if you are imprison or killed. I know I mention before that I have been in prison before, not to try to impress anybody, I don't need to impress anybody. I tell it so people will think before doing anything they will regret. Almost 15 yrs of my life wasted behind locked doors, 18 months in phu which will drive any sane person crazy.
DD you don't ever want to look across a table at your wife and can't even touch her. I know you think tattoos are trashy but, I got my wife's name on my right hand so its the first thing I see when I make a fist it has a very calming effect on me. Now I will get off my soapbox. I wish you nothing but the best.


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Hi there DD,

I want you to know as a fellow believer I feel you brother. But please, like Carolina Speed said, I know it feels almost impossible but try to get your eyes off people, whether they are in high or low places in our world . I am preaching to myself more than anyone!! My venting and ranting and bad attitudes on here have been extreme at times, especially for a Christian. Heck, look at my username :). I sometimes vent very negatively on here, and Don has been very kind and quite lenient with me over many years. I am not thinking bad of you, rather I am seeing the same in your post that are my "thorns in the flesh". I get the negativity.

I have gone through hell personally for two and half years after my divorce from someone who screwed me over for no other reason than she wanted to go down a path of sin after almost 27 years of Christian marriage and hook up with some guy half my age she met at her workplace. I found everything out later and it still stings. I TOTALLY GET AND UNDERSTAND THIS THING CALLED A BAD ATTITUDE. I am agreeing that you are correct that most people are morons and selfish. I know first hand. However, keep in mind we in these forums are comrades in this war even if not all the guys are Christians. We all have much in common and are all like-minded on the war we are all in. You are not alone brother. And I bet there are thousands or millions of our ilk who are woke and just don't know about this wonderful venue called Caste Football.

You and I have had a couple of good talks in private chat. I know you are a my brother in Christ. Please try to think of Christ and keep your eyes on Him and who He has made us as new creations. I know these forums aren't necessarily for theological conversations but I can just say that the truth of who you are in Christ (you are one of God's own!) is probably a point to focus on and the importance of Christ Himself being your very Life. I was just given some real peace reading through Colossians:

"When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory" (Col. 3:4). The whole epistle of Colossians is great edification and you can read it within minutes bro.

You're fighter! That's a good thing! Re-channel your feelings. Screw the devil and all his pawns on this Earth. He wants you depressed. He wants you negative. He wants you bummed out and he wants you feeling hopeless and like you're helpless in anything and everything going on. Screw him all the way to hell!!! Tell him out loud where he's going!!

We are going to win. Because of Christ Jesus we are going to win!! Period!!
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thanks again gentlemen. Yesterday (in particular) I had to deal with some supreme, vacuous idiocy, & it (obviously) got me madder than a wet hen. Among other factors is that I have a very stressful (but good) job for a giant corporation...which (like most) embraces cultural marxism & globalism. So, I try to keep a “mercenary” mentality, but I care about my performance. As most of you know, it’s utterly exasperating dealing with red tape & bureaucracy...& I have to wade through a “marsh full” of both.

On top of that, my aged Dad isn’t doing very well. He’s a retired widower & Vietnam vet. He was a wonderful Dad & I’m forever indebted to him & my sainted Mom (RIP) for raising me in a Godly home & teaching me right and wrong. However, Dad can be extremely stubborn & is showing early onset dementia. To top it off, he’s a (self imposed) recluse. :-(

In addition, I’m a perfectionist & my #1 critic & nemesis. I have a bad habit of taking things very personal & (in turn) having vindictive thoughts.

So, take those major stressors, add the responsibility of supporting my 4 kids & wife...and my “fuse” in getting ‘shorter’. FYI, I’ve always had a bad temper, but cynicism is at an all time high. Very little things can easily set me off (...like the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back“).

That said, my latest rant was truly a “written rant” to share with “like minded” folks. I don’t intend to go off the rails or do anything rash. Nor will I ever forgo my faith in God’s Holy Word & my Savior! :)
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Like I said earlier I am not religious nor do I want to be but if you have your god in your heart then you need not worry so. Right?

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" Psalm73:26

Well said sprintstar for a person whose not religious! BTW, I'm not religious either.

I hope one day you will examine all the religions of the world and then honestly ask the Lord about Christianity. Christianity is not a religion. " Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find: knock and the door will be opened to you. For EVERYONE who asks receives: he who seeks finds.. Matthew 7:7.
I don't look at this way, but there has to be something else besides the world we live in and we just die and that's it. I believe this verse. If we truly will seek the truth, we will find the truth and that truth is in the Lord Jesus Christ. There's no religion that came to save that which was lost, but Christ Jesus!
Religion says what you have to do, Christianity is what Christ did for you!


Jun 3, 2016
DD your Dad has my respect as a Vietnam vet. My dad volunteered for WW II but finished his basic just as the war ended. I looked up to my Dad very much and miss him everyday. I lost my Mom 1 month ago today and I am still in shock over her passing. She was 88. She loved my Dad so much she never had a BF after his death in 1986. Talk about solid role models! I look to people such as my parents, family and the boys here to see the good in humanity.....oh and The Donald!!