On With The Debate


Feb 15, 2008
You know what I find so funny. How come nobody asks of any of these clueless morons why they staunchly support Israel but at the same why we spend gazillions rebuilding Iraq (whom I believe would love to see Israel wiped off the map)and making sure that they're capable of defending themselves.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
darthvader said:
You know what I find so funny. How come nobody asks of any of these clueless morons why they staunchly support Israel but at the same why we spend gazillions rebuilding Iraq (whom I believe would love to see Israel wiped off the map)and making sure that they're capable of defending themselves.

I think the gazillions are being spent on building a different kind of Iraq. I think George Bush anticipates a pro western, democratic, secular, elected Iraqi government that will accept Israels right to exist (and to gradually expand into the few bits of farmland still populated by Palestinians) and tolerate its excesses in return for a few grants from the U.S.

Dream on.

Elections (when free and fair) sometimes have a nasty habit of producing the kind of government that the voters want rather than what another country thinks they should have. Like when the Gazans voted Hezbollah into power.

So its not so funny really. I can see why Bush is spending the money. But it's not going to work. He got rid of Saddam (and good riddance) the job is done. Let's get our young people home and let the Iraqis get on with it. If they want to fight it out between themselves let them I don't see why American and British young people should be sent out to act as policemen and go on "sitting duck" patrols. Plus Britain and America have got better things to spend their money on now - such as propping up financial institutions. I do recognise the great job the armed forces of many western nations and the U.S. in particular have done - but enough is enough. Was this topic discussed; or were the candidates too busy worrying about the future of Israel and getting their share of the jewish vote?


May 10, 2008
devans said:
So its not so funny really. I can see why Bush is spending the money. But it's not going to work. He got rid of Saddam (and good riddance) the job is done. Let's get our young people home and let the Iraqis get on with it. If they want to fight it out between themselves let them I don't see why American and British young people should be sent out to act as policemen and go on "sitting duck" patrols. Plus Britain and America have got better things to spend their money on now - such as propping up financial institutions. I do recognise the great job the armed forces of many western nations and the U.S. in particular have done - but enough is enough. Was this topic discussed; or were the candidates too busy worrying about the future of Israel and getting their share of the jewish vote?
It was actually a pretty good debate if one accepts the premise that the US is a socialistic Zionist empire that allows demagogues to say and do whatever is necessary to attain their ends.

If one doesn't accept that premise, the blatant intent to meddle in other countries' backyards was alarming, and the subservience to an alien nation's will (Israel) was disgusting.

Yes, there was talk about the financial situation, and the need to allocate military resources differently, including spending more in Pakistan, but less in Iraq.

There was also some talk about more government spending programs domestically, especially from the Democratic side. So much money being thrown around, it made one forget about the current financial "crisis".

An honest money supply wasn't on the agenda.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
Well, I've seen and heard enough of Palin....she's pretty much a full-fledged neocon---the last three-four weeks have proved it---she was vetted by neo-cons, her speeches have been written by neocons, she revels in Israel's flag being the "only one in her office", in the debate she professes her undying love of Israel, fear of another holocaust, blah, blah, blah.

On economics she favors the bailout--further centralization of economic power.

I had hoped that she was a palecon, a states righter, who was only 'muting' her old conservatism for the time being...but its clear she has is no paleo conservative.

what a joke....another poodle of the establishment..


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Palin was supposed to have energized the conservatives that are sick of the Bush-McCain policies. Wonder what they thing now? Ha! Anyway after the loss she'll go back to the tundra and hopefully forgotten.
May 1, 2006
Anyone that the main stream media hates and fears as badly as they hate and fear this woman must have some redeeming qualities. I wonder if she might be a real conservative in Neo-Con clothing She may love jews but the Jewish media does not love her back.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Tired old White said:
Anyone that the main stream media hates and fears as badly as they hate and fear this woman must have some redeeming qualities. I wonder if she might be a real conservative in Neo-Con clothing She may love jews but the Jewish media does not love her back.

The media and Hollywood despise her, that is true.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Run Stuffing LB said:
I wonder if Joe Six-Pack and Sally Soccermom are bothered by their leaders constantly fawning over a foreign, unfriendly nation. How could you not be???

We all know why our government leaders have unwavering support for Israel, but why the average American? I believe its the same reason why Americans go out and buy Chad Johnson jerseys and think whites are uncapable of running the football. They are brainwashed by the media. Hearing Palin say, "We both love Israel" made me sick but not as sick as hearing the drunk white crowd cheer in applause
. If these Americans knew their history or cared to learn what is really going on with Israel and the rest of the middle east they would be calling for the heads of these Washington crooks! Sadly I have little faith they could even locate Israel on a map.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Freethinker said:
We all know why our government leaders have unwavering support for Israel, but why the average American?

Christian evangelists such as Hagee certainlyare responsible for some of it,but the Twin Towers destruction andhype surrounding 9-11 have greatly served to join us at at thehip with Israel.And of course, our leaders know who calls the shots. Jewish money, influence, and power is not an illusion.