Whoopi defends Vick’s dog-fighting


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Whoopi the racist

Black racist defending black criminal just because he is black. It's all part of our race neutral society.

"He's from the South, from the Deep South ... This is part of his cultural upbringing," Goldberg said of the Atlanta Falcons quarterback, whose recent fall from grace has been one of the most stunning in the history of U.S. sports.

"For a lot of people, dogs are sport," Goldberg said on the show. "Instead of just saying (Vick) is a beast and he's a monster, this is a kid who comes from a culture where this is not questioned."
Apr 22, 2005
Virginia is the Deep South??

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Well, let's see..

whatever happened to dueling? Wasn't that cultural?

Some would say pimping, drug abuse, and gang warfare are cultural, too. Let's not forget clitorectomies, honor killings, forced abortion, polygamy, and the arranged, forced marriages of minors. All cultural.

For a lot of people, dogs are sport...

How about this: 'For a lot of people, dogs are food.' Maybe we should all have a puppy barbecue. Schnauzer, anyone? They're great with A1.
Dec 18, 2004
I have seen several people who defend Vick say that dogfighting comes from the "rural south." Some commentators, however, have said that dogfighting is growing in "urban areas."

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
As societies evolve cultural values change too. In the 19th century it was legal to beat your wife and children were allowed to be used as slave labour. Do we want to go back to that too. Dog fighting was originally a gentleman's sport that died out around the abolition of slavery. The black and white underclass kept the sport alive in various countries and areas of this country. I for one am glad that it died out. Also I don't think Whoopi is racist as she loves vanilla fudge if you get my drift....
Edited by: white is right

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
white is right said:
lso I don't think Whoopi is racist as she loves vanilla fudge if you get my drift....

I know you probably meant this as a joke, but having sex with someone of a different race is not really indicative of your views on race. Black men try to have sex with white women all the time to get back at white men. White men might have sex with an Asian or Latin girl as a fling, but wouldn't marry or have children with any of them. I'm not sure about Whoopi though, but she seems to be so PC that she would have sex with a white man just to set an example for 'diversity.'

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
No this could be a fetish thing, or a political statement or whatever. I find it funny though that Goldberg who has a mixed race daughter has a white grandchild (or at least the grandchild would be treated white by an outsider). Mother nature works in mysterious ways....


Jan 8, 2005
Dogfighting isn't normal anywhere, that's why it's underground!

And since when has ignorance of laws/customs been an excuse?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
No dogfighting is above the board in some parts of Asia and Eurasia. Here is a Wilkapedia article on it.....Dog fighting is a physical fight between canines, sometimes involving the pitting of two dogs against each other for the entertainment of spectators, and for the purpose of gambling. It is considered by some to be a sport, as the dogs are judged on their wrestling, bite and gameness while onlookers root and place bets. Dog fighting is accepted in some countries but is illegal within the United States and other countries. Dog fighting most recently received national attention in the United States due to the involvement of Atlanta Falcons football star Michael Vick and ESPN's Jim Rome in the practices.

Fight trainers are referred to as "Dog Men" or "Dog Women."[1]

* 1 Origins of domestic breeding
* 2 Domestication of old fighting breeds
* 3 History
o 3.1 Japan
o 3.2 Latin America
o 3.3 North America
o 3.4 India
o 3.5 Russia
o 3.6 United Kingdom
* 4 Impacts upon modern society
o 4.1 Animal welfare and rights
o 4.2 Bait animals
o 4.3 Public danger
o 4.4 Societal impact, gang and criminal activities
* 5 See also
* 6 References
* 7 External links

[edit] Origins of domestic breeding

As with all domestic dogs, the ancestors of all breeds were wolves. The foundation breed of the fighting dog was, in its outward appearance, a large, low, heavy breed with a powerful build and strongly developed head.

Dog breeding in its earliest stages was carried out systematically, with the desire for specialization. It is believed that the development of individual breeds took place in narrow geographic areas, corresponding to the performance required in these regions. Selection for performance, complemented by the breeding for suitable body forms, leads to the formation of breeds. The task of the fighting dog demanded specific basic anatomical traits and temperamental features. The anatomy of the fighting dog requires an imposing outward form to instill fear, with the foundation breed naturally large, low-slung, heavy, powerfully built, with a strongly developed head, powerful biting apparatus and a threatening voice. The goal is to breed a dog that will attack animals but is docile and affectionate toward humans. All breeds with a character suitable for protecting humans and fighting wild animals may be considered for dogfighting.Special attention is often given to the Pit-Bull Terrier or Mastiff.

[edit] Domestication of old fighting breeds

Many breeds that were once associated with dog fighting have been developed into excellent family and show dogs. Pure breeds such as the English Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier were popular as fighting dogs, but were originally developed as bait dogs. Other pure breeds including the Irish Terrier, the bulldog, the Kerry Blue Terrier and the Parson Russell Terrier were used for fighting along side their original use in vermin control and other farm work.

[edit] History

Dog fighting has been documented in the recorded history of many different cultures, and is presumed to have existed since the initial domestication of the species. Many breeds have been bred specifically for the strength, attitude, and physical features that would make them better fighting dogs.

Scholars speculate that large-scale human migration, the development of trade, and gifts between royal courts of valuable fighting dogs facilitated the spread of fighting dog breeds. There are many accounts of military campaigns which utilized fighting dogs, as well as royal gifts in the form of large dogs.

Blood sports involving the baiting of animals has occurred since antiquity, most famously at the Colosseum in Rome during the reign of the Roman Empire. However, in contemporary times, it is most associated with the English, who pursued it with utmost earnestness, which was barely known elsewhere in the world. For over six hundred years the pastime flourished, reaching the peak of its popularity during the sixteenth century. The various animal types involved in the bait allowed for the breed specialization and basic anatomical forms of fighting dogs, which we see today.

Dog fighting has been popular in many countries throughout history and continues to be practiced both legally and illegally around the world.

[edit] Japan

Dog fighting began in Japan before the end of the Kamakura period. According to historical documents, Hōjō Takatoki, the 14th shikken (shogun's regent) of the Kamakura shogunate was known to be obsessed with dog fighting, to the point where he allowed his samurai to pay taxes with dogs. At this time, dog fighting was called inuawase.

Dog fighting was considered a way for the Samurai to retain their aggressive edge during peaceful times. Several daimyo, such as Chosokabe Motochika and Yamauchi Yodo, both from Tosa Province (present-day Kochi Prefecture), were known to encourage dog fighting. Dog fighting was also popular in Akita Prefecture, which is the origin of the Akita breed.

Dog fighting evolved in Kochi to a form that is called Tōken (闘犬). Under modern rules, dogs fight in a fenced ring until one of the dogs barks, yelps, or loses the will to fight. Owners are allowed to throw in the towel, and matches are stopped if a doctor judges it is too dangerous. Draws usually occur when both dogs won't fight or both dogs fight until the time limit. There are various other rules, including one that specifies that a dog will lose if it attempts to copulate. Champion dogs are called yokozuna, as in sumo. With generic animal protection laws in place, dog fighting is not specifically banned in Japan, except in Tokyo, and can be seen in Kochi. Currently, most fighting dogs in Japan are Tosa, which is a breed that was developed in Kochi.[2] Dog fighting does not have strong links to gambling in Japan.

[edit] Latin America

Dog fighting is widely practiced in much of Latin America, especially in Argentina, Colombia and many parts of Brazil. The Dogo Argentino is by far the most common breed involved in the bloodsport. The Fila Brasileiro is also used, but rarely. The American Pit Bull Terrier is another breed that is commonly involved in dog fighting circuits. The Dogo Cubano and dogo cordoba were used for fighting a century ago, but have become extinct.

[edit] North America

Main article: Dog fighting in the United States

Dog fighting is illegal in all North American countries.

According to a study by the College of Law of the Michigan State University published in 2005, in the United States, dog fighting was once completely legal and was sanctioned and promoted during the colonial period (1600s through 1776) and continuing through the Victorian era in the late 19th century. However, by the early twentieth century, the brutality inherent in dog fighting was no longer tolerated by American society. It has become increasingly outlawed, a trend which has continued into the 21st century.[3]

As of 2007, dog fighting is a felony in 48 states and a misdemeanor in Idaho and Wyoming. In most states, it is against the law (and often a felony) to even attend a dog fighting event, regardless of direct participation. According to authorities, dog fighting is increasingly practiced by gangs, and is linked to other unlawful activities, such as gambling.[4]

Despite legality issues, dogs are still commonly used for fighting purposes all across the continent. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the most popular breed used for fighting, but foreign breeds, such as the Dogo Argentino (used widely in South America) and Presa Canario (used in Spain) are also gaining popularity.

[edit] India

Dog fighting is widely practiced throughout rural India. Indian feudal lords take pride in pitting their dogs against a rival's, or they make the dogs fight with bears. However, dog fighting is illegal as defined by Indian law. In addition, it is illegal to possess dogfighting materials such as videos, or to attend an event that subjects an animal to cruel treatment. But since bribery is a common practice, many indian officials prefer to take money instead of prosecuting animal cruelty.

[edit] Russia

Although animal cruelty laws exist in Russia, dog fighting is widely practiced. Laws prohibiting dogfights have been passed in certain places, and in others dogfights are legally held under the supervision of the All-Russian Association of Russian Volkodavs. Temperament tests, which are a common and relatively mild form of dog fighting used for breeding purposes, are fairly commonplace. [citation needed]

[edit] United Kingdom

During the time of Roman Britain, there were Pugnaces Britanniae or war dogs, mostly used in battle but later used for dog fighting contests in the amphitheatre. As early as 1154, in the reign of Henry II, bull-baiting and bear-baiting with dogs was a popular amusement.

Breeding allowed for a specialized breed in the form of the now extinct original Old English Bulldog. The contemporary recreation of the breed is called the Olde English Bulldogge.

The Cruelty to Animals Act 1835 in the United Kingdom was the first legislation in the world that made dogfighting illegal; however, it continued in London long after and continues to occur in rural areas of the United Kingdom. Dog fighting is now illegal in all first world countries and many third world countries. However, dog fighting still occurs across the globe. To combat dog fighting the designation of so-called dangerous dog breeds, Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) has been passed. For those interested in fighting dogs, outlawing their specific breeds encourages them to find substitute breeds suitable for fighting forces them to take their breeds out of the public eye.

Despite periodic dog-fight prosecutions, the illegal canine pit battles continued. Sporting journals of the 18th and 19th centuries depict the Black Country and London as the primary English dog fight centres of the period. Dog fighting was also practiced in many areas of Ireland.

Dog fighting is still popular in certain areas of England, with a large underground following. Largely as the result of attacks on children, police have increased enforcement activities.

[edit] Impacts upon modern society

The neutrality of this section is disputed.
Please see the discussion on the talk page.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, dog fighting has increasingly become an unlawful activity in most of the world. The reasons fall into several broad categories, and each have motivated constituencies in many areas.

[edit] Animal welfare and rights

Animal advocates consider dog fighting to be one of the most serious forms of animal abuse, not only for the violence that the dogs endure during and after the fights, but because of the suffering they often endure in training. At least one major study alleges that the prevailing mind set among dog fighters is that, the more the dog suffers, the tougher he will become, and the better fighter he will therefore be. [citation needed]

In addition to the controversial treatment a dog receives when he has potential as a fighter, according to a filing in U.S. District Court in Richmond by federal investigators in Virginia, which was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and published by the Baltimore Sun on July 6, 2007, a losing dog or one whose potential is considered unacceptable faces "being put to death by drowning, strangulation, hanging, gun shot, electrocution or some other method".[5]

[edit] Bait animals

"Bait" animals are used to test a dog's fighting instinct, and these animals are often mauled or killed in the process. [citation needed] Trainers obtain bait animals from several sources: wild or feral animals, animals obtained from a shelter, or in some cases, stolen pets.[6] According to news reports compiled by the National Humane Society, the snouts of bait dogs are wrapped with duct tape to prevent them from injuring pit bulls being trained for fighting. Other animals, such as cats and rabbits are also reported to be used as bait animals. [citation needed] Experts have said small dogs, kittens, and rabbits are more at risk of being stolen for bait than larger animals. [citation needed]

National Geographic noted that there are no statistics on how many pets are taken and used as bait by dog fighting rings each year. Patricia Wagner, head of the National Illegal Animal Fighting Task Force for the Humane Society of the United States, offered the statement "I think every state has a problem with it, whether they know it or not."[7]

[edit] Public danger

Animal advocates say that there is a public safety issue associated with training dogs to be aggressive fighters, because if let loose these dogs might attack and kill humans. There have been numerous incidents over the years in which dogs trained for the fighting ring have mauled people. [citation needed]

If a dog trained for the dogfighting ring does not suffer its death while in such service, a rehabilitation to become a pet is usually not practical or even feasible. Following the seizure of a large number of dogs in an April 2007 dog fighting case in Mississippi, Tara High, executive director of the Humane Society of South Mississippi said "The reality is that they've been used for entertainment. It's quite tragic for those of us that are kind of left to deal with it and the reality that these animals aren't going to be able to be rehabilitated," she said. Ms. High compared the animals to "a loaded weapon. And not something we feel very comfortable letting out into the community."[8]

[edit] Societal impact, gang and criminal activities

In places where dog fighting is outlawed, its clandestine culture is believed to be directly related to other crimes and to community violence. Peripheral criminal activities that sometimes occurs at a dog fight include gambling, racketeering, drug distribution, and gang violence. As with other criminal enterprises, communities often suffer from the unlawful activities occurring in their neighborhoods. [9]

Animal advocates also cite desensitization to violence and animal cruelty as an unwelcome corollary of dog fighting, particularly among child spectators. [10]

On August 27, 2007 professional American football player Michael Vick pled guilty to felonious charges of running a dogfighting ring.[11] Vick joined three others who had pleaded guilty earlier to federal felony charges for running a competitive dogfighting ring called "Bad Newz Kennels" over a period of 6 years. The case drew widespread publicity in the United States owing to Vick's fame, his image as a role model, and certain gruesome details of the operation, including how underperforming dogs were executed via means such as electrocution and hanging. The related unlawful gambling he funded was especially objectionable to his professional football league's Player Code of Conduct. The four co-defendants face up to five years in prison and fines of up to $250,000 plus restitution. It is also likely that Vick will forfeit ownership of the $700,000 15-acre estate in Surry County, Virginia which was developed for the enterprise. A Virginia grand jury will meet to consider additional state charges on September 25.


Jan 8, 2005
White is right,

I actually meant to say isn't normal anywhere in the U.S. :)

I know there are some places that like stuff like this and and those chicken fights they have in the Philipines. I also saw a thing about horse fights (I think it was in Asia somewhere).