White people can never do enough...

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i turned on the idiot box this afternoon and just by chance happened to catch a segment of ESPN's Outside The Lines.

the segment? the negrophiles at ESPN were indulging in former Oklahoma State quarterback Bobby Reid's self-indulgent pity-party recitation of "the man who done me wrong."

anyway, for those who don't know the story, as one of the biggest recruits in Ok St's history Reid was supposed to be the next Vince Young. however, as a sophomore he eventually got beat out for the starting job by a white quarterback (Zac Robinson). furthermore, he turned out to be a whiny pussy.

but he really became famous when Oklahoma State head coach Mike Gundy went on a furious rant protecting Reid during a press conference. it's all over YouTube for anyone who's not seen it.

why is this important?

Gundy, who's made his career out of recruiting black athletes and doing everything he can to help them play, is being run down AGAIN by the "world's sports leader" as the man who ruined Reid's career. and who is making such a claim, you might ask?

no less than Bobby Reid and his skank mother!

Outside The Lines is re-hashing this pathetic excuse for a human being's sob story, but he's been crying about how he was "mis-treated" for over a year now. Reid can't contemplate that a white athlete was actually better and beat him out of his job. no, it mus' be uh cunspiracee an' sheeuht...

Reid ended up graduating OSU (which is a shocker, in itself), and then transferred to play his final year of eligibility for a black coach at all-black Texas Southern.

somehow Gundy is the bad guy in this tale, according to Reid and his "mamma" and apparently the negro lovers at ESPN agree. yes, this is the same Gundy who goes out of his way to recruit negroes over white kids and would do anything for his favored affletes, including make a fool of himself in front of the national media. whitey is the devil any time some negro doesn't get what he wants when he wants it.

this is just one example i saw today, but it happens daily across the country. and i wanted to get it off my chest.

no matter what white people do for (or give to) blacks, it will never be enough.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Reid is a loser. Gundy is a queef.

They both deserve to rot, but Reid, being black, is given a free pass for any idiocy he may display from age 0 to death.

But what can we expect in a world where midgety little queers like Ryan Seacrest are supposedly experts on what music is cool.


Nov 23, 2008
GiovaniMarcon said:
Reid is a loser. Gundy is a queef.

They both deserve to rot, but Reid, being black, is given a free pass for any idiocy he may display from age 0 to death.

But what can we expect in a world where midgety little queers like Ryan Seacrest are supposedly experts on what music is cool.
No matter how much kindness whites show to these blacks, they will never get anything in return. That's how stupid political correctness really is.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Very depressing. And Zac Robinson turned out to be one hell of a white running QB, but ESPN thinks this Reid guy who never played is the "next Vince Young".

Whatever that means: Young has shown to have a fragile ego in the pros and has been beat out by the ageless white Kerry Collins. So far being called "the next Vince Young" isn't all too inspiring.

When vermin ESPN caste wackos like Tom Luginbill stop giving credence to all these black whiners crying discrimination for being backups maybe we will see "even a few" white RBs on the field in the NFL someday. Currently a white RB playing in the NFL is "insulting" to the black man at "his chosen position" (as called by Eric Dickerson). This racism has to be exposed!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
even black "Canadians" claim that their nation is terribly racist and Canada isn't doing enough to stop black "oppression."
yes, this is vehemently asserted despite the fact that Canada spends tens of millions of $$$ each year enforcing draconian "hate" laws and funding dozens of national organizations whose sole responsibility is preaching how great multi-culturalism is and helping minorities get free stuff... nope, even that isn't enough. because according to its black "citizens", Canada, you see, is a racist country.

read it here if you don't believe me, courtesy of an "enlightened" white "non-racist."
some excerpts:

Like many black Canadians, Parsons is frustrated and disillusioned by the lack of progress in recent years on everything from jobs to action on ending racism and anti-black hate crimes. That's why she was in Ottawa last week attending the three-day National African Canadian Policy Conference ...

because many black Canadians are feeling increasingly ignored and let down by their public institutions, including schools, governments, the police and the media.

Indeed, for some, this is a community under stress ...

As a group, black Canadians are poorer, less educated, less healthy, more likely to be unemployed or in jail than virtually every other racial or ethnic community ...

During the conference, the organizers gave each delegate a "tool kit" designed to help individuals and community groups recognize and deal with hate crimes.

The 78-page manual included tips and strategies ranging from media advocacy to how to raise community awareness and lobby law enforcement agencies to recognize and deal more effectively with incidents of anti-black hate.

It also suggests ways for public institutions to develop training and protocols specifically aimed at handling cases of anti-black hate ...

according to this liberal idiot,anti-black "hate" can be anything from oral comments to *gasp* murder. so, speaking the truth about how pathetic black people are as a group is a hate crime, as isthe non-existent "murder spree" that whites are not engaging in.

Tough, i'll be interested in hearing your take on this. it seems that black folk gonn' be bitchin' no mattuh wut we white devils be doin'.
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood


Oct 18, 2008
Even if they all got a white slave or two, all you would hear would be"Man, dey dun gave me a sorry ass white slave. Dey just tryin to keep a bruva down."


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Jimmy Chitwood said:
even black "Canadians" claim that their nation is terribly racist and Canada isn't doing enough to stop black "oppression."
 yes, this is vehemently asserted despite the fact that Canada spends tens of millions of $$$ each year enforcing draconian "hate" laws and funding dozens of national organizations whose sole responsibility is preaching how great multi-culturalism is and helping minorities get free stuff... nope, even that isn't enough. because according to its black "citizens", Canada, you see, is a racist country.

read it here if you don't believe me, courtesy of an "enlightened" white "non-racist."
 some excerpts:

Like many black Canadians, Parsons is frustrated and disillusioned by the lack of progress in recent years on everything from jobs to action on ending racism and anti-black hate crimes. That's why she was in Ottawa last week attending the three-day National African Canadian Policy Conference ...

because many black Canadians are feeling increasingly ignored and let down by their public institutions, including schools, governments, the police and the media.

Indeed, for some, this is a community under stress ...

As a group, black Canadians are poorer, less educated, less healthy, more likely to be unemployed or in jail than virtually every other racial or ethnic community ...

During the conference, the organizers gave each delegate a "tool kit" designed to help individuals and community groups recognize and deal with hate crimes.

The 78-page manual included tips and strategies ranging from media advocacy to how to raise community awareness and lobby law enforcement agencies to recognize and deal more effectively with incidents of anti-black hate.

It also suggests ways for public institutions to develop training and protocols specifically aimed at handling cases of anti-black hate ...

according to this liberal idiot, anti-black "hate" can be anything from oral comments to *gasp* murder. so, speaking the truth about how pathetic black people are as a group is a hate crime, as is the non-existent "murder spree" that whites are not engaging in.

Tough, i'll be interested in hearing your take on this. it seems that black folk gonn' be bitchin' no mattuh wut we white devils be doin'.

I'll make this a quick response: Canada does have a ridiculous amount of "hate" watch groups, but the government doesn't seem to discriminate as much in hiring for government jobs. I have noticed all the "easy" government high paid jobs around here in Jersey are very overrepresented by blacks.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Tough, your answer doesn't explain why "Canadian" blacks feel so oppressed...

with no history of slavery, gov't enforcement that mandates blacks get preferential treatment, and countless dollars spent to assist them, what exactly is keepingthe negro down in Canada?


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I don't really know a good answer to that JC (or at least an answer I'd like).
Plus I decided that I would no longer discuss politics in this forum, b/c I spend too much time on it and tend to aggravate other posters anyway. So I have decided tonight is my last hurrah for Happy Hour. I was just finishing up my previous posts.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I don't really know a good answer to that JC (or at least an answer I'd like).
Plus I decided that I would no longer discuss politics in this forum, b/c I spend too much time on it and tend to aggravate other posters anyway. So I have decided tonight is my last hurrah for Happy Hour. I was just finishing up my previous posts.

well, at least here in the States we can still speak out, to some degree about the obvious criminal issues with regards to the black population. in Canada, we'd likely be arrested for even talking about it.

"Well, so much for free speech and democracy," said Brad Love, 48, as he was escorted from a conference room by eight officers.
It was Mr. Love's fourth arrest in six years. One officer said Mr. Love was arrested on a breach of judge's orders ...
(Paul Fromm) said his friend's speech was critical of "black crime."