The greatest athletes are black


May 24, 2022
The greatest athletes in every big sport are black:

Football - Pat Mahomes
Basketball - LeBron James
Soccer - Pele
Baseball - Babe Ruth (he was black)
Boxing - Muhammad Ali
Golf - Tiger Woods
Hockey - P.K. Subban
Tennis - Arthur Ashe/Serena Williams
Gymnastics - Simone Biles

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The greatest athletes in every big sport are black:

Football - Pat Mahomes
Basketball - LeBron James
Soccer - Pele
Baseball - Babe Ruth (he was black)
Boxing - Muhammad Ali
Golf - Tiger Woods
Hockey - P.K. Subban
Tennis - Arthur Ashe/Serena Williams
Gymnastics - Simone Biles

You're a funny guy. Also not bright at all. Read the posting guidelines, this is a troll free site.


Jan 27, 2016
None of those are the “greatest” in their sports with the possible exception of Ruth. There are plenty of other blacks better then some of his picks. Simone Biles, PK Subban, LOL. Also a bad time to bring up Tiger Woods “greatness” as the current 841 ranked player.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
You know you're desperate to make a point if you think Subban is the "GOAT " hockey player. He's not even the best Black player as Iginla is a better player and Fuhr is better too. Also Ruth is a full blooded German American he's not an Octaroon or Hextaroon.
Sep 11, 2020
Diego Maradona was the greatest soccer player. The only black player of sports I might go with is Jordan in basketball. Ali was vastly overrated. Weak rabbit punches and there is evidence that Liston was bought off in that fight. Other blacks might be in consideration as the greatest boxer. The rest of those sports blacks take a distant back seat.


Sep 29, 2011
I doubt even Darius believes that nonsense, they usually don't. Not saying they are not his favorites but "greatest" is a bit of a joke. But since I am a jerk and not a conservative of the highest conservative principles and virtue an stuff, let me say the White half of Pat M. shows the desirability of breeding the White way. And I do believe Ali had a Cracker in his woodpile, FTR I thought he was a great boxer but his treatment of Joe Frazier showed that Ali had mental issues.


Jan 27, 2016
I always liked Joe Frazier, hated that he lost to Ali. I remember when they had Ali unsteadily lighting the Olympic flame on a tower in Atlanta, they interviewed Frazier and he said: I hope he falls in.
No PC Ali worship from Smoking Joe!

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
I doubt even Darius believes that nonsense, they usually don't. Not saying they are not his favorites but "greatest" is a bit of a joke. But since I am a jerk and not a conservative of the highest conservative principles and virtue an stuff, let me say the White half of Pat M. shows the desirability of breeding the White way. And I do believe Ali had a Cracker in his woodpile, FTR I thought he was a great boxer but his treatment of Joe Frazier showed that Ali had mental issues.

I know of someone who has had extensive experience dealing with blacks both in his profession and in his regular life. He maintains that blacks believe what makes them feel good. He says that no amount of reason, no examples, can make them change their beliefs if they make them feel good.

This probably applies to Darius.


Jul 23, 2015
I know of someone who has had extensive experience dealing with blacks both in his profession and in his regular life. He maintains that blacks believe what makes them feel good. He says that no amount of reason, no examples, can make them change their beliefs if they make them feel good.

This probably applies to Darius.
Extra Point I don't know who your friend but he is 1000% in what he is saying. They absolutely believe they are the superior race. They feel this way because of movies, books, liberal colleges, and white whores. Since the late 60s blacks have been shown as supermen, the greatest lovers, the greatest fighters, and the street wisest. I found out the hard way maybe but they bleed just like you and me, when things get tough they will run and they always want the advantage in anything they do.


Sep 11, 2021
Don’t know if this was meant sarcastically or not (I suspect it was). The really funny thing is that it got a very quick series of responses whereas lots of other better topics get ignored.
There’s something about the internet. People live to get angry on it.

whoever this guy is my guess is that he is laughing his backside offf

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Arthur Ashe. LOL

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
We can debate until we're dirt about black and white athletes, however, there's no debate who the greatest minds are, and made it possible for blacks to become famous athletes and get paid outrageous sums of money to play a game. We live in a racist country.

BTW, Jack Nicklaus is still the GOAT in golf, and was recruited to play guard in basketball at Ohio State. It's debatable who's second between Hogan, Jones and Woods...and Walter Hagen won 22 straight tournaments. A feat no one's been able to match.
....and I would put Ty Cobb in my top three greatest baseball players. If not for the injuries, no one's touching Mike Trout.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
The greatest athletes in every big sport are White.

Football - Tom Brady
Basketball - Larry Bird
Soccer - Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo
Baseball - Babe Ruth (he was White) or Ty Cobb
Boxing - Harry Greb
Golf - Jack Nicklaus
Hockey - Bobby Orr or Gordie Howe in my opinion, many say Wayne Gretzky
Tennis - Roger Federer
MMA - Georges St. Pierre or Fedor Emelianenko

The only sport that is debatable is basketball. Negroes often have proportionately long legs and fingers, which gives them an advantage in that sport. But choosing Larry Bird as the best of all time in basketball is better than claiming P.K. Subban is the best in hockey! Subban would not be in the top 500 best in hockey.
Last edited:

Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
they (blacks) always want the advantage in anything they do.

This is true. They also demand preferential treatment and if they don't get it they start claiming "racism."


Oct 12, 2008
I’m glad to see a troll found the site. I’m sure the search engines make it difficult to find.


Sep 29, 2011
Why do you think the white and jewish elite leftists spend so much energy keeping blacks on script, Darius is what you get once they are off script. Since I am not playing the Liberal/Conservative game I say let blacks speak, ask them what they think, let them succeed or sink not my problem.


Jan 27, 2016
The greatest athletes in every big sport are White.

Football - Tom Brady
Basketball - Larry Bird
Soccer - Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo
Baseball - Babe Ruth (he was White) or Ty Cobb
Boxing - Harry Greb
Golf - Jack Nicklaus
Hockey - Bobby Orr or Gordie Howe in my opinion, many say Wayne Gretzky
Tennis - Roger Federer
MMA - Georges St. Pierre or Fedor Emelianenko

The only sport that is debatable is basketball. Negroes often have proportionately long legs and fingers, which gives them an advantage in that sport. But choosing Larry Bird as the best of all time in basketball is better than claiming P.K. Subban is the best in hockey! Subban would not be in the top 500 best in hockey.

Those are all good choices. It's almost impossible to pick the "greatest" in a sport. What constitutes great to one person may not to another. If I had to pick "greatest" I'd pick someone that towered over their sport.

Football: I don't think Brady has towered over his sport but he is clearly the best winning QB in a very competitive Era.
Baseball: obviously Ruth towered over his sport, one year hitting more HRS then the rest of the league combined. Cobb in his Era as well. Mantle was kind of a Brady of his time, the best player who was also a big winner. Mays was probably the best 5 tool player, and Aaron was very good for a very long time.
Boxing: a lot of people would say Ali, but he was not that dominent, Klitchko or Marciano did tower over their sports for a while. So did Tyson but not for very long.
Golf: Nicholas for sure, Arnold Palmer, Woods as well. Very dominant players in their prime.
Hockey: not Orr, too brief a career, Howe was sorta dominant but really it was the span of his career that stands out. Gretzky for sure. Many years of leading the league and shattering records.
Basketball: Wilt Chamberlain was "Ruthian" in his dominince for a while 100pt game, stuff like that. Jordan was clearly the force in the game when he played. Bird was very good but not like those two.