The Complaints Started Thirty Years Ago

Dec 18, 2004
The complaints by the press that Major League Baseball was becoming "less black" started thirty years ago. I remember in 1975, there was an article in Sport Magazine on the subject. It was titled "The Black Minor Leaguer is Becoming An Endangered Species."

The theme was that the major leagues were starting to get most of their players from college baseball, rather than signing prospects out of high school. This was supposed to hurt the chances of blacks, or so the article said. The author was Bill Brashler. I don't recall the exact issue, but it had Bobby Bonds (Barry's father) on the cover in a Yankee uniform. He had been traded to the Yankees for Bobby Murcer. It turned out to be a one-year stay for Bobby Bonds. During that period, Bobby went from team to team.


Nov 2, 2004
Howdy Sport Historian

Excellent post, keep up the good work.

Here in Central Maryland, it's getting hard to find a black collegebaseball player anywhere


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Delta State University (40% black student population) had one black on their team this year, Ole Miss and Mississippi State had 0. The rest of Mississippi's college teams can't play to save their lives, so it doesn't really matter who they have. Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Nov 2, 2004
The last month in MLB has some classic stupidities to illustrate the baseball "double standard." First there's Red Sox incident #1 where Kevin Youklis got a tongue-lashing from Saint Emmanuel Ramirez, for daring to be frustrated with not getting a hit. There was a shouting match in the dugout, and of course the press tells us of the "immature and insensitive" Mr. Youklis. Ramirez later downplayed the incident.

Then there was the Red Sox vs Tampa Rays incident where Coco Crisp (b) charged the mound to attack James Shields (w). A brawl ensued followed by lots of suspensions. One sportswriter in Brawltimore said the reason was that traditional winning teams in the AL East are piszed-off that the Rays dare to improve, and dish back the humiliations they've gotten for years. I'm sure.

Another event is the plummeting of the Wash Nationals. The Nats canned three excellent bona-fide white major leaguers to take on an equal number of thoroughly criminal negroes, to "rehabilitate" them and prepare them for Hall of Fame careers. As it happens, the white players are prospering for their new teams. The Nats' negroes sukk, and the Nats are plummeting to yet another dead-last finish in the National League. The highly Jewish and Zionist Lerner family has completely dismantled the pretty-good core of the old Expos, and replaced it with a home-grown disaster of a team, bitterly split along racial lines, and with a dimwit Chicano manager who speaks in parables.

Finally, there's the disaster called the Texas Rangers. Due to poor GM personnel decisions through the years, many demoralized White managers either were fired or resigned in disgust. Now they have the new Black-supremicist doofus named Washington. Listen to him give an interview -- bitter, angry, arrogant, I'm Gods-gift-to-baseball-you-honqui. Well, Washington couldn't fathom his best pitcher, Sidney Ponson. Ponson is a well-known clown, got kicked out of the Orioles even though he could still pitch. This year Sir Sidney was pitching great and was 4-1. But he did the unthinkable -- he didn't cringe and kowtow before the Mighty Xosa Zulu warrior Washington, that paragon of African magnificence. Told him to pound sand, no less. Well, Mr. African won, Ponson was canned, and the Rangers will lose 105 games (again) this year. And King Washington will get a handsome raise. And some White ballplayers will get canned and replaced by "misunderstood" and "troubled" ******** from "challenging urban environments."

Ain't baseball great? Dreadlocks, anybody?Edited by: Realgeorge