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  1. M

    Tiger Woods

    This could be viewed as suspicious. Tiger Woods connected to doctor prescribing steroids. NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Times is reporting a Canadian doctor who has treated golfer Tiger Woods, swimmer Dara Torres and NFL players is suspected of providing athletes with performance-enhancing...
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    Olympic Final Four

    Those darned refs!!! Gotta watch out for them. Bummer.
  3. M

    US Olympic team

    If the medal rounds had 5 or 7 game series, the USA would win hands down. No team in the field could win a series against them. With a one game format, there is always a possibility for any team to lose.Edited by: michiganblkman
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    Tiger Woods

    To answer your first question about PEDs. As for Tiger, I am 95% sure he is clean. Why am I not 100% sure? Lets look at the list of types that have used or have rumoured to have used HGH/PEDs recently. 1. Track and Field athletes- understandable 2. Weight lifters- understandable 3. Tour de...
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    Tiger Woods

    One reason they ohh and ahh is because he actually tries to win EVERY time. Thats what the sponsors love. His committment to excellence and giving his all everytime he tees it up. As a sponsor who wouldnt want that in golf. A player that almost NEVER misses the cut, consistent top 10...
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    Tiger Woods

    When Barack Obama does something questionable, is he suddenly considered white? Maybe sports and politics are different
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    Boston Africans vs Euro Lakers

    He was on the list of players assigned to guard Kobe Bryant. To even be considered for this task, one would have to have some type of defensive reputation.
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    U.S. Open

    And all of this would go away if someone else wins. Can they?
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    Mark Jackson Comment?

    Its obvious what the network thinks. Larry Bird is on almost all of the Boston vintage clips. I think mark had to add current players to the "list" to add drama to the series
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    Elite XC is horrible

    After that performance, there isnt a top tier fighter that is even remotely concerned about Kimbo Slice. One fighter, during the post fight conference, accused Kimbo of tapping during the fight. It sort of looked like Kimbo did tap when I relooked at the fight on youtube.
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    Zito dumped on

    In the Detroit area, they talk about Willis EVERY day.
  12. M

    Elite XC: 11/10 Kimbo vs Bo

    Its too bad that corruption has entered the MMM world
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    A shameful way to retire

    I think she is insinuating that the testing system in sports is flawed. She says she didnt take cocaine and I believe her.
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    Tiger Woods

    To me, sports drinks in general are absurd. Waaaaaay to much sugar.
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    Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

    I have seen Tiger Woods referred as an "Asian" on another thread. Do people on the board root for him? What about the Asian golfers on the womens tour? Wie? Some of the Korean golfers?
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    Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

    Has the forum gone from a "celebrate white athletes" forum to a "celebrate anyone that isnt black" forum?
  17. M

    Phil Beats Tiger at Deutsche Bank

    That 60 was an incredible performance. I think i heard them mention that only 23 other players have ever shot 60 or better on the tour. It put him back in contention and earned him a nice paycheck.
  18. M

    Darko signs with the Memphis!

    Here is Darko after the recent European Championships along with the translation. (Hopefully the translation is inaccurate.) I am sure that Darko will overcome this incident and have a great upcoming year with the Grizzlies. Reporter: Darko, first...
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    The Bus's Book

    I cant wait till the book comes out next month. Jock books rarely dissapoint. (With the exception of Wilt claiming 20K and Deion Sanders claiming he didnt attack that reporter in the lockeroom, when it was obvious he did)
  20. M

    Emmitt Smith/Keyshawn-Commentators

    Some good candidates are Jason Whitlock - non athlete Fred Hickman- Non athlete Mike Wilbon- non athlete Robert Smith (Minnesota Vikings)- Athlete Tiki Barber- Athlete Ahmad Rashad (Sammie Moore)- Athlete
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    Barry Bonds

    I was in the bar the other nite and I got into a discussion with a guy that had Hanks rookie card. We were laughing because on the card it listed his rookie weight as 168. Its hard to find high schoolers that are that light nowadays.
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    Barry Bonds

    How about Fewest At Bats to 756?
  23. M

    PGA Championship

    Let it get out. I would like to see his competition take advantage of that. They need all the help they can get!!
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    PGA Championship

    Even thought I am a BIG TIME Tiger fan, I think its cool that there are some folks out there that like to see him not win. BTW, has a strong contingent of "Tiger Haters". Whenever I see the crowd cheering Tiger, I try to quickly pan the chaos to see if there are any...
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    Tiger Woods

    I never knew that about Fluff. I just read on Yahoo Answers that the celebrity thing was a big issue. It also mentions that they would argue openly during tournaments on club selection. Is Fluff more popular now that he is with Jim Furyk? Thats a heck of a resume to have for a caddie...