Top 25 Cable Shows in Black Households


Oct 19, 2009
In the NBA forum we seem to have a "newbie" that is bemoaning the fact the NHL's Saturday night ratings couldn't keep pace with ESPN's, Heat/Celtics ratings. Somewhat "trollish" stuff for a first post, but....thought this might be the right time post this:

Top 25 Cable Shows in Black Households, beginning the week of May 14th:

Comment: 13 of the top 14 shows are NBA games. 15 of the top 25 shows are NBA games. Including WWE, 23 of the top 25 shows have some sort sports related theme.

Top 25 Cable Shows in Black Households, beginning the week of May 7th:

Black viewers are increasingly important to the NBA for its ratings success. Overall, black viewers were an average of 41 percent of the audience of all the NBA games aired. But some Eastern Conference match-ups, like Boston's battle with Atlanta, saw black households reach above 50 percent of all those watching.

Point? Next time some jack-a$$ troll comes on here hyping the NBA's awesome ratings, compared to other sports, just remember where the majority of the NBA's ratings come from on most nights. Black males. Not exactly a demographic Ad execs lust after. My guess is Mutual Fund Companies and Auto Dealers (as well as others that sell "big ticket" items) won't even bother buying time for these games. I bet most ads are fast food joints (Taco Bell/KFC, McDonald's, Burger King) and other junk food sellers (Pepsi, Coke, Potato Chip makers, ect.). These are big hits in African American communities.


May 18, 2012
In my world
Wow, American Negroes watch the NBA like crazy. I supposed they watch it so much only so they can feel significant and dominant on something too?

If you think about it, sometimes I feel truly sorry for Negroes man......thousands years of civilization, achievement, inventions, empires etc and all Negroes have to brag about is a couple of modern sports, especially sprints and the NBA, some modern music genres of the 20th century and that's it pretty much from thousands fields of life, history and society.

It must be horrible being black, I mean forget the horrible way they look and their "high" IQ, I mean they lack in pretty much every field, now that's sadder than sadness itself.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Top 25 Cable Shows in Black Households, beginning the week of May 14th:

Comment: 13 of the top 14 shows are NBA games. 15 of the top 25 shows are NBA games. Including WWE, 23 of the top 25 shows have some sort sports related theme.

That's the definition of a "niche sport," something the CM media always claims the NHL is, but never the NBA.
Oct 22, 2011
That's the definition of a "niche sport," something the CM media always claims the NHL is, but never the NBA.

Good point Don. I also remember reading a few years back, that blacks account for 35% of ticket sales at movies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
That's one of the (many) things that's turned me off to the Yo.B.A. Going to a Hawks game in the "ATL" (yo) is like attending a rap(= crap) concert.


Apr 6, 2007
That's one of the (many) things that's turned me off to the Yo.B.A. Going to a Hawks game in the "ATL" (yo) is like attending a rap(= crap) concert.

Anywhere in the "ATL."


Jul 29, 2008
I did catch a few playoff games this year, mostly when I'd be at the gym and the TVs in front of the treadmills would have the games on. It's impossible the miss the the fact that the overwhelming majority (90%+) of the fans in attendance are white. I think it's unfortunate that this white fanbase is what's keeping the NBA afloat, because we know very few blacks can possibly afford those exorbitant ticket prices.

Look at OKC, a couple of token whites on the team, the fanbase there is 99.9% white, and they are absolutely crazy about their team. It's disappointing for me to see that, but I don't think much can be done about it. The NBA is a niche sport, and a certain percentage of the white fanbase will always attend and watch games.


Oct 19, 2009
That's one of the (many) things that's turned me off to the Yo.B.A. Going to a Hawks game in the "ATL" (yo) is like attending a rap(= crap) concert.

Atlanta also has a WNBA franchise (Atlanta Dream) that is owned by a pair of very wealthy white women. One woman is the wife of the CEO of Coca-Cola. It's a well known fact that the Dream and Coca-Cola bully other businesses in Georgia into buying large blocks of tickets for these lame games and these companies give away (free) the tickets they buy to "Urban Youths" and their struggling families. This team has made the WNBA finals consecutive years, but still can't sell tickets. The Falcons, Braves and Hawks had to step in to buy 1,000's of tickets last year just so Phillips Arena would not look empty on ESPN during the finals. Without companies buying tickets and handing them out, this team would average about 1,000 per game -- even in the Playoffs?

Point? Dixie, I would not be surprised if the Hawks had the same deal, on a smaller scale. Wealthy whites in the Georgia suburbs have little to no use for the team, so their owners keep the team afloat by selling large blocks of tickets to Fortune 500 companies, who give them away free of charge to "underprivileged kids" and their biological parents (who are likely unmarried). This probably accounts for why the Hawks have such a high percentage of black patrons (compared to other teams).

That's the definition of a "niche sport," something the CM media always claims the NHL is, but never the NBA.

You are absolutely correct Don. Without the large throng of black viewers, my guess is the NBA's ratings would be very similar to the NHL's, perhaps even lower? Also factor in all the media hype (free advertising) they get from ESPN, USA Today, Sports Illustrated and all the other Marxist outlets in America. If I were to venture to a guess, I'd bet the NBA's best rating among whites come from teens and early twenty-somethings who have been brain-washed into believing anything that is all-black is "very cool" and worth following.

Foobar, the fans in OKC seem like a bunch of retards to me. I guess that's what happens when your the only game in town. For many years Utah had similar fan support, although their teams always did seem to have a nice core of white stars.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Atlanta also has a WNBA franchise (Atlanta Dream) that is owned by a pair of very wealthy white women. One woman is the wife of the CEO of Coca-Cola. It's a well known fact that the Dream and Coca-Cola bully other businesses in Georgia into buying large blocks of tickets for these lame games and these companies give away (free) the tickets they buy to "Urban Youths" and their struggling families. This team has made the WNBA finals consecutive years, but still can't sell tickets. The Falcons, Braves and Hawks had to step in to buy 1,000's of tickets last year just so Phillips Arena would not look empty on ESPN during the finals. Without companies buying tickets and handing them out, this team would average about 1,000 per game -- even in the Playoffs?

Point? Dixie, I would not be surprised if the Hawks had the same deal, on a smaller scale. Wealthy whites in the Georgia suburbs have little to no use for the team, so their owners keep the team afloat by selling large blocks of tickets to Fortune 500 companies, who give them away free of charge to "underprivileged kids" and their biological parents (who are likely unmarried). This probably accounts for why the Hawks have such a high percentage of black patrons (compared to other teams).

I believe it's commonplace in many cities for corporations to buy up large amounts of NBA and MLB tickets and give them away, to clients and customers and to the public. It builds up goodwill toward the corporations from the public (at least in theory), and allows the NBA and MLB to announce larger crowds than they would get otherwise (and the announced figures are often inflated anyway).

I've read of a number of individual instances of this over the years, and even in the NFL it's not a rare practice when a team is trying to avoid a home game being blacked out on local TV.

The corporate media with its multicultural, globalist agenda, and Cultural Marxist change agents themselves wherever found, have a large stake in making the NBA appear as popular as possible, keeping the WNBA alive and giving it the appearance of viability, and in presenting the NHL as barely more than a minor sports league.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I believe it's commonplace in many cities for corporations to buy up large amounts of NBA and MLB tickets and give them away, to clients and customers and to the public. It builds up goodwill toward the corporations from the public (at least in theory), and allows the NBA and MLB to announce larger crowds than they would get otherwise (and the announced figures are often inflated anyway).

I've read of a number of individual instances of this over the years, and even in the NFL it's not a rare practice when a team is trying to avoid a home game being blacked out on local TV.

The corporate media with its multicultural, globalist agenda, and Cultural Marxist change agents themselves wherever found, have a large stake in making the NBA appear as popular as possible, keeping the WNBA alive and giving it the appearance of viability, and in presenting the NHL as barely more than a minor sports league.

I remember in the early to mid 90's when I was in junior high and high school, my school would always get free Nets tickets. I followed the NBA closely then. The NBA was more popular then thanks to more white stars like Mullin, Stockton, Hornacek, Price, and Lary Bird who was just retiring. Even with all the tickets they were giving away, the arena was never even half full. I can only imagine how it is today as the popularity of the league has dropped since then.


Oct 19, 2009
Looks like the NBA's ratings continue to plummet. Basically, the only marketable teams (on a broader scale) in the NBA are the Lakers and the Heat. And most DWF's only watch the Heat to root against them, for whatever reason? Personally, if athletes "turn me off', I merely ignore them -- don't watch.

ABC's NBA playoff ratings are in the tank

I guess that's some good news, as whites continue to reject this Kosher propaganda/garbage, for the most part?


Meanwhile, it looks like blacks continue to watch the NBA in huge numbers, even though the reality shows on Bravo & VH-1 have become monster hits with black woman:

Black Cable TV Ratings for Week April 22 - 28
VH1 overcomes NBA Playoffs dominance with alternative for black viewers to basketball

I think it would be great if this Targetnews would give percentage of the audiences, based on race. My guess is blacks make up around 58 to 70% of the TV audience for most NBA playoff games. Might even be higher during the regular season?

P.S: Don W. (or any other mod) , feel free to move this thread to the NBA forum, where it really belonged in the first place.
Dec 10, 2012
In the NBA forum we seem to have a "newbie" that is bemoaning the fact the NHL's Saturday night ratings couldn't keep pace with ESPN's, Heat/Celtics ratings...

I think another way to look @ it, is from this angle.. NBC is spreading out the NHL playoffs over it's family of networks. Some NHL games are showing up on their (otherwise) news outlet, CNBC. Which obviously is an untraditional medium for sports, probably making it an uphill ratings battle for those games.. but if you compare those CNBC NHL broadcasts against their direct competition (other cable news shows), they're doing well.

NHL beat some of it's head-to head cable news competition in prime time (CNN, MSNBC).. And when you look @ the 10 pm hour, after the game ended, nobody stayed around for 'American Greed', so they were strictly on CNBC for the hockey game, not just surfing cable news networks.. Fox stayed on top, but an early playoff round is still more interesting than Rachel Maddow (nobody is tryin' to hear what he has to say)..
/ratings from
Net9PMP2+ (000s)25-54 (000s)35-64 (000s)
FNCHannity 2,576 370 850
MSNBCRachel Maddow Show 725 224 286
HLNDr. Drew ON CALL 559 196 352
Net10PMP2+ (000s)25-54 (000s)35-64 (000s)
CNNAnderson Cooper 360 677 242 364
MSNBCLast Word W/ L. ODONNELL 670 145 249

For other days cable news ratings click here.
P2+ = viewers over the age of 2
(25-54) = Adults 25-54 viewing
(35-64) = Adults 35-64 viewing
Prime Time = 8-11pm


Oct 19, 2009
Average American, thanks for the input and the info. Just a note: I started this thread last June in a different forum and Don (justly) moved it to the NBA forum today, so the early posts are a bit "dated".

Overall, I think it's amazing how poor the NBA fares (ratings wise) when you consider all the attention they get from the fawning media -- ESPN, USA Today, talk radio. The leagues ratings are usually very similar to the NHL's 90% of the time -- regular season and early playoffs.

For whatever reason, however, the NBA's ratings do pick up quite a bit during the finals and they fare okay -- perhaps whites don't start watching until the finals, if the Lakers or Heat are playing?

Overall, my main point with this thread, was to show "who's watching" the NBA. Even if they get decent ratings (compared to NHL), it almost exclusively due to heavy black viewership and the never-ending hype they receive from the Caste-media.

As Don noted last summer: That's [the NBA] the definition of a "niche sport," something the CM media always claims the NHL is, but never the NBA.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Even if the NBA ratings were ten times what the NHL got I wouldn't care because I don't care what people I don't like, don't respect, and have little in common with watch. It's clear that the majority of people in this country have radically different views on things then I do so it makes little difference to me what they watch. Any country that elects an ignorant, foreign, half-breed, affirmative action, communist to lead them can all go to hell as far as I'm concerned. So their TV viewing habits mean even less.
Dec 10, 2012
Average American, thanks for the input and the info. Just a note: I started this thread last June in a different the early posts are a bit "dated".
hey brother,..yeah, I saw it's original post date.. but I still like this conversation; 'cuz I feel hockey's popularity is being unfairly & inaccurately represented.
Even when hockey is relegated to a nothing cable news network, its fans are still finding & watching it.
Hockey doesn't have the broad appeal of the NBA, which is getting both Black & White viewers, but it's getting the most important demographic to advertisers.. both young & middle aged White men.
The tv rating from last week show how strong CNBC's hockey was in those demographics, as opposed to some of the other cable newsers.. when you shed the flotsam in the NBA tv audience , the NHL might close that audience gap, & have nearly equal strength to advertisers in the most valued consumer dept,(?), which is what matters in tv ratings ~
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Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
I haven't attended an NBA game in 25 years (the Heats first season) and I rarely ever watch it on TV. One thing I've noticed is that basketball has a lot of casual fans but very few diehards. Contrast that with hockey which is made up of primarily diehards such as myself. It doesn't surprise me one bit that ratings for NBA games would be skewed, especially since the Nielsen company does their polling in a disproportionate amount of minority households.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
Even if the NBA ratings were ten times what the NHL got I wouldn't care because I don't care what people I don't like, don't respect, and have little in common with watch. It's clear that the majority of people in this country have radically different views on things then I do so it makes little difference to me what they watch. Any country that elects an ignorant, foreign, half-breed, affirmative action, communist to lead them can all go to hell as far as I'm concerned. So their TV viewing habits mean even less.

This is definitely the post of the year. :rockon: Jax, once again my man, you hit it out of the ballpark. I'm even somewhat of an outcast amongst my own friends because I think much like you do. I've always been the type to go against the grain and not be into what everyone else was into. I could care less if the NHL had a fan base of 300 people. I would still watch it over the NBA because I can relate to it much more and I see it as a superior sport. Also, your assesment of the low-informed masses who elected this Fidel Castro-wannabe is spot on as well.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This is definitely the post of the year. :rockon: Jax, once again my man, you hit it out of the ballpark. I'm even somewhat of an outcast amongst my own friends because I think much like you do. I've always been the type to go against the grain and not be into what everyone else was into. I could care less if the NHL had a fan base of 300 people. I would still watch it over the NBA because I can relate to it much more and I see it as a superior sport. Also, your assesment of the low-informed masses who elected this Fidel Castro-wannabe is spot on as well.

Make a few more threats huh?


Oct 19, 2009
I wonder if David Stern and his left-hand (Lons)man, Adam Silver, will trot out aging homosexual referee Dick Bavetta soon in a desperate attempt to fix the outcome of the Heat/Pacers series (as they did with the Kings/Lakers 11 years ago), knowing full well that their garbage league will literally have no ratings with a Spurs/Pacers finals? Apparently, retarded whites will only watch this Marxist trash if LeBron James is playing.

The Heat are the NBA's last remaining ratings draw


Here's a good link. While our Kosher friends over at ESPN will spin the p!ss poor ratings for a potential Spurs/Pacers finals as a "small market problem", the link below shows how fans have tuned out both New York teams and Chicago in recent weeks. All are huge media markets, bigger than Miami.

LeBron Saves the Heat (and the NBA?)



In sum, as Don has noted many times, despite the heavy marketing and promotion from ESPN, USA Today and all the other losers in the U.S. media, this is a "Niche League". Basically, their only TV audience is black males and a few scattered Jewish guys, who comprise less than 9% of the male population in the United States. With that, Stern and Silver might allow the Pacers to win tonight and force a game 7, but they will undoubtedly find a way to get a Heat/Spurs finals...even if it means doing it WWE style.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
With that, Stern and Silver might allow the Pacers to win tonight and force a game 7, but they will undoubtedly find a way to get a Heat/Spurs finals...even if it means doing it WWE style.

Nice one truthteller! :clap2: Much the same way the NFL made sure to have a Ray Lewis vs black quarterback Super Bowl. WWE style indeed. The funny, but disheartening part is that the DWFs, and bruvas will never admit that its all BS. They cling to their ebony gods like the synagogue of satan has trained them to.


Oct 19, 2009
Top 25 Cable Shows in Black Households, beginning the week of May 14th:

Comment: 13 of the top 14 shows are NBA games. 15 of the top 25 shows are NBA games. Including WWE, 23 of the top 25 shows have some sort sports related theme.....Black viewers are increasingly important to the NBA for its ratings success.....But some Eastern Conference match-ups, like Boston's battle with Atlanta, saw black households reach above 50 percent of all those watching.

Point?...Just remember where the majority of the NBA's ratings come from on most nights. Black males. Not exactly a demographic Ad execs lust after. My guess is Mutual Fund Companies and Auto Dealers (as well as others that sell "big ticket" items) won't even bother buying time for these games. I bet most ads are fast food joints (Taco Bell/KFC, McDonald's, Burger King) and other junk food sellers (Pepsi, Coke, Potato Chip makers, ect.). These are big hits in African American communities.

With the Toronto/Golden State ratings tanking, thought I'd bring back this thread I started almost 7 years ago. I think a lot of whites would be shocked how low the NBA's ratings would be if you subtracted the enormous percentage of blacks watching. This goes for the regular season, playoffs and NBA Finals. Blacks comprise about 12% of the U.S. population, but as the now defunct noted, they made up over 50% of the NBA's playoffs audience in 2012!

It's too bad the Afro-centric is no longer around, because very few in the media want to touch the topic of NBA ratings skewing disproportionately black! As Don Wassall noted 7 years ago, the NBA is absolutely a "niche sport", considering 6% of the population (black males) comprise a very large chunk of their audience. Then you throw in the economic demographics of their core audience (low income/savings rates) and you can see this league would be an absolute "train-wreck" if they were not propped up by ESPN/Disney and corporate sponsors, as Don pointed out in post #10:
The corporate media with its multicultural, globalist agenda, and Cultural Marxist change agents themselves wherever found, have a large stake in making the NBA appear as popular as possible, keeping the WNBA alive and giving it the appearance of viability, and in presenting the NHL as barely more than a minor sports league.

Below is a very rare link which breaks down the ratings demographics of all American sports by race and income*, including the NBA. I just found it and claims blacks made up 45% of the NBA's audience in 2013 -- three times higher than the NFL. It also noted Hispanics accounted for 12%. When you include Asians, it's very likely over 60 percent the NBA's audience is non-white. And only Asians tend to have higher incomes.

One other quick note: Those ratings were from 6 years ago, prior to NBA players and coaches becoming full-fledged "Social Justice Warriors" and diving head-first into politics to a degree I never thought would happen. Whatever posters here feel about President Trump (some hate him; some don't), I think most would agree that a ton of "white normies" in middle America still staunchly support him and are really disgusted by the number of slings he's taken from NBA players and coaches, most notably LeBron James, the ultra creepy looking Steph Curry, Greg Popovich, Steve Kerr and "owner" Mark (Cuban) Feldman-Chabenisky. I would assume a significant number of "white normies" have completely tuned out the NBA since Curry got diarrhea of the mouth and went full-fledged Rachel Maddow in early 2017.

P.S: Has anyone else noticed how attacks on Trump from the likes of Kerr, Curry, James, Feldman-Chabenisky and Popovich have almost completely stopped since last December when LeBron got into "hot-water" for making very mild anti-Semitic comments, just days after after he caught zero flak for attacking "white men"? Did head lonsman Adam Silver, also a hard-core lefty, step in and tell the players and coaches to stop with the racial/political talk, knowing how much (via polling and feedback) it's turned off the few whites (over 16 years old) that were actually hardcore fans of the NBA?

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Jun 20, 2019
West Virginia
A common theme of white male sports fans from non-urban areas is that they loved the NBA as a child and stopped caring as an adult. I suspect that's because of the NBA model of promoting the superstar over the jersey. That falls into the "black" model of fandom as they are much more likely to switch allegiances and much less likely to root for the local team. This is also appealing to children in general. But white adults generally need more of a "tribal" connection than just picking a new favorite player each time one retires.

Maybe it's a good idea for the NBA to focus on appealing to minorities and the global audience, but whenever they start to have an upswing and people start saying NBA will pass the NFL or college football (Michael Jordan era, this recent era) I remind them that there's still a ton of white conservatives in America. Your ceiling is going to be set lower if you alienate them from your sport's culture.


Jan 2, 2020
When I working in marketing with a regional motorsports facility in the Northeast, we did extensive surveying of our fan base and found out for motorsports fans in attendance at our facility that Hockey was by far and away the number one sport they followed besides autoracing at 40%................Baseball next at 25%.............Football at 20%.........and Basketball at 1%

This was in the 1990 decade at the time.................of course our attendance demographic was all White............out of 10,000 people maybe less that 20 non-Whites would be in attendance.