Dismal recruiting season


Dec 22, 2004
Scanning the 2005 college football recruiting globe I see a dismal situation. Things seem to be getting worse which is hard to imagine given how bad things are today. Apparently the trend of recruiting so few white skill/speed position players has evolved over the years where position slotting and such occurs at very early ages and pretty much continues unabated through the ranks. This is going to be practically impossible to reverse as far as I can tell. American sports in general including baseball, soccer, football,basketball,track and tennis are all edging towards the trend to eliminate white athletes from the landscape especiallyin areaswhere speed and jumping are emphasised. Interestingly the one mainly white sport today is hockey and that is on the verge of a complete collapse. I am in a very foul mood so far this year. I want to see progress not withdrawel. Unfortunately the American white athlete for various reasons might become a completething of the past. Like drive ins and soda shops. Yes there will be white pitchers and white kickers etc.. but at the rate things are going white athletes will be seen by the public at large as an inferiorsubgroup to blacks. Manyfans feel that way today even.And the blacks will be granted god like status. I long for the day where caste would be irrelevant. Don't see that day arriving anytime soon that is for sure.