White Identity


Sep 27, 2004
Latest by J. B. Cash:
White Identity

All four heavyweight titles are securely in the hands of white boxers. Since the anti-white Caste System media is reluctant to talk about it, let Caste Football review the situation for you.

Last Saturday, Ukranian Oleg Maskaev spent 12 rounds pounding on the last "Great Black Hype," Hasim Rahman, before rocking him with a combination and sending the over-rated fighter to the canvas to win the last belt that was not in the hands of the people to whom it rightly belongs. Maskaev is a rock-solid slugger who beat Rahman a few years before. He is 37 years old, the same age that Muhammad Ali and Joe Louis "should" have retired at, instead of getting whipped and brain damaged.

Maskaev however, is from tougher stock. As it turns out he fought with an undisclosed back injury which might have kept him from ending this fight earlier. Maskaev proved that he is one of the top fighters in the game. And note that when we say "top" fighters, we mean WHITE fighters.

About a month ago Wladimir Klitschko hammered the top-rated black contender Chris Byrd into submission in a mismatched heavyweight title fight. Again it was the second time that Klitschko had to dispense of Byrd, having beaten him in much the same manner a couple of years ago. Apparently black fighters and their fans can only be convinced that they are inferior as boxers after getting their butts kicked twice. Klitschko is a powerfully built fighting machine that may be the best fighter to come along since Rocky Marciano  oops, correction, there was one fighter better, his brother Vitali Klitschko, who was the most dominant fighter of our era before being forced to retire due to injury.

In April, Sergei "The White Wolf" Liakhovich dominated his WBO title fight and won a hard-fought but unanimous decision over Lamon Brewster. Liakhovich pounded and bloodied Brewster, taking advantage of the unfortunate tendency of black fighters to bleed when white boxers smash their fists into their faces dozens of times.

Nicolay Valuev, a 7 foot, 320 lb Russian, defeated John Ruiz last December to win the WBA title. Valuev is a huge hulking man that intimidates as much with his presence as his skills. He has taken advantage of his enormous size to dispatch a number of quality opponents, although Ruiz was not one of them. He has worked his way through the short list of black contenders and most likely will have to fight another white boxer in his next big match to have any competition at all.

Clearly, white boxers have superior natural skills to their African challengers. It is well known that white athletes are stronger since all significant weight lifting records are held by white men. White men also have better spacial cognition skills, which is the ability to hit a moving target, and are of course smarter as a matter of genetics. These qualities more than offset the advantages of the Negro's thicker skull and longer reach. Blacks, though, generally run faster which helps them escape from the ring when they are being pummeled by a white fighter.

Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth that is going on in the media and on black websites, and among white fans that worship everything black, about the current state of affairs, where black heavyweight fighters carry the same reputation as the 1962 New York Mets  LOSERS! Black boxers are getting beaten down by every white fighter in the game. I hear that Muhammad Ali is speechless. Rumor has it that Don King's hair is starting to go straight.

There is no relief in sight either. The only black heavyweight boxer of any repute that has not been slapped down by a white boxer is James Toney. Fat, lazy, trash-talking James Toney, who is still ducking white fighters like a convict dodging bloodhounds. He still insults white boxers but from a safe distance (meaning outside of a boxing ring).

Until then we may have to watch our white brothers fighting each other, although there should be a pact signed amongst them to prevent that. But not only are there plenty of white champions, all of the best contenders are white too. Soon blacks won't even be players in the fight game. Perhaps Mexicans can be brought in to replace them as they have in every other unskilled position in America.

So much for the "Great White Hope" syndrome and any ideas of black athletic superiority. The American media went on and on about how black men were sooo tough and that there were no white men anywhere that could ever challenge the big bad black fighters for boxing supremacy. "Where, oh where is our white hope," they insultingly proclaimed, trying to heap insult upon the reputation of white men by insinuating that the greatest warrior people on the planet, the very same race that has defeated and dominated, in war and peace, every other race on the planet, the same race that boasts the top 20 armies in the world, was supposed to be inferior at fighting to a race of people whose high point in warfare was the Zulu shield and spear attack on entrenched troops in the Boar War.

The black excuse makers, of whom there are millions, have already started up with the typical litany of lame reasons as to why their fighters suck. Tops on the list: blacks are not interested. Too busy playing football and basketball. We are to believe that 15 million black men are set on acquiring one of the couple of hundred open spots in football and basketball. Boy, I guess they are bad at math!

What about all of the blacks that are unable to sneak their way through the Mickey Mouse classes that colleges offer their athletes or the ones that are helping to make over 50 percent of the prison population in a country in which they are less then 13 percent? The Mike Tysons and Sony Listons, not to mention functional illiterates like Muhammad Ali, have NO options in football and basketball. It is not a case of disinterest, but a case of dysfunction.

A lot is made that the new breed of champions are all from Eastern Europe, the former "Soviet Bloc." Faux patriotism of the kind so popular today has been drummed up in an attempt to counter the obvious racial implications of the power shift. In his fight against Oleg Maskaev, Hasim Rahman was hailed as the "Last Line of Defense" for America as he was the last American born fighter with any chance to win a title. How sad that such an appeal has to be made. Especially in the light of the ruling elites' attempt to re-make America into a dumping ground for Third World refugees.

They expect us to consider Third World Mexicans who sneak illegally into our country and do not share our ideas of culture, government, or morality, as fellow countrymen and then treat Eastern European boxers who resemble us in looks, values, and history as some kind of "invader." All this is made the more disturbing by the idea that our pride is supposed to be defended by a thug like Hasim Rahman, who is a Muslim, a culture with which we are at war.

In contrast to the overflowing amount of white boxers from Eastern Europe there are almost none of any talent from the U.S. Why is this? What is it about the Eastern European that makes him so much superior to the native born white American boxer? Is he stronger? Tougher? Smarter? And why has he had so much success in pummeling black American boxers while white American boxers have not? It is doubtful that the Eastern European is stronger, and one would not think he is smarter. And any genetic advantage would certainly be offset by the fact that there are plenty of descendants of Eastern Europeans here in the United States, many millions in fact.

Could it be in the different way that each group perceives the black American fighters? How does the native born white American perceive blacks as a race? We know that the first thing a white American is taught about blacks is that they are "special." There are specific holidays just for them; a whole month is dedicated to celebrate just them. During that month an unending stream of propaganda is force fed to the white American about the injustices visited upon blacks.

The current way that white society deals with blacks is one of complete appeasement. Whereupon at one time white people shunned the company of blacks, it is now fashionable to pursue integration. Association with blacks is preached as the preferred method of social interaction. It results in over 5,000 white deaths and 15,000 white rapes per year but this is considered "social progress."

At every turn the white youth's race is demeaned. All of his forefathers are portrayed as bad. All of his native culture is evil, all of the morality of his forefathers is "uncool" and ignored, when not ridiculed. Foul-mouthed black comedians are considered the top entertainment. Foul-mouthed black rap singers are considered the best in music entertainment. As a typical example, at every major sporting event attended by 60,000 white people or more, most of them over 40 years old, the music that will be played is almost exclusively "rap" droning on-and-on about some aspect of ghetto culture that has no application to the whites listening to it, or else featuring lyrics that insult whites and white culture.

The modern white youth learns that despite the rigorously collected statistics concerning race and crime by the FBI that illustrate black deviancy, despite the meticulously recorded results of intelligence testing, despite the unending personal experience of every white person in the country, he learns that white people are NEVER, EVER, allowed to say negative things about blacks in a public forum or risk complete social ostracism and possible criminal charges. It is even best to avoid saying GOOD things about blacks as that would indicate that there possibly exists something BAD about blacks. On those few occasions where a public figure is foolish enough to say something about race, the punishment is so swift and severe that the lesson is made apparent to anyone that does not get it.

The white youth realizes at an early age that his elders are weak and cowardly. They will not defend their people, their institutions, not even themselves. They certainly won't defend the youth himself. If the government mandates he be sent off to a school in a black ghetto neighborhood to be attacked and taunted by inner city youths, then away he goes. When a young white girl wants to date a thug that will eventually bring ruin upon her life they will be too frozen in racial fear to intervene.

This is what the young white boxer (few that there are) is exposed to.

The youth born in Eastern Europe is taught that he is a member of a great people. He is schooled in the great victories of his people as they faced desperate enemies at their doorstep and expended vast amounts of blood to drive them away. He learns that his people are a great and good one. They have built one of the most powerful armies in the world. They have built rockets that travel to the stars, submarines that travel the vast oceans, and inventions that changed the face of mankind. They learn that their government possesses nuclear weapons that they will use to defend themselves against any attack. They are proud of who they are and where they came from.

How does the Eastern European perceive blacks as a race? The Eastern European sees the same things as the American, only there is no propaganda to convince him that what he sees is not the truth. There is no guilt in his background to feel that he has to make excuses for what he knows to be true. When his people speak of the issue they speak truthfully.

He sees Somalia, Haiti, and Detroit. Three vastly different parts of the globe, all with similar pathologies and one common denominator. He sees Africa a land rich in natural resources but a place where the people have never designed and built a ship, a plane, even an automobile. He sees famous American black athletes in the media, the result of American black culture as it continues to poison the world with its sickness. He must feel utter disdain for a people with so little to recommend themselves but so much trash to talk.

He can hardly believe that they would dare to enter a ring with him, a man born of the blood of people that have done such great things. How is it possible, he thinks to himself, that he could possibly lose to such a creature? A fight is never about just muscle and bone, or else one could just measure those qualities and decide the contest right there. No! A fight is about heart, and desire, and will. The heart to know you can win, the desire to work towards that goal, and the will to NEVER lose. The Eastern Europeans have learned, or more correctly, remembered this great white philosophy. May it return to all our people someday.



May 13, 2006
I've been waiting on this article all week and it was worth it.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Ah, how sweet it is!JB Cash,itseems to me, released a great deal of pent up emotion in writing this article. I love it. If we don't praise white athletes who will? "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!" I heard that refrain repeatedly in my youth. It was meant to instill fear in our hearts. It worked. As a young child growing up during theCold War, I went to sleep at night praying they would stay far, faraway from our shores. Now, I lead the cheering section as they show us how to be men again!I have a new slogan. " The Russians are here, the Russians are here!What took em so long? Let's have a beer! " All right, all right, it's not the catchiest phrase, but it's a start.


Aug 13, 2006
I wonder to what extent Russians (and other Slavs) are acclimated to and unfazed by racial conflict due to their suffering under Communism, which reflected a disproportionate Jewish influence.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I call it From Russia With Glove.Ha.ha.Another in a long line of great articles JB.Please keep them coming.You are an excellent writer and you tell it like it is better than anyone.