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  1. C

    UFC 113 : Machida vs. Shogun v2

    Paul Daley will become the new .gif that stands for TNB. Mitrione needs work but he has vastly improved. Kimbo did show he had also improved a great deal. And he also proved that if he were white, he'd never have been considered for the UFC or anything else. Wait, maybe I'm wrong...
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    Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

    Wariner was injured and is trying to regain form. There are no "championship" meets this season, so he can work through if needed. If I were coaching him, I might have him skip the nationals (unless he recovered a lot of lost form over the next ten days). I did see remarks to the effect at the...
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    What an asian guy thinks about all this

    Look at the age difference between Louis and Schmelling. Back in the day, Max was a very, very old heavyweight to be having title fights. As for Joe, he made a living of fighting older or smaller opponents. Not much of that is mentioned. Can't be negative about a person of color don't ya know...
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    Ed Wang

    How many whites with stats as good or better than Wang's have been ignored over the years? Not to pick at Wang, but it seems any time I read about a non-white, of any background, being compared to whites, he's "... simply more athletic," than his white teammates, etc. I guess we'll...
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    Tea Party Subverted By NeoCON(s)

    All true. Palin is a creation of neocon monster William Kristol, a zio-supremacist and the ultimate enthusiast of third world immigration to the US. He sees whites as animals, to be used as slaves and soldiers for Israel expanding its 'empire' in the Middle East. No, I'm not engaging in...
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    barefoot running?

    I have enough background in this to be able to tell people that it boils down to who you are. Barefoot running - or to be safe running in something like Nike 5.0's etc - provides benefits, but it depends on the individual. Lots of fast mid and long distance guys hit mid or even, God forbid...
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    AR h.s hoop Championships/my talk w/ John Pelphrey

    SUPER! Wish I'd been back here when this was "fresh". We need a lot more of this. Your name is still my favorite among all members. Straight from my favorite sports movie.
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    Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

    Thanks ToughJ! I like your moniker, Riggins was one of my favorite players, and free-spirited, tough as nails to boot. (And I like your posts on all topics)
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    Caste Football Biz Cards

    I like this idea. Gives me an idea. I'll pm you.
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    Who is the worst boxing writer?

    Wish I'd seen this earlier. Gilfoid, Tessitore (who's kissing ass to keep his job) and Kellerman (when writing) are the worst. Period. Hey, does Bert Sugar count?lol
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    What an asian guy thinks about all this

    I'd actually heard stories to that effect when I worked in the media. Don't know if it's true. Twice I'd heard it from jews who said it was OK because Schmelling was German which meant he was a Nazi.
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    What an asian guy thinks about all this

    Good post - and you are right about mestizos and in fact the Amerindians here in California for example. They are violent, impulsive, and anti-white. People should note that there are now many more "Native Americans" in North America than when Whites first arrived. It should also be pointed out...
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    Who is the worst boxing commentator/analyst?

    Max Kellerman is the worst in my book. Spoiled jewish kid who boned up on "boxing history" and was handed plum jobs left and right. Although to be honest and blunt, practically every jewish announcer is a piece of anti-white filth. Whether direct or indirect, always, always, always discrediting...
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    Christophe Lemaitre "White Lightning" 9.92 and 19.80!

    Lemaitre has superb talent and potential. It was amusing to read all the comments at Track and Field News, with 'experts' trying to disparage his early season fast time. All kinds of methods used to show how it wasn't as fast it was. Hilarious. Hopefully he's immune to the media pressure, which...
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    The Strange Case of Misplaced White Running Backs

    I have little doubt that behind the scenes the league takes care of teams who "help out" with the problem of talented white players emerging in positions where they don't belong, which would be every position in all of pro-sports if the judeo-bolsheviks could get their way. Simply put Gerhart on...
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    Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

    The way athletes in certain "Third World" countries avoid testing is to have their Federation/officials simply state the athlete is out of town, off somewhere where there's no phone - or he's far away, and it will take a couple of days for him to return, what with poor travel options available...
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    (Supeman in Spikes)Dave Sime

    Here's a video of Sime racing Hary: Note the info on Hary's reaction time and later on when they show his fantastically fast first, second, third steps. You also can't help but notice the lack of trash talk from Sim - then again, here's a...
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    Wariner is back and may threaten 43.19!

    The likely reason DHEA showed up in Merritt's test is because he was taking it to help counter the effects of "real" steroids. Guys using steroids and prohormones often use DHEA to mitigate side effects like lethargy, loss of libido and the like. Merritt put on too much muscle mass in '07, in...
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    Blacks cheat and win.

    The judges need to be publicly lambasted. Anyone that cowardly needs to be disgraced. Even it's just internet posts that get forwarded to them. They're so weak mentally that would even drive them over the edge.
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    The Census Bureau has been playing with numbers for several decades in order to keep whites from asking "What the Hell?" The US is less than 70% White without a doubt. Most of that has been since 1990 truth be told. Notice the figures Captain Poop was able to cull from the government...
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    Peter Karlsson(Sweden)

    I agree, I've mentioned that here before, I think. Maybe with the Olympics coming up he might be tempted, but people in the know say he's just not the kind who wants to do anything to ruin his health. He and Wariner have that lean, normal looking build - like sprinters from decades...
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    Yo! MMA Meets Hip-Hop in ‘Iron Ring'

    They'll probably find some white guys with no skills to use as fodder. They did it with boxing for decades.
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    No White Endorsements

    White boxers aren't allowed to sell. Boxing has been turned into a fringe sport because Whites have taken over for the most part. This is why we are seeing more and more "blast from the past" highlight shows with clips of the Caste Ruler's favorite tools to shake White self- confidence...
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    Yo! MMA Meets Hip-Hop in ‘Iron Ring'

    They'll keep this up until they can infect / control the UFC and every other "name" MMA "outlet". At least that's what they'll try to do if they can force the ratings. Kimbo is exhibit A. When is Matt Lindland going to fight Anderson Silva? They set that up and I'll be convinced Dana isn't...
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    Henderson-Silva - March 1

    I have little doubt there's guys we haven't seen - yet - who can take Silva out. They might be fighting the equivalent of "smokers" in Europe, etc. Henderson plain screwed up, and he ain't no kid either. I am interested in people we don't get to see or hear about more so than who the UFC...