Horrible Fundamentals on Defense

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Just as fundamentals have been cast aside in the NBA by blacks, so too do most of the black-dominated defenses in the NFL play terrible defense. Was watching the Green Bay-Minnesota game today, with both teams having a lot on the line, and the tackling, actually the attempts to tackle, were for the most part atrocious. Defensive backs in particular now try to "tackle" by bouncing off a ball carrier and hoping he falls down. Sometimes they don't even make that much of an effort.

It's a sick joke that 98 percent of defensive backs are black when so many refuse to utilize basic tackling techniques. Many are also not particularly fast either. The no-interest-in-tackling trend was started by Deion Sanders, but now it's commonplace.

Interesting note: Troy Aikman said that the only Green Bay defender "playing his heart out" today was DE Aaron Kampmann, who just happens to be their only white starter on defense, in fact the only white defensive player on the roster period.


Nov 17, 2004
United States
Don I completly agree with you, also I think this is part of the reason there are so many injuries these players don't care or listen to there coaches forget how to play the game, get caught out of position and get hurt. Most of the players are thinking about how they are going to celebrate there next sack,first down, or touchdown. Espn is to blame for this, most of the players want to make sportscenter they don't care about making a tackle downfield, but if its behind the line of scrimage they will make a sure takle. Ed Reed is the perfect example, if he can make the sportscenter hit he will but a routine tackle he will let someone else do it. I watched this idiot run back a int for a td with a 10 point lead on the last play of the game last year.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Was watching a Sports Classic special on Notre Dame's 1964 college football season. It was a completely different game on defense then. Almost all of the tackles were so-called clean tackles, grabbing a player below the waist and collapsing him to the ground. the net effect of this type of tackling is 1) few missed tackles as any runner is going down when the legs are grabbed; 2) fewer injuries as the collision factor is minimal.

This tackling is out of style, I believe, because todays defenders, almost all black, don't want to put in the work to do it. It is a lot more effort diving at someone's legs then just charging at someone and throwing your shoulder into them.

Todays defensive play, bedsides causing injuries, inflates offensive stats because of all the missed tackles.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The latest silliness is blacks lateraling the ball to each other after an interception or forced fumble. The Saints scored a touchdown doing it last year, and now it's the latest bro thing. Tonight the Dolphins were doing it after a turnover and fumbled it right back to the Browns. Net result -- it improved the Browns' field position by 40 yards.

This clown play will probably be squelched soon, though. It's a stupid and dangerous maneuver under most circumstances. Even Joe Theismann was ripping the Dolphins, saying they should be "embarrassed." Pretty heady stuff for Joey.


Oct 21, 2004
The main problem with the bad tackling today is the black-driven need
to "punish" the player with the ball instead of concentrating on
bringing him down. Blacks don't want to wrap and finish tackles,
instead they want to lead with their shoulder (which sometimes results
in terrible neck and spinal injuries) and try to crash into the
offensive player and knock him down. When this works, they do make the
ESPN hightlights, and the lame, wanna-be comedians will give them their
"props" with such absurd weekly rituals like "jacked up." But that's
just one of many predictable problems that result when you turn over an
already violent geme to the most violent, egotistical and ignorant
group of young men in the country, and properly educated "journalists"
make excuses for the worst of their behavior. Regardless of how
many stuipid facemask, unnecessary roughness or unsportsmanlike conduct
penalties they commit, the completely out of control thugs on the field
(a perfect example is Redskins' rookie saftey Sean Taylor, who is a
total moron but is already being called "great" by the jock-sniffing,
black-loving ESPNers) will never be criticized by the polite and wimpy
white guys in the announcing booth.

I coach youth sports, and I can tell you from first-hand experience
that this stuff starts at that level. Most coaches and referees
instinctively give out of control black youngsters a pass when they are
doing their "thing" out there. Believe it or not, I witnessed this in a
Girls' youth basketball game last year, played by 10 year olds. There
was one black girl on the other team, and despite the fact she was a
complete ball hog, never letting her teammates even touch the ball, her
white coach never chastised her from the sidelines for her selfish
play. She was throwing up wild shots from way outside the entire game,
and what made things more remarkable was the fact she never made a
single one. Like another black girl in the league (there are only a
few), she was overly aggressive on defense, and probably commited at
least 20 fouls during the course of the game. Of course, she was only
called for 3 or 4 of them, which is par for the course in these kinds
of youth sports situations. When she was at the free throw line at one
point, she missed the first shot, and jumped over the line while doing
so. This was a violation, and the referee warned her. She then made the
next shot, but commited the same violation. I protested to the referee,
and he came over, wagged his finger at me in warning, and then said,
"look, I'm not going to take her heart away." I swear that is a true
story, and I can guarantee you those words would not have been used if
the little girl had been white. If this stuff is happening when little
girls play basketball, you can only imagine the kinds of breaks the
super gifted 12 and 13 black boys get when they are showing their
"heart" out on the court or on the field. If referees simply
enforced the rules correctly, and coaches just lectured these
kids and corrected their unacceptable behavior, things would improve.

I don't know when or if white people will ever wake up about these
crucial issues, but they permeate our society and are destroying our
Dec 18, 2004
I was watching the highlights of the Colt-Charger game last night. A Charger DB recovered a fumble (I believe) and went out of bounds. He then spiked the ball in out of bounds territory as hard as he could.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Another routine fundamental play that has disappeared is defenders knocking down the ball on fourth down passes. Now they always go for the interception and usually follow it up with a "look at me" celebration even though it routinely costs their team many yards in field position. A Philly defender just did it tonight against St. Louis, and John Madden defended him, saying, "In that situation you have to go for the interception." Nonsense, just knock the ball down!
Jan 5, 2005
United States
I'm a huge Viking fan, and I'm finding it harder and harder to watch games with the lack of players I can identify with on their roster. In particular they continue to roll out these primadonna, black, defensive players who dance and celebrate and thump their chests for the 1 play they make out of 10 that they don't. The Defensive Backs are afraid to get beat deep, therefore they all play off and let guys catch the ball without being challenged. The Linebackers bite on playfakes like nobody's business and almost never drop back into their proper lanes. The Vikes are down to 1 Defensive White starter and only 2 on the roster... I'm pretty much ready to give up and support High School sports if something doesn't change soon.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Welcome to the board, reclaimsocal. The Vikings have really treated Chris Hovan in a humiliating manner this year. A former number one draft choice he was far and away their best defensive player. He was continually double-teamed and would still often pressure the quarterback and get sacks. At times he was practically unstoppable. He needed some decent teammates on the line to give him some relief and enable him to really terrorize quarterbacks. So the Vikings draft Kevin Williams for just that purpose, and now Hovan disappears. I think they even put him on the inactive list for some games this season.