What Makes a Real Man


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Awhile back, we had a (controversial) thread on "example" of 'Alpha Male'. That thread quickly went down the bemis & was summarily was shut down by Don. So, this thread is NOT an attempt to resurrect that (specific) dialog, but rather inquire to what CF brothers feel makes a 'real' man. I'll give y'all my half-cent worth (in no particular order).

- Being able & willing to defend himself, his family & the innocent.
- Willing to stand against tyranny (tangibly).
- Providing for himself & his family.
- Having honor & pride in heritage.
- Knowing when to conduct himself like a gentlemen, AND when to show utter brutality.
- Showing care & compassion for children & the aged (in general).
- Being able to bear his own burdens & "shoulder the load".
- Not allowing outright disrespect...whilst retaining a modicum of impulse control.
- Not conforming to "groupthink" & popular trends.
- Seeking knowledge & the truth it bears.
Dec 10, 2012
Good topic. To me, a man recognizes there are things bigger than him, that he is in service to.

It takes guts, and a sac, to fight for, and sacrifice for those bigger things. I think boyhood is for learning about defending family, nation, and your belief system. Manhood is when you're ready to put that service & defense into practice.
We all know, it's a hard trip.., gotta find semi-healthy outlets for releasing the stresses of it. Get in touch with our inner cavemen occasionally. And thank God for good women, who appreciate real men.
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