Black coach wins discrimination suit


Jul 12, 2007

"The first black head football coach at any
major Louisiana university has won a $2 million judgment in a
lawsuit claiming that the University of Louisiana at Lafayette
fired him because of his race, not because his teams lost 80
percent of their games."

"The team had a record of 6-27 and attendance was terrible."

And how's this for irony:
"There is no substitute for victory," said Baldwin's attorney

As the University of Arkansas has already learned, and other schools around the country will be learning over the next few years, it's just not a good idea to ever hire a black coach for any sport. They're impossible to fire cleanly, even if they are terrible at their job. Also, all black coaches only recruit black players. I don't even think they realize they do it. But it's so common that it's axiomatic. If you hire a black coach, your program will be remolded into a blacks-only team. That kind of damage takes years to repair. It's not very easy to convince white high school kids to join a team when they know they'll stand out like a snowflake on asphalt. I doubt you'll see Mississippi State be able to return to a racially balanced team any time in the near future. Maybe not ever.

Note: There's no forum for 'Sports Coaching Issues' so I couldn't find any place else to put this post. This seemed like the most logical location.