Typical DWF article

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
More people seem to be tiring of these types of whining articles, but there's no downside to writing them, as the author always gets brownie points with his employer.

The crux of the faulty logic in the argument about football needing more black coaches can be found in these two statements:

Fact: There needs to be an immediate increase in non-white coaching figures in every level of football, both amateur and professional. . . Despite the overwhelming majority of NFL players being black, the low level of minority head coaches on both the pro and collegiate level is absolutely depressing.
The reverse argumentcould also be made-- there needs to be an immediate increase in white players at all positions in the NFL.. . Despite the overwhelming majority of NFL owners being white, the low level of white players on both the pro and collegiate level is absolutely depressing.

Playing and coaching require two different skill sets. The argument that coaches should be disproportionately black simply because the players are is absurd. And if it is valid, then why shouldn't blacksalso be70 percent of the owners? But the hypocrites will never apply the Rooney Rule to themselves.


Aug 25, 2008
If they keep implementing the Rooney Rule, i want a rule for there to be a quota for signing white rb's n db's. We'll call it the Sehorn rule.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Another whining article from that flaming liberal site. There's no way that there are not enough black coaches in the NFL. It is more than 13% black NFL coaches which is "MORE" than the black U.S demographic. But in the FBS there were only 3 black coaches out of 120- or however how many teams- if I'm not mistaken. That figure certainly seems lower than it should be.

But I really don't care to hear any debate on "not enough black FBS coaches" until CaucasianRivals.com stops getting away with putting out their FABRICATION lists- like their top 80 WRs. This year they apparently have only one white ranked at #68 "OUT OF 80" WRs- SINISTER BS!

When "our 70% of the populous" is being RAMPANTLY discriminated against in football I could care less about a small amount of discrimination against black "HEAD" coaches (which doesn't apply to assistants) in the FBS. The FBS may be going in the direction of over representation in black head coaches soon- like the NFL- anyway.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
johnnyboy said:
its good that many of the guys that posted on bleacher report are also critical of the Rooney rule.

Good to hear that many of their site's readers are sick of all this whining. We have a 1/2 black President now. Enough whining! A country that can elect a 1/2 black President- who has a 100% black wife- is not trying to hold blacks down! The Rooney rule needs to go!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"And if it is valid, then why shouldn't blacks also be 70 percent of the owners? But the hypocrites will never apply the Rooney Rule to themselves."

It's always been interesting to observe how something as trivial as football seems to mirror american politics so closely.

You know, using a totalitarian media (think the NFL Network or ESPN) to control the masses into thinking one collective truth. Only allowing their viewers to see what the "news" that is appropriate for promoting their goals (think about ESPN not showing when white WR's or TE's score TDs during their game highlights).

The powers-that-be never change (think white/jewish NFL ownership), but they believe that by being PC and employing AA house pets (minority players, coaches) they will be able to convice John Doe that every human being (regardless of sex, race, religion) is completely the same. Equality that is everything accept for equal, how sweet.

It actually DEFINES hyprocricy.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
"Fact: There needs to be an immediate increase in non-white coaching figures in every level of football, both amateur and professional. . . Despite the overwhelming majority of NFL players being black, the low level of minority head coaches on both the pro and collegiate level is absolutely depressing."

In my opinion, what is depressing is a person who thinks that the percentage of black coaches should somehow mirror the percentage of players in the NFL, when both figures are so out of whack according to the demographics as to be the basis for the existence of CF.

As Don points out, the two jobs require "different skill sets." It's the height of ignorance to believe otherwise, so I guess the article's writer confirms his status as a fool on this topic.

Let's see a Rooney Rule for white players at many positions on the field to "level" it, before more whining and crying about the need for more blacks in pads and on the sidelines.