TNB By "Iverscum"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Report details Allen Iverson's tirade after Atlanta traffic stop

By Yahoo! Local yahoo! Local â€" Fri Apr 8, 1:35 pm ET

Mike Benzie, Yahoo Atlanta Editor

There are some things better left unsaid, especially if those things will someday be in a police report (and a matter of public record). Longtime Philadelphia 76er Allen Iverson tested that sentiment in Atlanta two weeks ago after his Lamborghini was pulled over for an improper lane change on March 30. (This was the same night, coincidentally, that another one-time NBA highlight reel got into a high profile Atlanta incident: Former Hawks star Dominique Wilkins was in a widely reported confrontation courtside at Philips arena.)

Here is a quick look at the timeline and details outlined in the offense report, provided by the Atlanta Police Department:

* Officer S.J. Durham observed a grey 2007 Lamborghini making an improper lane change, and initiated the stop on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. Iverson was a passenger in his car, driven by Antwaun Clisby.

* Clibsy told the officer early in the stop that Iverson needed to go inside and eat. When the officer said everyone needed to stay in the car, Iverson used an expletive and essentially said he was just the passenger. At this point, with the driver and Iverson "becoming irate," according to the report, backup was requested.

* Iverson was informed his vehicle would be towed because its tags expired two years ago. From the report: "Mr. Iverson stated, 'Take the vehicle, I gots 10 more.'

* At this point, Iverson said, according to the report: "Do you know who I am?!!"

* The officer then wrote: "For the next 20 minutes, Mr. Iverson went on and on about who he was." Iverson also said he made more money than the officer will in 10 years.

* When the officer mentioned that Iverson tried to conceal the fact that he hadn't paid for his tags in two years, the driver Clisby said, "Would you want to pay $10,000 for a tag?" The officer listed $10,000 in the report as "value stolen."

* The car was then towed.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
"Do you know who I am" seems to have becomethe mandatory response every time a black afflete is subject to a police stop.Black affletes think they're above the law, and for good reason as the charges are eventually dropped or they receive a slap on the wrist about 99 percent of the time one is arrested no matter how serious the alleged crimes.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Yes, Mr Iverson, you "gots 10 more." But you "gots no common sense and a whole lot of affeletic TNB."

How many DWFs children have this prick on a poster on their walls?

In the case of of his vehicle. It will remain in the tow yard until he pays the 10K in back registration and fees and fine. I am loving it.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
"Yeah, and in ten years you'll be making whatever change I decide to give you when you fake-hobble your way to my car window on the underpass with your phony "War Vet -- Hungry" sign, you aging, no-ring having stupid haircut has been. Go back to Turkey where you can be like the tenth best player on the team..." laughed the cop, who shot Iverson dead when the latter pulled a watermelon out of his baggy pants that looked like a glock.

^^^ Perfect world scenario.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Black Run America: Allen Iverson vs. Atlanta Police

<DIV =entry->
<DIV =entry->Posted on April 8, 2011 by Hunter Wallace
<DIV =entry->
<DIV =entry->Former NBA basketball star Allen Iverson was recently pulled over by police in Atlanta for a traffic violation. He then went into a thirty minute tirade about his social status.
<DIV =entry->

"Take the vehicle, I have 10 more,"Â Iverson said, referring to his grey Lamborghini.

"Police don't have anything else f**king to do except f**k with me."Â He then asked, "Do you know who I am?"Â

The officer wrote in his report that "For the next 20 minutes, Mr. Iverson went on and on about who he was. I stated to Mr. Iverson, ‘It really doesn't matter who you are. You tried to conceal your vehicle with a fake drive-out tag due to you not paying for your tags.' "

Iverson then said, "I make more money than you will in 10 years,"Â according to the report.

In spite of making millions of dollars in the NBA, Allen Iverson was too sorry to buy a tag for his vehicle.

The Allen Iverson Story

Allen Iverson has a long and colorful history as an all star degenerate.

In 1993, Iverson was convicted under a rarely used Virginia anti-lynching statute for his involvement in a mob assault on three White teenagers. He was found guilty of hitting a White girl in the head with a chair.

This resulted in a 15 year prison sentence.

After spending four months in prison, Iverson was granted clemency by Gov. Douglas Wilder, the first black governor of Virginia. The charge was later dropped on appeal because of "insufficient evidence."Â

In 1997, Iverson was stopped by police for speeding and pleaded no contest to possession of a concealed weapon and marijuana.

In 2004, Iverson urinated in a trash can at an Atlantic City casino in full view of staff and patrons. He was told by management not to return.

In 2005, Allen Iverson's bodyguard assaulted a man in a Washington, DC nightclub after he refused to leave the VIP section for Iverson and his entourage could enter. The victim won $260,000 in a civil suit.

As of March 2010, multiple sources in the NBA were telling the media that Allen Iverson would "either drink himself into oblivion or gamble his life away,"Â and that he was already banned from several casinos in Detroit and Atlantic City.

In November 2010, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Allen Iverson was "broke"Â and "heavily in debt."Â Perhaps this explains his inability to afford a car tag and his insecure rant against Atlanta police officers.

Black Privilege

White privilege is a myth.

In Black Run America, it is blacks like Allen Iverson who reap all the benefits of skin color privilege. If Iverson had been White, he would still be in prison right now serving an extended sentence for violating federal and state hate crime laws.

Instead, Iverson was pardoned by a black governor and went on to become a multimillionaire who can afford 10 Lamborghinis, solely because he lives in advanced Western capitalist democracy with a morally permissive culture and liberal views on race.

Black Run America is the only type of society that can afford to misallocate obscene amounts of wealth on black athletes and rap artists. The talents of Allen Iverson or Lil' Wayne would not generate such an income in any other time or place.

A hundred years ago, Allen Iverson would not have become a millionaire in America. He probably would be working on a chain gang somewhere in Virginia. Today, Iverson wouldn't be a millionaire in any African country either.

Even in Black Run America, Allen Iversonis on the verge of bankruptcy because he doesn't possess the discipline and character required to produce and maintain real wealth. True to his underclass roots, he drank and gambled it all away, and through his lack of virtue seems destined to return to the poverty from which he came.


We are building a narrative here. These stories are related in key ways. They were selected with a purpose in mind.

(1) In Georgia, a group of black state legislators aresuing the state to dissolve the Atlanta suburbs for being disproportionately White. They argue that the existence of these cities as separate entities violates their "civil rights."Â

(2) In Alabama, the Auburn football team has been haunted by negro criminality. Several black football players have claimed they were paid to play football at Auburn and other schools.

(3) In North Carolina, a White motorist was attacked by a black lynch mob, nearly beaten to death, and the news media covered up the story.

(4) In Texas, a group of Whites in Anderson Country raised the Confederate flag to honor the heroism of their Confederate ancestors, but were forced to haul it down because it was offensive to blacks.

(5) Also in Georgia, Allen Iverson was pulled over by Atlanta police, and incredulously asked them, "Do you know who I am?"Â

The larger point: there is a new racial caste system in the American South which has its own racial etiquette. We have gone from Jim Crow to Black Run America.

In the Jim Crow era, Whites may have lynched a negro rapist and no one would have really cared, but in Black Run America negroes can openly lynch Whites, and the national, state, and local media conspire to suppress the story.

Telling the truth is unthinkable for liberal journalists because it would make blacks look bad and contradict the establishment narrative that blacks are always victims.

Under Jim Crow, it was not unusual for Whites to create "sundown towns"Â for their own benefit. Now blacks can file lawsuits and argue in federal court that White cities should exist for the sole purpose of serving blacks.

In Black Run America, the promotion and advancement of blacks is one the highest ruling principles of our society, perhaps only second to the promotion and advancement of Jews.

Under Jim Crow, Southern college football teams were segregated. Now universities compete with each other to attract black players. These athletes are offered money and sexual favors to attend various colleges.

If blacks are advanced in the process, degrading our universities with ghetto athletes who are promoted as role models is no longer considered outrageous. Someone with the character of Cam Newton can win the Heisman Trophy.

Under Jim Crow, Whites built monuments all across the American South to lionize Confederate heroism. No one really cared if this offended blacks.In Black Run America, blacks are aggressively assertive of their ethnic identity, and Whites voluntarily deny themselves an ethnic identity in submissive deference to blacks.

Finally, we are light years away from Jim Crow when a black multimillionaire being driven around by a chauffeur in a Lamborghini can harangue Atlanta police officers about his social status in order to get out of a ticket in a traffic stop.

Final Thought

Everyone knows the score.

Few commentators are willing to discuss though what is hidden in plain sight. In the weeks ahead, we will deepen our analysis of Black Run America and compare and contrast it with Jim Crow America.

We are likely to find many more parallels.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This is perfectly acceptable behavior for an afflete. I remember several years ago, Brian Williams, a cornerback for the Jaguars, went on a racist rant when he was pulled over by police officers. He called the officers "white devils" among other things. That wasn't a big news story but if the races were reversed it would have been the biggest thing since sliced bread.

One would think that this type of behavior would make the DWF's think twice about supporting idiots like Iverson and wearing his jersey. I think it has the opposite effect and Iverson looks "cool" to these idiots.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Racist rants by blacks when police try to stop their criminal behavior is routine. Even LeBron James' mother spewedforth the racism cardwhen she was arrested the other day. Blacks seem to have no clue how warped and unjust U.S. society has become from endlessly bending over for their collective dysfunctional behavior.