Racial Nationalism


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Southern Italy's angry white youth."

Casa Pound is named after the American poet Ezra Pound and calls itself a 3rd Position youth oriented political party. They have rowdy demonstrations with heavy metal and American style southern rock. It's sudden rise to prominence is similar to the English Defense League in England.

Like the EDL, the main issue for Casa Pound appears to be anger over multi-culturalism. With African and Arab immigrants rioting across Europe and then getting rewarded for it by the government, countries like England, Italy, Russia, and Australia have seen a dramatic rise in organized angry young white males.

RT is a left-wing international English language news source based in Russia.


In reality, the young Whites will be more racially aware then the old Whites for the Young Whites have been exposed disproportionately to nonwhites. Despite the massive pro-multicultural propaganda and brainwashing that the establishment attempts, the young people who are exposed will see through the propaganda.The older Whites, and younger ones who still live in White areas, who went to all White schools and lived and worked around mostly Whites may truly believe all races are equal, but those who are around them both young and old will know better. How many egalitarian bleeding heart liberals have gone to a black area and come back if they survived racially aware?

The egalitarians believe they are winning because young people will answer questionnaires with poltically correct answers but so could the Easterner Europeans under communism but now they are among the most racially aware Whites in the world!

Exposure to nonwhites creates racially aware Whites and neutralize multicultural propaganda.The young White people know the truth and they are the ones who need to be stronger than steal for the older babyboomer and before who know not real nonwhites, have a fantasy of multicultural society that is paid for in the younger generations blood. Times are changing and the young will be leading the racially aware in the time of change.