Race doesn’t exist!


May 20, 2005
That is amazing.

The phenotypic differences in facial features jump out so much more when I see these albinos with skin and hair tones more commonly seen in Northern Caucasians.

If nothing else, it just goes to show that WE are not concerned with skin color, that old canard which is one of the least important of racial features.


May 13, 2006
I attended sociology classes at a HBCU working on my Masters. On the first day of class our professor informed the class that there was no such thing as race. There were no differences between humans and race was something simply created by man. We all have 99% of the same DNA, etc., etc.

Blacks don't even believe this B.S. The entire class basically challenged this statement and the professor's explanations convinced no one. Alas, this is what is being taught in many of our schools.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The strongest evidence that the theory of evolution is more than just a theory is the obvious and many differences between races and sub-races of man that have developed over time when they have been geographically isolated from each other.

This is one of the main reasons I have real problems with the "theory" -- we are to believe that life somehow began out of non-life and that over time amoebas "evolved" into fish and horses -- and that eyes and brains somehow also evolved out of non-existence --and that manmade the huge evolutionary jumpfrom apes, butalso that thestriking differences between races don't exist.


May 20, 2005
Don: Trying to deny race exists is no part of any honest theory of evolution, only part of the madness we live under. The great minds like Darwin and Wallace certainly did not believe race didn't exist. Now of course, we have P.C. scientist telling us that race doesn't exist-only groups of humans who tend to share certain clusters of genes. Nevermind that species ARE mutable, and the very definition of species and subspecies is the sharing of a tendency to possess certain big clusters of genes. If RACE is false as a concept, so is SPECIES.

I mean, the average man on the street is so ignorant that he thinks because humans can interbreed, that they are not different subspecies. Hell, wolves and coyotes, lions and tigers, horses and donkeys, can all produce offspring. The wolf/coyote hybrid is even viable, producing the very rare Red Wolf, now almost extinct in our Southern states unfortunately. How many people know that there are certain tribes of Bushmen (not a ******* race btw) who cannot produce viable offspring, that there certain Negritos of the Phillipines produce only female offspring when crossed with Whites? In these extreme cases, human beings HAVE evolved into two different species, by any honest biological definition.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Just like advantageous phenotypes, there are advantageous modus operandi. Social structures and culture also "evolve" or "speciate" and have differences. The sum of all this are the differences in race.

HBCU Prof. said:
There were no differences between humans and race was something simply created by man. We all have 99% of the same DNA, etc., etc.

He has a point, but he comes to the wrong conclusion. The inch is a unit of measurement created by man. Does an inch exist? It exists as long as it is acknowledged. That professor seems to live in his own little world.

White_Savage said:
If RACE is false as a concept, so is SPECIES.

I think the definition of species has definite flaws. So does gender. The X & Y chromosomes can combine and recombine to form all kinds of crazy outcomes. The relationship with science and politics has always been a fascinating subject to me. Science doesn't have a great track record in absolute truths.

The big question in science now is who is right: Einstein or quantum mechanics? Study your "M" theory to find out.
Edited by: C Darwin


Dec 15, 2005
Don, look at planeria(flat worms). They have a "missing link" brain. They can grow three heads and stuff like that.


Nov 25, 2004
The 99% similarity in DNA arguement is completely bogus. Humans are 96% similar to chimps in DNA sequence.

All living things are have some amount in similarity when you consider the entire range from single-celled species all the way to humans. Simply having the same basic chemical building blocks of life makes us similar to every living thing. The DNA similarity arguement is like saying all cotton tee-shirts are the same because they are made of cotton. It all depends on what you compare it to. We are even similar to earthworms in comparison to an inorganic piece of moon rock. The devil is in the details. 96% similarEdited by: Kaptain Poop


May 13, 2006
This was one of the arguments I brought up in class that many mammals have over 90% of the same DNA in common. Another interesting point, is that it is now possible to determine the race of a person in a lab test from a DNA sample.

That's how the Louisiana serial killer/rapist was captured a few years back. The FBI profilers had everyone looking for a white male perpetrator. Finally, the detectives sent a DNA sample to a company specializing in this test and they concluded that the rapist/killer was in fact black. He was apprehended shortly thereafter.

There was no definitive answer to any of the above points in class. Just more liberal banter. The very premise that there are no differences between the races other than a little melanin is so ludicrous it seems a debate is unneccesary. I honestly wonder if the individuals preaching this actually believe it themselves.