Whites in the ancient Middle East


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Are Europeans All Middle Easterners?"

For quite a number of decades, it has been apparent that agriculture was first invented in the "Fertile Crescent"Â￾ of the Middle East, then spread into Europe. But that raised the question of how agriculture spread: did Middle Easterners colonize Europe or did existing European hunter-gatherers pick up Middle Eastern techniques? A couple of decades or so ago, geneticists entered this debate. L.L. Cavalli-Sforza argued that most Europeans today are descended from Middle Eastern farmers. Bryan Sykes responded that most Europeans are descended from indigenous hunter-gatherers who switched to farming.


If "Europeans" (Whites) were in the ancient Middle East, that would indicate that the civilizations there were founded by Whites! Also, since nonwhites dominate the area today though a remnant of Whites remain in the area. In all likelihood, Whites control far more of the ancient northern world but as Whites built civilizations nonwhites either came or were brought to Whites' lands as slaves or "cheap" labor and slowly over the millenniums took over the Middle East.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Repeating the Mistakes of Ancient Egypt"

Liberals endlessly tell us that Diversity is good for us or that Diversity makes us stronger. In reality Diversity has been at best a problem and at worst the ruin of civilization as Third World races replace the White nation-builders.

Egypt was the first great civilization and endured for thousands of years. The early Pharaohs and Egyptians were White people who settled in present-day Egypt and started building the great pyramids, statues and temples that still stand today. The Egyptians expanded their empire and brought back Semites and Black slaves, the genetic poison that would eventually wipe out the nation-builders and reduce Egypt to a chaotic Third World nation that relies on ancient White ruins for its tourist industry.

Egypt isn't the only example of a White nation destroyed by race-mixing. Along the eastern Mediterranean coast (in present-day Turkey, Syria and Lebanon) there were once White city states just as prosperous and advanced as the city-states of Greece. Thanks to centuries of race-mixing, the city-states of the eastern Mediterranean all fell into a permanent state of decline, never again to see the creativity and magnificence of a White past long gone.



Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Pharaohs Had White DNA"

It’s fairly obvious that an advanced race played a role in establishing Egypt. It takes a good amount of engineering ability to construct giant pyramids. The Egyptian temples with their great columns are much like the ones in ancient Greece and Rome. You won’t find similar great temples in sub-Saharan Africa even though Blacks have tried to claim credit for Egypt.

The early Pharaohs looked White. Blue precious stones were used for the eyes of an early pharaoh’s bust. Egypt unfortunately became increasingly race-mixed, and the final pharaohs did have African features much like our current mulatto president in the increasingly race-mixed United States.

Egypt lost its dominance and military power as the White DNA died out in Egypt. The Greeks and then the Romans conquered Egypt after it became heavily race-mixed. The US is going down the same road that destroyed Egypt. Perhaps, the Chinese will occupy a “Third Worldâ€￾ America if the White race is reduced to a small minority.
