Court upholds firing of Arkansas coach


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Here's an item that makes me want to puke. i feel no sympathy for this turd at all. I hope they did fire him because he was black. HA HA, racist whitey got over on you bro! This guy's rant is sickening, PLAY THE RACE CARD!!!PLAY THE RACE CARD!!! When are white people going to publicly say ENOUGH!!!!!!!

Article with my COMMENTS included.

Court upholds firing of Arkansas coach Nolan Richardson

By DANIEL CONNOLLY, Associated Press Writer

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- Nolan Richardson lost his appeal on his claim that he was fired as Arkansas basketball coach because he is black and outspoken,

black AND outspoken! does that mean it would be okay to fire him if he was merely black? being outspoken (when black) another civil right in the constitution that I missed!!!

.....with the court finding Friday the school decided to dismiss him before an outburst at a 2002 news conference.

Richardson said after a hearing at the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that "they came after me" when he spoke out against racism at the Fayetteville school.

The appeals court said that by the time of Richardson's complaint, university administrators already wanted to fire the only man to coach Arkansas' basketball team to a national championship. {twelve friggin years ago, what? a black coach finally wins something and he gets the lifetime pass???)

University lawyer Scott Varady said the school "always said that coach Richardson was not terminated based on his race or the exercise of any First Amendment rights."

JAX: note that when you are white you CAN be fired for your first amendment rights, it happened to me and every jew lawyer I went to said the same thing "the first amendment only prohibits laws against free speech, it does NOT allow you to speak freely, or for your employer to judge you upon your speech" but then again I'm white and outspoken.

Richardson attorney John Walker said the coach was traveling and not available for comment. The lawyer said the coach's complaint against the university had a positive effect. He noted Friday that the university had hired Cynthia Nance, a black woman, to serve as dean of its law school.

Alright Richardson! feel better! a sista got your affirmative action high paying, totally undeserving spot.

"I would ask whether or not that would have happened ... if Mr. Richardson had not gone forward," Walker said. "When black people or people in general assert their rights under the law, we profit as a people."

JAX says: no a$$hole, you profit as a lawyer, we the people have to shell out big bucks from the public treasury for these affirmative action disasters and the damage they wreek upon our system.

Richardson was fired near the end of a 14-15 season, one of his worst at Fayetteville. Arkansas won the national championship in 1994 and was runner-up to UCLA in 1995.

The athletic department's fundraising arm is paying Richardson $500,000 a year through 2008 under terms of his buyout clause.

The court found that chancellor John White and athletic director Frank Broyles decided Feb. 24, 2002, to fire Richardson after the coach had said publicly the school could buy out his contract. The men said they took that to mean that Richardson had lost confidence in the program.

Richardson said their decision to fire him wasn't made until after he spoke about slave ships and alleged racial discrimination in a news conference the next day in Fayetteville: "See, my great-great-grandfather came over on the ship, I didn't. And I don't think you understand what I'm saying. My great-great-grandfather came over on the ship. Not Nolan Richardson.

JAX notes: Nolan, your grandfather did not COME over on the ship, he was dragged kicking and screaming onto the ship by his fellow "people of color" in Africa.

"I did not come over on that ship, so I expect to be treated a little bit different. Because I know for a fact that I do not play on the same level as the other coaches around this school play on. I know that. You know it. And people of my color know that. And that angers me," Richardson said then.

JAX: so you're angry? who cares?

In arguments before the 8th Circuit in St. Louis, attorneys for the school said White and Broyles offered Richardson a chance to resign with "dignity and grace,"

JAX: Yeah dignity and grace! Good luck with that.

worried that Richardson's comments and continued presence at the school would affect recruiting.

"They (school administrators) ... believed these comments to have a negative impact on fan support and other aspects of the program. Likewise it undermined their confidence in Coach Richardson's leadership for the future," Judge Arlen Beam wrote.

"The record amply supports a conclusion that Richardson's statement had a detrimental impact on the effective functioning of the public employer's enterprise -- namely, the university's total athletic program," Beam wrote. "This public interest clearly outweighed any First Amendment privilege Richardson allegedly may have had in the making of the comment."

JAX: Judge Arlen "JIM" Beam's comments are interesting. We are told he was not fired for his comments but the judge writes differently. Also interesting is the comment that Richardson may "alledgedly" have a first amendment right??? WTF?? does he or doesn't he in this case. if not---dismissed, if yes---another story. Can't a freakin' disctict judge give a clear answer about whether a man has a first amendment right ot not?

Also how in the f*ck does the "public interest" outweigh a constitutional right??? hold on a minute,,,,,,,,, just checked the constitution, nothing about public interests trumping first amendment rights, there is something about the bill of rights being meant to reign in the government, but nothing about outweighing the public interest (as determined by a government judge).

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Richardson is old enough to have grown up with Jim Crow yet acts like exactly nothing has changed in the intervening years, much like the seething moron from blacksportsnetwork in another Happy Hour thread carries on as if policies and attitudes toward blacks have yet to move in ways beneficial to blacks in the last century.

From reading the periodic stories on this case as it slogged through the courts, Richardson always had no case. He was treated like a king when his team was successful. If Arkansas or any other university still had the ability to fire him purely for racial reasons then he would never have been hired in the first place. More likely, from the beginning guilt-stricken whites pandered to Richardson's everydeficiency and (racist) whim, and were still rewarded by Richardson calling them all anti-black.

The more individual blacks advance, the more bitter and anti-white many of them become.