Whites "Minorities" in 1/10 U.S. Counties


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
This is by design (courtesy of the Globalist Elite), and has been in the Elite's cards/agenda for a long time now...

Minorities Now Form Majority in One-Third of Most-Populous Counties


In a further sign of the United States' growing diversity, nonwhites now make up a majority in almost one-third of the most-populous counties in the country and in nearly one in 10 of all 3,100 counties, according to an analysis of census results to be released today.

The shift reflects the growing dispersal of immigrants and the suburbanization of blacks and Hispanics pursuing jobs generated by whites moving to the fringes of metropolitan areas.

From July 1, 2005, to July 1, 2006, metropolitan Chicago edged out Honolulu in Asian population, and Washington inched ahead of El Paso in the number of Hispanic residents. In black population, Houston overtook Los Angeles.

"The new wave of immigration, along with its continued dispersal to the suburbs and Sun Belt, is transforming the places which are now being classified as multiethnic and majority minority," said William H. Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution.

"The new melting pots are not large international gateways," Professor Frey said, adding, "Rather, many are fast-growing suburbs themselves."

In 36 counties with more than 500,000 residents each, non-Hispanic whites are now a minority, up from 29 counties of that size in 2000.

From 2005 to 2006 alone, eight other mostly less-populous counties shifted to a majority of minorities, the Census Bureau said. They were Denver, Colo.; East Baton Rouge Parish, La.; Winkler, Waller and Wharton in Texas; Blaine, Mont.; Colfax, N.M.; and Manassas Park, Va., an independent city that is considered the equivalent of a county.

In a new study for the Population Reference Bureau, Mark Mather and Kelvin Pollard found that Hispanic people were increasingly attracted to job opportunities and lower costs outside major metropolitan areas.

"Between 2000 and 2006, the total population in small towns and rural areas increased by 3 percent, but the Hispanic population in these counties grew from 2.6 million to 3.2 million, a 22 percent increase," the authors of the study wrote.

So far this decade, they added, "there are also new areas of growth, including exurban counties in the Atlanta, Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C., metropolitan areas, plus parts of Texas, central Florida, and a few other states."

Since 2000, the Hispanic population more than doubled in metropolitan Winchester, Va.; Scranton, Pa.; Cape Coral, Fla.; and Hagerstown, Md.. The largest numerical increases were in metropolitan Los Angeles (576,630); Riverside, Calif., (545,152); Dallas (472,222); Houston (470,157); and New York (418,720).

Black populations declined in metropolitan New Orleans, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and New York. The biggest numerical gains were in Atlanta (370,470), Houston (142,364), Dallas (130,367), Miami (126,819) and Washington (114,915).

The growth in Atlanta, Houston and Dallas was attributed in part to survivors of Hurricane Katrina moving to those cities. The highest growth rates among Asian populations were in metropolitan Napa, Calif., and Ocala, Naples, Cape Coral and Port St. Lucie, Fla. The greatest numerical increases were in New York (309,773), Los Angeles (216,987), Washington (105,390), San Francisco (103,073) and Chicago (93,237).

Metropolitan Phoenix; Atlanta; Dallas; Houston; Las Vegas; Austin, Tex.; Charlotte; Portland, Ore.; and Raleigh, N.C., each recorded gains in non-Hispanic whites of more than 100,000 since 2000. The largest losses were registered by metropolitan New York (248,422), Los Angeles (193,109), San Francisco (127,151) and New Orleans (111,162).

Harris County, Tex., home to Houston, gained 121,400 minority residents from 2005 to 2006, the most of any county. Sixty-three percent of its residents were members of minorities.

Maricopa County, Ariz., home to Phoenix, recorded the biggest numerical increase in Hispanic residents (71,000) and also the biggest increase in non-Hispanic whites (35,500).

Harris County and East Baton Rouge Parish registered the biggest increases in black residents, 52,000 and 19,000, respectively.

***Reference article...

[url]http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/09/us/09census.html?ei=5090&e n=acb30f0eee9fdb05&ex=1344312000&adxnnl=1&partner=rssuserlan d&emc=rss&pagewanted=print&adxnnlx=1186632115-o1Gt7GuuJDlvPk f8XBFQeA[/url]


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
The marxists have been hard at work for a long time, mainly dumbing down and weakening White courage and will.

Ask White folks, "how do you engineer a genocide?" Because of the judeo-marxist "Education system," they'll most likely conjure up "death camps" as an answer. Genocide is, afterall, the wholesale destruction of a certain and distinct geno-type or genetic set. How else can this be accomplished?

Perhaps through the oldest and most effective method -- MISCEGENATION. Get your enemies to breed down, to contaminate and poison their ancient blood-lines, and then the intelligently superior race can swoop in and easily take over and rule over -- the newly "crippled" people.

Intelligence, ingenuity and improvisational abilities are everything. Our White fathers were not afraid of hard work, they were not afraid of challenges. Intelligence and perseverance is what ultimately led to the creation of the U-boat, the combustion engine, the airplane, the aircraft carrier, the firearm, the main battle tank, electricity, the camera, the destroyer, etc. The Great Gothic Churches in Europe are the epitome of perseverance -- since some of them took a 100 years or more to build.

By now many White people are surely aware of the massive amounts of miscegenation being pushed on the television and movie screens. Whether they approve of it or not, ask them if they think "White men" are pairing beautiful White women with negro bucks? Chances are, they won't say much because they have not taken the time to know who the script-writers and producers are.

The vile oriental jew (not a drop of Semitic blood to be found) has designated the "mulatto" as New World Order "man" -- because they know something. Through blood purity, we will have the capability to project awesome power and might; we will be able to fight the White Way and give it all we got -- plus a little extra. The marxists (who want to tyrannically rule us) will not truly be safe until our blood-lines are poisoned -- FOR GOOD -- and they know this.

We will be relegated to eternal slaves on the globalist plantation, only capable of throwing stones and chucking spears -- for we will have transformed ourselves into 3rd worlders through mixing.

Let's also not forget that White technology is efficiently and properly used when in White hands...


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Think of the mess that most of Brazil is in and also think of the Dominican Republic. These places have huge colored populations -- and contrary to pro-miscegenation proponents -- they are NOT living in harmony and singing kum ba yah(?) by the camp-fire!

It's not just tar-black Haiti which has serious problems.

If we were all "equal" and members of "A or THE human RACE," there could be no such thing as mixing. Thing is, it's pure jewish fiction that they invariably peddle to little White kids in the indoctrination centers called public schools.

It saddens me that some Whites have been weakened by this constant propagandizing. This is a world of eternal struggle -- and struggle we must.