Battleground America


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Very interesting discussion at Occidental Dissent.

Battleground America

The midterm elections are less than a week away. With that in mind, I would be negligent not to point out that there are a number of candidates running in this election cycle â€" some of whom are in close races, most of whom are challengers â€" that even a White Nationalist can support.

I will flatly state that immigration is by far the most important issue facing the White Nationalist community. In the long run, changing racial demographics will determine the electoral context in which every other issue is decided, and ultimately the fate of our race on this continent.

The following candidates have received the "true reformer"Â￾ seal of approval from NumbersUSA. That means they are on record supporting us down the line on immigration, not just on one particular issue, but on all of them: opposing amnesty, attrition through enforcement, mandating E-Verify, assisting local police, funding entry/exit system, defunding sanctuary cities, border security, ending birthright citizenship, ending chain migration, ending visa lotteries, opposing guest worker programs and reducing total immigration.

Here is your opportunity to move the goal posts. Instead of fantasizing about change and talking about it on the internet, we can move change forward in reality, starting as early as next week.

This is where the rubber meets the road:
