Foreign Talent Loads the Bases in Minors


Nov 28, 2009
Get ready for a "sea-change" in the demographics of MLB in the near future..

"For decades, minor-league rosters seemed the essence of America's
heartland. But thanks to growing numbers of foreign players like Mr.
Lee, the minors are fast turning into a veritable United Nations."
"Recent changes in U.S. immigration law and growing competition in
baseball for raw talent have allowed the minor-league farm system to
flourish with imported players. It has been a home run for
globalization, but bad news for U.S.-born players
"The Cubs, who signed Korea's Hak-Ju Lee right out of high school, have
become one of the most aggressive signers of foreign players. In 2006,
86 players in the Cubs' major and minor-league system were foreign-born.
This year, 142 Cubs are imports
"The surge of young foreign players into the U.S. minor leagues began
in 2007, a few months after then-president and former major-league team
owner George W. Bush signed the Creating Opportunities for Minor League
Professionals, Entertainers and Teams Act, known as the Compete Act.
freed the farm systems of major-league teams from having to compete with
all U.S. employers seeking H2B work visas for foreign employees, the
supply of which usually was exhausted each year by February. Now, teams
can import as many prospects as they want

"There is no longer a limit on work visas," explains Oneri Fleita,
the Florida-born director of minor-league development for the Cubs. "So,
yeah, you might see more foreign players getting an opportunity."


"The changes pose a challenge to American teens hoping to make the big
leagues. Instead of signing hundreds of U.S. amateurs out of high school
-- the traditional business model for stocking minor-league rosters --
teams are drafting fewer U.S. kids and signing more so-called nondraft
free agents, the vast majority of them teenagers from Latin America.


This reminds me of the late 1990's working in the IT field and reading that Congress wanted to import 225,000 H1B Visa's from foreign countries (mostly from India), but settled with Bill Clinton on importing "only" 125,000. Then it happened to other White-collar industries such as Accounting, Finance, Medicine, etc. Then, of course, came the swarm of illegals from south of the border taking away many of the blue-collar jobs, especially in construction and the service-sector.

Well, it looks like the same traitorous PTB are at it once again...importing cheap labor from every corner on the face of the Earth to replace what remains of American Whites in one of our favorite pastimes. Past times, indeed.


Oct 26, 2008
The people who run this counry are stabbing us in the back. The "leaders" of this country are just giving it away. But the stupid Americans keep supporting this. Even CBS has to hire British announcers like Faldo to do the Masters. No Americans can announce a golf match?
American sports should be for Americans only. What is a country for? I guess I don't understand it.
These stupid fans are laid off because their job has been taken by an H1-b or outsourced to India and then they will take their remaining money and go watch a foreigner play baseball which will take a job away from a neighborhood kid.

The average American is either brainwashed or STUPID.

Look at the NHL and all the foreign players. Didn't people enjoy hockey before the end the Soviet Union. The Russians lost the Cold War and they get to steal our hockey jobs.

Of course, we have to listen to that idiot Ozzie for the White Sox.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
That's pretty alarming because hispanics had already become a majority of minor leaguers a few years ago. The one bright spot is that so many hispanics don't pan out. Many lack discipline at the plate while others disdain baserunning and fielding fundamentals the way blacksdisdain fundamentalsin every sport. Importing hispanics and asians is baseball's way of compensating for blacks being unable to dominatebaseball through affirmative action and pandering the way they do in football and basketball. Nothing is allowed to be predominantly White anymore, not even a TV commercial. Hockey presents an unsolvable dilemma, which is why the media does everything possible to present it as a "niche" sport even though it is more popular than the NBA and probably not much less popular than MLB. Certainly hockey has the most passionate fans after the NFL.