NFL Fixed?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
We've talked about this before, but here's someone else's opinion on the subject:
<H3 =post-title>NFL fraud </H3>

<DIV style="CLEAR: both">

I loved the NFL from the 70s' to the 90s' because it was the best pro sport in the world. It was underrated and athletes were underpaid. For years there were rumors and all kinds of unfair finger pointing about the game being fixed. I want to tell you that the NFL wasn't doing anything until they agreed to let big marketing firms in that have ruined the best sport on earth.

You could just move on to another web page you may not care about what is going on in the NFL. But I want my team to win or lose because they tried not because owners, corporations and new NFL executives planed a scam that would bring in billions of dollars and have us fans throwing away our money. this ain't the right time to be doing that-wait till we get an economy.

I will bring evidence and try to get more then I want to hear from you to get your opinions.
I want you to know I am not player hating on the NFL; I hope they make trillions because as many of the great players who were under paid and now cripple and ill because of past injuries this game deserves to make as much and the NBA and MLB.

What I want is to do some things and here is my list.

  1. <LI>expose the greedy people behind the game fixing and NFL's connections to right wing politicans who are giving NFL big money for chance to influence business and even games.
    <LI>try to explain to football fans what "parity" meant for Rozelle and what new NFL execs really mean by "parity".
    <LI>expose government agencies for not warning fans about dangers at public sporting events.
    <LI>show fans how teams are picked win lose and go to the superbowl
    <LI>show fans how this happened and what they can do to stop this scam
    <LI>give information on profits made by NFL.</LI>

What I am trying to tell you is that the NFL is legally fixing games but also using their power to force good teams to lose. worse it isn't the execs but corporate executives and wealthy people with government connections who have given the league money and big business connections and punishing some owners who won't go along through NFL execs by preventing their teams from reaching the playoffs much less winning enough games. (I bet you can guess what two owners are at the top of this list-there are five teams who don't like this agreement).

Pete Rozelle was out to make profits but he wanted honest games. So he tried to bring parity and gave weaker teams a chance with new rules, better scouting ideas/ equipment and first shot at top free agent players. but it didn't work, why?, because the best teams (Oakland, Dallas, Pittsburg and Green Bay) had dominating personnell departments and imaginative owners who and coaches who treated players with loyalty. not only did they draft talent they motivated players and thats what seperated them from other teams. Rozelle had his best sucess with parity in the 80s' when the 49ers, Eagles, Bengals, Giants, Bills, Bears and Patriots made their first superbowls but it didn't last dynasties started and parity was gone.

The new NFL execs in the 90s' who took over after Rozelle retired, wanted parity and knew ratings and game attendance would keep going down if something wasn't done, they tried:

  1. <LI>1. plan B free agency
    <LI>a new salary cap
    <LI>expanded rosters</LI>

It didn't work 49ers, Bills and Cowboys with the same playoff contendets dominated the NFLthe game got boring people stayed home, went out to play because they knew by mid season it was going to be Buffalo, 49ers or Cowboys. new NFL execs knew fans wanted to see their teams anyother teams in the playoffs other than these three. they decided to bring in people with big ideas, marketing firms, listened to old NFL people, bought in corporated accountants and advisors. as the 90s' moved the NFL had better entertainment at the game and on NFL sponsored shows- comedians, actors and singers played at more half time events, sports networks and television stations got contracts with the NFL on broadcasting and sponsoring rights, expansion teams were addded (Browns, Jaguars and Panthers) and developmental leagues were created for taxi squad and backup players- it looked like the NFL would be fun to watch on t.v. and at the game.

What went wrong?

the developmental league didn't stop dynasties from dominating. 49ers kept moving, Bills were only serious AFC threat, Cowboys were talented and drafted well and the Raiders were the last AFC team to win a superbowl ('83). the new NFL execs learned from MLB that new stadiums would pack in fans. entertainment, cafes and good seats-and millions more dollars for owners and them. but one problems fans ain't spending money if the playoffs are decided by mid-season every year. something had to be done. the NFL started listening more to corporated marketing firms and letting them get control of NFL offices. soon corporations started making deals with the NFL, connections fo more big business in return for contracts that will allow them to advirtise and meet people who might want to invest in their (corporation's) businesses. those connections were goverment employees and larger corporations who would rent luxury boxes and show owners and NFL execs how to invest and make more money. that is why I made this blog, so that you can see what has ruined the game. in return for this the NFL would do business with them and they would take care of any outside or inside problems. but this turned out not to be just about money but control and misuse of power, some of these marketing corporations and their powerful friends bought (made deals) superbowls because that city or state's fan would do more business and spend more than another would. don't believe me just let me finish. there are more and more corporations-not owners or the league running the NFL now. but for this to get started there was one thing that had to work - "PARITY!" the dynasties had to go.

what did they do?

Even though most of this b.s. came from outside firms I'm pretty sure it was the new NFL execs maybe a few owner who came up with the new parity (which means legally fixing games). new stadiums have to be filled so the NFL can profit from t.v. ratings revenue and ticket sales. marketing firms showed owners how to make money off everything they could think of and how to blackmail cities/ counties for a new stadium. but as for parity? NFL execs took care of that. no commissioner can really bring parity because some teams just work harder to get the right personnell and coaches. the new NFL execs either figured they couldn't do it or just never really planned to keep trying.

the first dyansty to go- Dallas Cowboys, even with Jimmy Johnson gone this was a talented franchise from the players to managment. NFL execs used the FBI, local police and press to lasso this team. players actions got them into to trouble and I won't make excuses but other teams were being ignored while the NFL focused on this team. 1996 I remember the press harrassing this team so much that the Cowboys seemed like the worst team in sports. the arrests and rumors were designed to cause problems in the lockeroom. referees gave them a hard time during that season.

but the biggest evidence I can give you is the Carolina Panthers, this 2nd year expansion team of free agents and rookies made the playoffs. they played Dallas in an NFC playoff game, the Cowboys ran plays a school yard team would have laughed at, the Panthers really didn't do much but beat the Cowboys. its about money and marketing-Carolina fans in two states spent millions and bought next years season tickets because of that win. hey, I believe a week team can beat a very good one, but Irvin, Aikman, the Moose, Larry Allen and that defense come one!

1997 the Cowboys continued to be harrassed by the press and watched by the NFL front office. after some strange injuries and retirements the Cowboys dynasty was over.

Winning takes a team and comittment and this machine had been winning for over fifteen years. Eddie DeBartolo liked winning and wasn't planning to stop, whatever people think of him, he wouldn't go along with this b.s. regardless of how much revenue he could share. but it was Eddie that help destroy the San Francisco 49ers. the NFL banned him because of ties to gambling, yea right, he should have been suspened and fined but hey banned him because they wanted the 49er dynasty destroyed. if they start losing other NFC west teams can fight for the playoff and that's more revenue especially if they get new stadiums. so instead of supending him they forced him to give up control of his team. if you noticed no former GMs' or coaches from the championship era was allowed or asked to run the team- Eddie was prevented from doing it. although Eddie's sister and brother-in-law own the 49ers the NFL controls it and will let them win now, but between 19 and 2005 they made sure they had only a short playoff appearence and thats it. the team started losing and worse, couldn't draft players or get top free agents anymore. the NFL

1997 to present

With San Francisco, Buffalo and Dallas gone it was time to make deals with owners. corporations and marketing firms showed owners how to make money; corporations will put money into the NFL, owners have a say in some things but they basically collect the money and the execs and corporations control the NFL and who wins and loses. got to pay to play- owners made the agreement although there are five who still protest. I won't excuses for any owner even the ones I like. they made a deal with greedy companies and new NFL execs. some of these owners are young millionairs who look at the game as something to play with and don't care about the Rozelles and Hunts that built this league. but still, it was the owners who agreed to this scam so they need to be exposed also.


  1. <LI>NFL couldn't stop teams from winning all the time so they destroyed them.
    <LI>FBI, press and police connection were used to harass and slow down teams.
    <LI>sometimes playoff and superbowl teams are picked for marketing reasons.
    <LI>owners had a in this scam and are not being protected by the blog owner.
    <LI>parity was meant by Rozelle for level playing field, excitement and profit; new NFL execs want revenue sharing and to scam fans out of more money.
    <LI>parity means close exciting games with suprise upsets, suprise playoff team and teams still in playoff hunt by the end of the season-thats more proftit for the new NFL.
    <LI>the NFL has the power to intimidate or punish teams, players and owners.
    <LI>the new NFL has allowed powerful people with government connections to control games in the past in return for money or business deals.
    <LI>some owners have been blacklisted for grudges that go back to the Rozelle years and because they didn't want to share revenue or go along with the scam. their teams have been 'slowed down' and kept out of playoffs as punishment. there are five teams on the list but what two owners do you think are at the top of the list?
    <LI>new NFL plans to fix the season and thousands of NFL will be scammed.</LI>

My prediction:

The Arizona Cardinals will be playing in a new stadium. the new NFL wants money

What you can do

You can talk about it. investigate and tell friends about it. if I'm lying I own the NFL an apology if I'm telling the truth we need to complain to whoever has some power and can help us put up our compaint. even if you just want to drink a beer and watch the game other people love their teams and want to know if the games are being played honestly. the NFL will make millions this year and teams will be asking cities to build them stadiums or be withouth a team. this is the new NFL owners acting like agents and players and fans spending millions on a scam then paying for a new stadium with tax dollars.

tell the league to play honest football, you got the money just let us enjoy the game. Arizona will be in the playoff because the NFL is going to put them there. its irrelevant whether they can do it themselves. millions in revenue will come from the next few years of ticket sales if this team makes it. Edgerin James (Colts) could have signed with a contender or stayed in Indy; this will make Arizona look better team than they may really be, a classic new NFL setup, Arizona makes playoffs fans buy up next years tickets-PSLs like crazy, Cardinals merchandise (that the NFL shares revenue in) goes up the scam starts over in another city when an owner ask cities and counties for a new stadium.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Very interesting but I wish he had illuminated his ideas on how the games are actually fixed, other than by saying the "good teams are forced to lose."

Poor play calling on purpose?

Are all the players in on it? Only the owners or the coaches and staff as well?


Interesting theory and plausible enough, in my opinion, at least in the marketing aspect.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
When I read the following piece, I immediately thought of the allegations made in this thread. See what you think:

With the exception of the Indianapolis Colts, no team seemed to be more disappointed with its finish to the 2005 season than the New York Giants. Their disastrous playoff loss to Carolina was not only unexpected but it also appeared to create some dissension within the locker room.

Team leader Tiki Barber openly questioned head coach Tom Coughlin's game plan versus Carolina and his apparent inability to make adjustments during the game.(emphasis added) The two have since patched things up, but Barber's comments were not that far out of line. Carolina had a masterful game plan -- especially on defense. The Panthers went after quarterback Eli Manning all day with a variety of in-line stunts. The Giants' offensive line used a man-blocking scheme and simply could not deal with Carolina's loops and twists. They never switched to a zone-blocking concept, and that may have incited Barber to make those comments.

The Duke

Jan 19, 2006
The last few minutes of the Eagles and Patriots in the Super Bowl was as fishy as it gets. The Eagles managed the clock as if they were doing their best to lose. It was all blamed on McNabb's supposed "exhaustion".


Aug 10, 2005
I've been suspicious of NBA basketball for quite some time. Often, when one team is behind in the series, the other gets more of the calls. Maybe this is to extend the series so that more money is made. Last week, in game 7 between the mavs and spurs, the officiating was particularly horrible. The mavs won anyway. My dad's theory about fixed football, basketball, boxing was that the mafia and others with money in Vegas paid off referees and boxing judges. If the ref had an opportunity to make a difference he would be paid. I think fixes in boxing are rather obvious. If you are fighting a Don King fighter you had better knock him out.


Oct 21, 2004
I've expounded on my feelings about this subject in previous posts here. I have believed NFL games were fixed for many years, at least since Super Bowl III (Colts-Jets), which legitimized the coming NFL-AFL merger. Although in that game I think that Earl Morrall was at least one player involved in the fix, the officials can determine the outcome of NFL games all by themselves. They do this primarily through the use of holding and pass interference calls. A great recent example of this is last year's Super Bowl; the officials clearly had a significant impact in determining the winner.

As for the article quoted in this thread, I don't think the author makes a convincing argument. First, it is poorly written; grammatical errors abound. Second, it is difficult to take anyone seriously who believes that Jimmy Johnson's Cowboys were anything other than a direct beneficiary of the fix. The Cowboys were exactly the kind of odious, criminally inclined group (lorded over by white-hating massa Jimmy Johnson) that the corrupt executives of the NFL would love to see win. Also, does the author realize that the New England Patriots won 3 out of 4 Super Bowls in recent years? Anyhow, this is always a favorite topic of mine, and I find everyone's comments to be interesting.
Oct 24, 2005
My defense for football is that Las vegas bookies will take bets on NFL games. In football you need a lot of players to throw a game. The more people involved, the more likely the fix will be exposed. (Remember it took 8 players to throw the 1919 world series) lets say the QBs are going to throw the game. They cannot stop their defensive team from playing superlative defense and running back interceptions and fumbles for touchdowns. On many teams, the offensive and defensive players do not even talk to each other.
McNabb was not exausted, he was beaten. He had the look of fear on his face on his face. He was psyched-outed by the defense.
As for basketball and boxing- there are cases where they have been fixed and it it is easy to fix them.
Jan 5, 2005
United States
I recall the 2000 NFC Championship game when the Minnesota Vikings were obviously not playing to win. Not sure what the cause was, but I watched all but 2 of their games that year and there was no way they could have or should have played like that against the Giants. The 1998 NFC Championship game was more or less a choke job by all involved, but the 2000 game was fishy at best and fixed at worst. I still remember feeling like the guys had quit before the first quarter had finished.