Politically incorrect for blacks to work


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Providing farm jobs for blacks would be "racist!"Â￾ screams press."

A Republican candidate is under fire by the media, and wimps in his own party, for suggesting a solution to end high unemployment for black men.

The media constantly screams about black unemployment and then screams "racist"Â￾ at anyone who suggests putting them to work.


Two big problem with this plan one blacks don't want to work and two no one wants blacks near them or their business for blacks don't produce they destroy. To get blacks to do any work one needs an overseer armed with a whip and a gun and even then it wouldn't be much! If we face facts hard labor in this country is still done by Whites and will continue to be. Nonwhites especially today Mestizos and Latin American Indians are trendy to have work for the in crowd, but when one needs the work done right, Whites are needed.

If has been reported that by 1860, many blacks slaves were house slaves and other non-field slaves while common Whites did the hard labor. This is happening again as Whites will be used to do the hard labor as more and more nonwhite "Hispanics" and other nonwhites refuse to do any hard work as it is beneath them.

The whole so-called "Civil Rights" movement was about restoring the old order where a small number of White and Jewish "elite" had nonwhite slaves and servants who did very little real work while Whites did the hard labor and produced the wealth that supported the whole system.

Nonwhites appear to be viewed as a symbol of prosperity because in order to have them someone (today the White taxpayers) has to spend a lot of money taking care of them like exotic pets. The current "elite" have destroyed the country's ability to produce wealth and brought in too many nonwhites too support. The combination is a disaster waiting to happen.