Worst Franchise in Pro Sports


Nov 2, 2004
The Montreal Expos, God Bless 'em, were a proud franchise. They never won the Series and I don't remember them ever making it there, but they had some good years and allowed White players to thrive.

The vile Washington Nationals now qualify as the worst franchise in pro sport. They utterly sukk, and are the most Anti-White of all sports teams. This summer they sacked two outstanding, long-time pro White Players, each of whom are excelling with the New York Mets, and replaced them with the two most criminal Black players available. The replacement Blacks are having miserable years. Imagine that.

As of this afternoon, the Nats have lost their past ten games. They have won only 44 this year and are dead last in MLB. Attendance in their magnificent but taxpayer-shakedown stadium is declining. But their mush-mouthed, incompetent Mestizo manager is in no danger at all of losing his job. Nor are any of the Black and Mestizo position players, the worst in MLB, in danger of losing their jobs.

The Zionazi supremicist Lerner mob owns the Nats, and they are great friends with Zionist Daniel Snyder, who owns the Black Supremicist Washington Redskins football team. Lerner incorporated went to great lengths to gut the Expos-oriented team they inherited four years ago, sacking Frank Robinson as the manager, and a host of competent players of all races. Now the Nats are virtually all non-White in positions, and demoralized in pitching, where it's about half-White and half Mestizo.

The Nats' first-round draft pick just told the team to pound sand. A wise young man! Any competent young ballplayer who would be drafted by the Nats should certainly pull the John Elway, and refuse to sign with this sorry sack of schidt.

I grieved for the loss of my Washington Senators thirty years ago, but I'm horrified with the disgraceful White-hating troupe that's been brought in to take their place. There is no hope for the Nats. The ownership and GM haven't the faintest notion how to run an MLB franchise, but are really good at collecting criminals to put on the roster.

The only thing the Nats are good for -- it's a great place to watch your team from another town beat the krappe out of the Nats, and you can get seats for cheap.Edited by: Realgeorge


Mar 25, 2008
Friends pooh-poohed me when I said that the Schneider / Church pickup was the greatest steal in free agency
this year. If Ryan Church could just look out for his head, he would be having an otherworldly season.

I feel bad for guys like Tim Redding and Ryan Zimmerman, stuck on the Nats. However, as demonstrated before, good players will always find their way out of Washington / Montreal and make it big elsewhere.

Initially I thought that this was simple "moneyballing" in the vein of the Oakland A's, but then I realized one discrepancy; The Nationals Suck. The Athletics are usually competitive. Chalk one up for ownership incompetency. Eventually the Nats will get their year, when by some odd chance management accidentally ends up with more white players than they bargained for.

...But in the meantime I can just sit back and wait for Zimmerman to get waived. The Phillies, or some other sensible franchise could sure use an All-Star calibur third baseman. Just ask the Mets.


Nov 2, 2004
A year has passed since we talked about the Worst Franchise in Pro Sports: The Washington Nationals baseball club

A funny thing happened about two months ago: The Nats Went White.

They fired the worst (by far!) manager/coach in all of pro sports, the amazingly idiotic Emmanuel Acta and brought in (promoted, actually) Jim Riggleman. Riggleman is a serious baseball man, managed well with the Cubs, and immediately improved the hideous Nats into a decent ballclub.

The no-pitching Nats recently have come back to Earth with a 4-game losing streak, but they won Nine in a row, and were 17-17 for a stretch.

The reason for Nats improvement is simple: White players. The Nats' leaders in all categories that count are White sluggers: Adam Dunn, Ryan Zimmerman, Josh Bard and Josh Willingham. They have a bunch of Negroes, Dominicans, and other Afro-caribbeans, but the heart of the team are those four White men.

And pitching! 22 pitchers, 15 are White (maybe stretch to 16 if one counts Matt Chico as White). And all their best starters and relievers are White. The Nats beat some good teams in the last month. They can hit. They just signed a superb 1round draft White pitcher. They replaced a criminal Race-bait GM with the competent Rizzo. The Nats are watch-able now. They even have a Frank Howard bobblehead night to commemorate a great White player from the 1960s.

Very simple: Want to win? Hire White baseball players