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    Blacks Aren’t Good at Basketball

    must be a joke
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    The Lopez Brothers

    They arn't white.
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    Ron Paul in 2008!

    Our Nov 30th fundraiser went well. Everyone. Donate on December 16th.
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    Ron Paul

    Yes I know, this politicial has nothing to do with white athletes or whites in general. But today (Nov. 30th) we are trying to raise a lot of money so to reach his fundraising goal a month early. This would amount to a HUGE amount of publicity for Ron Paul. So if you support Ron...
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    is France's Mehdi Baala white?

    Small, unofficial, white populations can be found thoughout the Middle East and North Africa. Just as small, unofficial, Semetic groups can be found thoughout Southern Europe. No way of knowing how large these respective populations truely are. What we do know, however, is that if a person...
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    2007-08 NBA is over 20% white

    Sorry. It's just that here in Southern California we have so many bi - racial Mexicans. They would like to be considered white. If we allow this then eventually...
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    2007-08 NBA is over 20% white

    I did not consider bi-racial people as white. Example: Jason Kidd. If I did that then as * would be required at the end of my report. If someone would like to make a report on the number of bi-racial players in the NBA then feel free to do so.
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    White Tight Ends

    Conceed a string in this quilt of positions. Is that your argument? It's my experience that when you pull the string you loose the entire sleave.
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    2007 NFL Week 9

    This Patriots - Colts game must be the whitest NFL football game I have ever seen.
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    2007-08 NBA is over 20% white

    Now some teams have 15 man rosters posted on, some have 12,13,or 14 players listed. Obviously if every team has 3 white players then the NBA is 20% white. We fall two players short of an NBA with three white players per team. I'm guessing that these teams will be making cuts and bring...
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    2007 NFL Week 8

    The Patriots are classless. They need to stop scoreing so much. But they can't, even when they try not to run up the score, they run up the score. They can't even run down the clock. If they run the ball; they will score. If they pass it; they will score. If they put their backup QB in; he...
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    Whitest College Teams-2007

    Arizona State looked pretty good last night. Maybe this is the beginning of the end USC's dominance this conference. I mean the blackest team in the Pac 10 is usually also the best team. Who's fault is that? Go ASU.
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    2007 MLB Playoffs

    Well remember, MLB as a whole is 60% white. Your starters are normally non whites while the pitching staff will be prodominatly white. So the rockies are probable about 80% white and the Red Sox about 75%.
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    Whitest College Teams-2007

    And LSU at number three has a white running back.
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    Whitest College Teams-2007

    So both the number one and number two teams in the nation have a majority white starting line up.
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    Federer portrayed as gay..

    What I didn't like is that the three were portrayed as being the same height. The fact is that Federer is 6'4 while as woods and Henry are only 6'0. As a matter of fact, I believe that Rodger actually appeared to be slightly shorter then Tiger.
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    I'm sorry thats 110 yards rushing.
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    Sharp had 101 yards rushing today in his teams win over Baylor. Kansas is now 6 and 0.
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    RB - Sam McGuffie

    This is front page news. Someone please put this on the front page.
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    RB - Sam McGuffie

    Sam is now ranked 20th among all running backs. No white man will ever have a chance. I give up. How fast must he be before he gets a good ranking. Fastest in the nation is apparently not fast enough.
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    RB - Sam McGuffie

    RIVALS.COM now has Sam as the FIFTH ALL PURPOSE BACK.... I cant even believe this crap. Unbelieveable. Sam is the FASTEST high school football player in the country and he posts the BEST production yet he is not even the best APB. If this isn't obvious BIAS then I don't know...
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    Billy Bair -- RB has him with NO STARS . HOW DARE THEY I grow so tired of pulling this sh**
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    Hispanic heritage month

    How about QB Jeff Garcia. He has light brown hair, blue eyes, very pale skin, and Celtic features. I'm from LA so I would know. NO HISPANICS LOOK LIKE THAT. What a joke.
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    Disgrace to Race List

    The artical says Stanford is half asian. Its actually only 22% asisan. UCLA has the hightest Asian percentage of 44 percent.
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    Rugby World Cup 2007

    I'm glad France won. Maybe the white French have been doing something with their tallents after all.