Track Stars to watch in 2007.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Let's start with the older veteran guys from around 25 to around 29.Matt Shirvington who is now a father will be back full time sprinting.Nic Macrozonaris who just became the fastest man in Canada for the 3rd time in the last 5 years.Matic Osovnikar who just took bronze in the Euro Champs with a new p.b. of 10.14!Andrey Yepishin who took the silver with a Russian National Record of 10.10!John Woods of the US who just continues to slowly improve and is a total gym rat.

Now for some of the younger guys who will probably go above and beyond what some of the guys above have done.First and foremost is Darius Kuc.He runs 10'2's just for laughs and he is 20 years old.D.Gunev who is also 20 and has run a 10.28!Craig Pickering who has a best of 10.22 but will be back in a big way next year.Craig is also just twenty years old.Then you have 19 year old Christian Blume who has run in the 10.3 range and has been said to have gone much faster in times in practice.Stefan Weiser who has gone 10.33 at 19.Alex Platni who also has run in the 10.3's!Jared Connaughton of Canada who runs college in the US.He is a 10.2 guy and alot of upside.There are others but you guys get the point.

We are going into a very exciting era.I see some of these kids becoming the next Allan Wells and V.Borzovs.The Shirvos,Macros,Yepishins and others are these kids heros.They will go above and beyond in the future.The white sprinting revival is alive and well and will continue to grow.Keep on supporting these guys because they deserve it.Here's to 2007 and especially watching the World Championships of Track & Field!Edited by: white lightning

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Do you think it's possible that whites will overtake American blacks in these sprinting events like they did in boxing sometime in the future? And if so, I wonder what the caste excuse will be then.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
It would take alot more improvement.First off,the Americans have the best coaches in the world for the most part.People come from many different countries to train and learn better tecniques here.Secondly,the US Sprinters are on the P.E.D.'s like crazy.I'm talking about the roids if you didn't know what that meant.The Jamaicans are also very guilty of the same thing.They don't test regulary over there.It's just like the NFL.The sprinters know when they are going to be tested in general and know how to take other substances to cover up and hide the stuff they are on.

I belive that within another ten years though,it is possible for the world to close the gap even more or possibly catch up to the americans.One of the biggest keys is for the World Anti Doping Agency to continue busting the guilty partys worldwide.We need a level playing field.The other factor is that the US is such a big nation,we have alot larger talent pool to choose from which makes it hard for smaller countries like Poland to be competetive.The young up and coming sprinters look really good though.There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
As much as everyone used to say that the Russians and their allies juiced, Americans have taken juicing to another level. Balco clearly shows that, if the fields ever become even US 1-2-3 sweeps in the sprints will be a thing of the past and other nations will win their share of medals.


Aug 9, 2005
Yes, I believe the blacks are a little faster, but having every advantage, best drug technology, best American coaching, training, equipment, encouragement and psychology, facilities and nutrition make them a lot faster.

I've done some reading on the training of the Russian no-holds barred (UFC type) fighters. I was amazed at how backwards things are for those people. Igor Vovchanchin related that there was one period where he went four days without food because he had no money. In one of the first tournaments held in Russia, all the Russian team members shared the same cup. One guy would pass it onto to the next guy after his fight. The Emelienko brothers don't even lift weights. They got strong by wrestling and doing an old school body weight program on the monkey bars of a local playground.

These American and Jamaican sprinters go to American colleges and get all the best treatment. The white American kids are quickly eliminated after high school by the caste system.

Again, I'm not saying the whites will pass up the blacks as in boxing, but I think certain factors keep the gap from closing significantly.