A good read: 5 ways Vladimir Putin is driving America crazy

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007

1. Defending traditional values against 'new world order'

Although talk of a 'new world order' is largely confined to the more conspiratorial corners of respectable society, it would be difficult to deny that a frontal assault against traditional values and modes of (moral) behavior has been increasing of late. If I am reading the situation correctly, Russia - a traditional, conservative country that is being slowly rebuilt on the foundation of Orthodox Christianity - wants none of it.

One does not need to talk about the crude escapades and eventual arrest of Pussy Riot, for example, to understand that Russia is not willing to bargain when it comes to maintaining some level of decency and morals in society.

Russia's already-mentioned law regarding the dissemination of "gay propaganda" is a perfect example. On the one hand, while the law does not infringe upon any person's freedom to engage in whatever sort of sexual arrangements they prefer, it also ensures the freedom of children not to be forced to consider such issues. This sounds like nothing more than the soundest common sense.

However, the West, which is becoming increasingly godless in terms of its hyper-liberal prerogatives, wants to unleash any and all subject of carnal interest into the public square.

The Chosen Ones don't like Vladimir Putin because he's something they want the world to be rid of: a strong white leader. They want western nations to be led by mulatto bisexuals like Obama or Zionist puppets like Harper.