How is this site viewed?


Dec 9, 2004
This goes out to Don Wassall and everyone else connected in putting this together.My question is,how is this site viewed by outsiders?Do they think that it is racist and frequented by a bunch of white yahoo's who are just jealous of the supposed black supremacy in sports.Do you get plenty of hate E-mails with a lot of threats.How do you respond?Overall how do you feel this site is progressing,and do you think it will continue to grow?On this message board I've noticed there are a decent amount views on the various posts but not that many individual posters.Do you think that's because people feel as though they themselves could be considered a racist and somehow they might be " found out". So there's a few questions I hope you can answer.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's impossible to know how this site is viewed by "outsiders" and I don't really care as Caste Football is for those who are interested in what it covers. The quality of the material and posts is high so anyone who thinks it's "yahoos" is hopelessly close-minded.

I don't receive nasty or threatening emails, and if I start to the people sending them can easily be found out and prosecuted. We have had one hostile person register, but he was quickly deleted after one post. People are free to register and argue with us if they do it in an intelligent and rational way, but we're not going to have people posting that simply want to call us names.

The number of registered board members is growing, though some haven't begun to post yet. We have 54 registered board users after just two and one half months as a free site, so we're averaging about 20 new registered posters per month thus far. Maybe the rate will increase in time, maybe it won't. There are also unregistered people who come back periodically to view what we post and some of them will register and begin to post eventually.

Every day new people discover Caste Football. Some will like it and come back, many others won't. I'm pleased with the site and the caliber of those who are using the board and am happy every time we pick up a new poster. There's nothing else in existence remotely like Caste Football and I doubt there will be any time soon. I look forward to the day when the board is buzzing 24/7.

As far as "racism" to me we're about bringing about a level playing field in sports, and for giving talented white athletes their due, not about "racism." If someone is afraid of being "found out" as a "racist" then that's their problem, there are millions of other sites on the web out there for them to go to. Anyone who likes this site should support it in some way, by posting and/or with financial help.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
To add to what I just wrote above, I do care what the "general public" thinks. I believe that posts should be written, not just as we might write something while talking privately together over a cup of coffee or a beer, but for the public as well, as if we were on a talk show making our case.

Those that dismiss us out of hand without using their mind I could care less about. But what we are doing, besides talking to ourselves, is educating people out there. The kid who has talent to play cornerback but isn't allowed to. His father and other relatives. His friends. Those who have a bit of knowledge about the caste system and want to know more. Those that weren't aware of the caste system, but after they read what we have to say the light bulb suddenly goes off. We have to state our case fairly and compassionately in order to reach through the fog created non-stop by the media. Because nothing will change until there is a critical mass of us out there aware of the problem, which is the first step in changing the caste system.

As far as privacy, I'm a strict believer in privacy rights. You can register on this board without revealing anything about yourself, including your name. I have high regard for Caste Football supporters, particularly the "old-timers" from the old board we used before this became a free site, and hope that we grow to the point that eventually some of us can meet each other whether through formal meetings or something less formal. But for those who wish to remain anonymous, that right will always be respected here. As for others with malicious intent, lurkers could probably be "found out" as easily as registered users if anyone was that interested and had the means. It's not something I worry about and I don't think anyone who supports this site should either.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I couldn't agree with you more Don.I would argue to say
that we are not racists.They are in the media,some of the
fans,players,scouts,coaches and owners.We only want fair
treatment for everyone involved.When a white player in
any sport does not get the equal opportunity that others
do,that is unfair.We fight for equal rights in sports at
all positions.Equality is not & will never be racist.