The Great Black (QB) Hope


Sep 27, 2004
The Great Black (QB) Hope

And on it goes. The NFL and the sports media's desire to see blacks take over the last white dominated position in football continues unabated. Virtually every decent quarterback in the game is white and this causes no end of grief to those people that wish to see blacks dominate at all positions in the game of football.

Furthermore, the continuing dominance of white players at a position known for requiring intelligence continues to reinforce the idea of blacks as being incapable of performing mentally challenging tasks at a high level.

Probably about 50 percent of Division 1-A college football teams are starting blacks at quarterback. In some cases the "extra running back" in the backfield has led to success for teams and created the idea in people's minds that this success can be translated to the pro game. However that has not been the case. Each year a new "Great Black (QB) Hope" is drafted along with a few other "projects" and the outcome is almost always the same, poor QB play and sheer incompetence.

But that does not dissuade the anti-white bigots one bit, it just whets their appetite to push for even more of a "minority" presence at quarterback. Since the actual performance of black QBs has generally been pathetic, every media propaganda trick in the world must be employed to convince the fans that they are not seeing what they are actually seeing. Thus the media expresses unbridled enthusiasm for even the most hopeless of black QBs. The phony hype continues unabated in the hope that after two, three, five, even seven years of on-the-job failure a few of them might actually crack the top 15 in ratings.

However, other than Daunte Culpepper for a couple of years, and Donovan McNabb between injuries, the results of the unending search for the next "Great Black (QB) Hope" have come up empty.

The level of desperation gets ratcheted up each year. A few years ago Michael Vick was a number one draft pick in the hope that sufficient hype would somehow make that dog hunt. Nope. Vick proved to be a miserable throwing QB, so all attention was focused on his running ability until everyone realized that all attention was on his running ability. That's not what you want in an NFL QB.

Vick's team managed to win, sometimes in spite of him but even that eventually ended. Vick, of course, committed professional suicide with his involvement in dog fighting. It was probably the smoothest end to a "great black quarterback experiment" in the history of the league.

Kordell Stewart was given nearly a decade to "develop" in Pittsburgh until it was finally admitted that all he had developed into was a liability. Recently, Byron Leftwich was hailed as one of the new "breed" of black QB's (what "breed" we hesitate to comment on). He was regularly praised for his performance, which had he been white would have gotten him benched.

Even Leftwich's team realized the jig was up and unceremoniously jettisoned him at the end of training camp this year and he has now surfaced in Atlanta to torture that city's fan base.

The NFL has gone so far as to have a team that only employs black quarterbacks. The Jacksonville Jaguars are unable to find a suitable white quarterback in a country full of them. Perhaps they get extra draft choices in exchange for a roster that includes David Garrard and Quinn Grey. Either one of those guys would be reason enough for a franchise to be demoted to minor league status let alone both of them, and they had to dump Leftwich to get to where they are now!

Bad black QBs come in all sizes and shapes, and all ages. Steve McNair has not been a decent quarterback since the Clinton administration but it appears he might make it through to the next Clinton administration. Yet another reason to regret the Bush years.

McNair is revered as a great leader, which means he is a well-known black man whose criminal charges did not result in actual jail time. McNair, whose accuracy range has been reduced to the screen pass and the dump off to the tight end, is essentially an "old school" QB from the days when the forward pass was forbidden.

The young version of the rotten black QB can be found in Tavaris Jackson of the Vikings. "Tavaris" is an ancient Greek name that was bestowed upon the guy in Grecian villages that couldn't throw a rock accurately enough to hit the person being stoned to death. Jackson lives up to that ancient honor by being unable to throw balls anywhere near his receivers. Due to his obvious deficiencies as a QB Tavarius may be limited to only 5 or 6 years of extremely poor play as a starter.

Each year the NFL anoints a black college QB as the next "Great Black (QB) Hope." Last year it was Vince Young, who was handed the starting job in Tennessee. The Titans traded away the only decent white QB on the team and then signed a veteran back-up so as to not provide any real competition for him. Young has been a generally abysmal QB as a passer and his team has played around .500 ball. This qualifies him for Pro Bowl consideration of course.

In 2006 Young was the 30th ranked QB (there are only 32 teams remember); this year he was hyped as a top ten fantasy QB pick based on his black skin or maybe his ranking of 21st amongst fantasy QBs last year. Either way it's a joke and anyone that hasn't caught on yet is not paying attention.

This year the Oakland Raiders displayed the drafting and player personnel savvy that has kept them in the basement for the last few years by selecting Jamarcus Russell with the number one pick. This is similar to playing "Wheel of Fortune" and buying a "Y" as your vowel. Fortunately for Raiders fans Russell held out all through training camp. Their agony is thus delayed a few games and hopefully a complete season. It will only leave them 5 or 6 years of having to live with another failed attempt at a pro QB career by a black player.

With so many colleges playing black QBs over better qualified white prospects, the pressure to force more of them into the NFL will be ever more intense. A similar thing happened at the receiver position years ago. Blacks became well known as sprinters so the assumption was that they must be good receivers. That turned out to be WRONG! They're dreadful at receiving. The amount of dropped passes in the game today must have Vince Lombardi spinning in his grave. But since all of the competition has been removed (i.e. white guys that can actually catch) no one realizes how poorly the position is played. If they can do the same thing at QB they will.

Excepting the kickers and cheerleaders, someone wants the NFL to be one hundred percent black. Each Vince Young and Tavaris Jackson is another step in that direction.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
But since all of the competition has been removed (i.e. white guys that can actually catch) no one realizes how poorly the position is played. If they can do the same thing at QB they will.


Excepting the kickers and cheerleaders, someone wants the NFL to be one hundred percent black. Each Vince Young and Tavaris Jackson is another step in that direction.


You know what I liken this QB plotting to? Hollywood turning White characters from the 40's, 50's and 60's into black characters in modern movies.

The 90's movie, Wild Wild West, with (black) Will Smith as one of the main characters is a good example of this. There are other examples of this with TV shows.

Before we know it Alexander Graham Bell will be a negro, the Wright Brother's will be negroes, the Michelin Man will have a new paint job, etc. In the new version of Rudy, we find out that Rudy has fallen in some tar between movie editions and permanently stays that way. It will be a heartwarming story of overcoming adversity and extreme odds, a real tear-jerker.

If anyone takes offense, just listen to a black "comedian" for a few moments. But we all know, blacks can "dish-it" --- but can't take-it whatsoever. Pathetic hyper-sensitives. Big mouths, but pea brains.

Thanks again JB for the excellent article! I appreciate the fact that you don't pull any punches! In a world of hell, this site is a slice of heaven.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
JB, Dan Dinkdork style mega-kudos for this article!


Apr 26, 2005
Classic..Excellent article

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Deadlift said:
You know what I liken this QB plotting to? Hollywood turning White characters from the 40's, 50's and 60's into black characters in modern movies.

The 90's movie, Wild Wild West, with (black) Will Smith as one of the main characters is a good example of this. There are other examples of this with TV shows.

Before we know it Alexander Graham Bell will be a negro, the Wright Brother's will be negroes, the Michelin Man will have a new paint job, etc. In the new version of Rudy, we find out that Rudy has fallen in some tar between movie editions and permanently stays that way. It will be a heartwarming story of overcoming adversity and extreme odds, a real tear-jerker.

I watched HBO last night to hear McNabb's comments, and Deadlift's observations are very fitting. The show was hosted by a black (Bryant Gumbel), andthe reporter doing the piece on McNabb was black (James Brown). And on ESPN, the commentator they kept going to on this "story" was none other than Stephen A. Smith. On "NFL Live" it was Shaun King asked to comment. This is similar to the way sports broadcasters are becoming nearly as black as the players in the NFL and NBA. Not bad for a group that's only 12 or 13 percent of the population. But all we ever hear is whining and cries of racism from these very privileged blacks.

Of course not a single white announcer on ESPN or any other network with a national reach will dare to call McNabb on his nonsense. Gotta keep those phat paychecks rolling in, after all.

The HBO piece is as one-sided as one can possibly imagine -- all softball questions, repeated invocations of all the brutal "racism" McNabb has faced his entire life, how bad he has it as an NFL quarterback, how the fans will never be satisfied. It's a prolonged pity party fora black athlete who hasmade mind-boggling amounts of money in salary and corporate endorsements and who has been the subject of countless favorable media portrayals.It alsoreflects the anti-white hate and jealousy that is epidemic among blacks, fueled by the "leaders" of the black "community," and bythe white/Jewish media, which has its own anti-white agenda to fit the needs of Big Business and the Jewish supremacist creed of Zionism.

Edited by: Don Wassall
Mar 8, 2007
Text of article from 9/17/07 issue of Sporting News, "In the '06 draft, the third QB pick was the charm".

Subjective opinion is virtually always a factor in any evaluation, but, since this author seems to base his opinions upon film study, I would called it informed opinion.

"Vince Young? No. Matt Leinart? No. The best quarterback in the celebrated 2006 NFL draft will be the third one selected, Jay Cutler.

Playing quarterback in the NFL is about dropping back, setting up quickly and delivering the ball accurately to the right receiver at the right time. There's more to it, of course, but those are the key skills that produce elite quarterback play. And Cutler best exhibits that skill set.

Cutler has no limitations in terms of arm strength--downfield throws, deep comebacks, balls done the seams. In fact, Denver's passing game became more vertical after Cutler replaced Jake Plummer last season.

Young and Leinart can't make all those throws. And Cutler has shown a willingness to make tight throws into small windows downfield. You have to do that in the NFL. Cutler will stand in the pocket, looking down the gun barrel with bodies around him and throw the ball. That's critical.

Young needs the most work. He has never been a pocket quarterback and has demonstrated a strong tendency to leave the pocket prematurely. Too much dependence on athleticism and improvisation will delay his necessary development, not enhance it.

Young leaves a lot of throws on the field, not pulling the trigger when receivers are open. He lacks timing and anticipation as a paser. He has more confidence in his legs than in his arm. He certainly has a flair for the dramatic, but that doesn't produce consistent quarterback play in the NFL."

So, why did Vince Young make the Pro Bowl and win the Offensive Rookie of the Year award? Your quess is as good as mine.
Mar 8, 2007
As usual, knows how to address the issues. Satire makes the ridiculous obvious to the thoughtful person.

Bengals Offense Falls Short In 51-45 Loss

These guys just do not win division games," said receiver Chad Johnson, who had 11 catches for 209 yards. "They've been the whipping boys for the past few years, so for us to come in here and lay an egg against them is pretty embarrassing. And the sad part is that the defense put us in a position to win it in the final seconds. Well we all know whose fault this loss is: Carson Palmer. If he didn't blow it on that last play we would have won that game. I'm surprised the defense is even talking to him. It just shows what professionals they are."