The Greatest Danger from Obama

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
The Greatest Danger from Obama: Assassination!

How a possible assassination would be a tragedy not only for Obama and his family, it would be an absolute catastrophe for the rights and heritage of European Americans.

By David Duke Link

The greatest danger to European Americans is not the possible election of Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States. A far greater catastrophe would be his assassination.

As White activists have pointed out, the election of Obama along with the rapidly changing demographics of America would be a powerful wakeup call to European Americans. His election would make clear that we are losing the nation and principles of our forefathers. I think it would result in a dramatic increase in our ranks.

We must also be aware that Obama is not the cause of our losing the America of our forefathers. He is the effect not the cause.

Although Obama supports it, he did not create the situation where millions of White Americans face the massive racial discrimination of so-called affirmative action.

Men of Obama's race are not the masters of a controlled media which never protest that millions of better-qualified White people are discriminated against in college admissions, in jobs, in promotions, in contracting. Every study shows that African Americans on average score far lower on qualification tests, have much poorer academic records, and have a far greater chance of having a criminal record. Yet, for Government jobs such as the U.S. Postal System, the ultimate in a well-paid, secure government job, African Americans are employed at 300 percent more likely than their percentage of the population.

You can show patterns of mass discrimination against Whites in everything from the hiring of factory workers, to admissions to colleges, university graduate programs or medical schools, to the hiring of professors at universities. Yet, there is no loud complaint from the media or political establishment concerning the violation of the human rights of European Americans.

The EEOC, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is an Orwellian institution that actually promotes blatant racial discrimination against the best-qualified. It is the very opposite of equal opportunity. And there is not a shred of acknowledgment of that plain fact by America's mass media or the political establishment. Even Ron Paul doesn't dare make a big point of anti-White racism.

The fact is that the American government is blatantly racist; it is racist against White people, the very people who founded the nation to begin with.

Although Obama supports anti-White discrimination, Obama had nothing to do with the triumph of these programs. They are the responsibility of the Clinton's, the McCain's, the Reagan's and are even more so the result of a racist, controlled, anti-White mass media. However, with Obama as President, people will see much better the anti-White nature of these programs, far clearer than they would with an "only on the outside" Whiteman as President.

Obama had no role in the policies of the U.S. Government that have transformed America from a 90 percent European-American country in 1970 to point where we will be an outnumbered, shrinking minority by 2042, probably even earlier. At the present rate of immigration and differential birthrates, if there is not a revolutionary change in policy, by the end of the century Whites will then be about the same percentage of the population as African Americans are today. Even the Black population alone will outnumber us. America will reflect the political positions of ever more radical racially driven groups such as La Raza (the Race) and the NAACP.

Although Obama favors the transformation of America to a Third World nation resembling the darker half of his own antecedents, he did not make this happen. The anti-European masters of the media and the political financiers and operatives, as well as sell-out White politicians, are the ones who did this. And right in the middle of this was none other than the very proud sponsor of Amnesty, John McCain, a man so committed to the racial transformation of America that made an adoption from Bangladesh.

The real difference in McCain and Obama is that Obama's racial background as well as his membership in a clearly anti-American, anti-White Church makes the European-American demographic Armageddon, far clearer to the average American than does the current "great White dope" of John McCain.

The racial clarity of an Obama presidency will trigger a further awakening of millions of European-Americans to a long-awaited organized political resistance.

Furthermore, the election of McCain would say to millions of those Whites who are beginning to wake up, "Whew, we really avoided that Obamian catastrophe; we still have people in government watching out for us! Everything will work out; we can all go back to the ball game."

In reality, McCain as an ostensible, Republican, Conservative will continue to betray us and use the power of the Republican infrastructure to lead us farther down the road to our own destruction.

No Republican would have a problem opposing Obama's appeals for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, but many would have big problems opposing a Republican president who pushes for it. I know that because I once served in the House of Representatives in Louisiana. Politicians are ambitious and the republican hierarchy can determine who rises in the party, who gets best committee assignments, and they can determine who gets endorsed by the party bosses. An uncooperative republican can not only lose the election campaign funds he needs, he can see an insider republican opponent getting that funding.

We have had years of republican presidents and republican dominated congresses, but the march to European American demographic oblivion has gone on unabated and relentless.

There is no reason to believe a McCain presidency would change that. In fact, there is much reason to believe McCain would accelerate it.

On the opposite side, if a member of an openly anti-American, openly anti-White church wins, it will be a real wakeup call to European Americans that the time has come for us to stand up openly for our own interests, heritage and freedom, just as the minorities have openly done for decades. African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans all have powerful organizations for their people.

The media and politicians have high praise for Jews who stand up for their interests and agenda. In fact, they have the most powerful lobby in the U.S. Congress, it is a lobby dedicated to the Jewish agenda and to quote, Israel as a Jewish State." Obama and McCain have both reaffirmed their commitment to "Israel as a Jewish state" and sworn to send American boys and American gold to fight endless wars for Israel. European Americans demonized for openly advocating our own interests? Admittedly we must be pretty terrible people for not wanting to go bankrupt and die for Israel in the Mideast.

Obama as president brings home the fact that it is long past time for European Americans to stand up for our interests!

So, what then is the greatest danger posed by Obama?

The most severe danger posed by Obama as the Democratic Party nominee or as President of the United States, is the serious prospect of his assassination.

The assassination of Obama would be an evil deed, a terrible tragedy for him and his family. Also, I can't imagine an event that would cause greater damage to White Americans.

If that terrible event happens, God forbid, I frankly believe it would trigger the transformation of America into a Soviet-Style state with brutal and draconian suppression of American civil liberties, rights and freedoms.

I think this is true especially if the assassin were a deranged White person. However, great damage would be done even if the assassin were a member of a minority race.

I am old enough to remember the shock and horror of the Kennedy assassination. At the time of his death the people of the South overwhelmingly despised Kennedy. He was loved by a segment of Americans, but he was detested by just as many Americans who hated his plans to change our immigration laws and open our borders. Millions thought rightly that his proposals for forced integration and busing would eviscerate the nation's public school systems, destroy the vitality of our inner cities and result in massive criminal victimization of Whites. His unpopularity was shown even on the day he died, for the streets of Dallas were practically empty as his fateful motorcade went past. The assassination changed all that.

Even before it was alleged that a radical communist who had traveled to Cuba and Soviet Russia had done the foul deed, newspapers headlined, "Hate killed Kennedy."

Before his assassination, Kennedy's immigration reform bill was dead in the water. His Immigration Reform Act was a bill that discriminated against European immigration and favored Third World immigration. Kennedy's also sponsored forced integration initiatives, so-called "civil rights legislation." They also languished in congress. The great majority of Congress opposed these racist, anti-White bills. Prophetic senators and congressmen said that the legislation would actually diminish the civil rights of Whites and eventually result in massive discrimination against European Americans. Time has proven them painfully correct.

After the fatal bullets were fired in Dallas, even though the alleged communist assassin supported those very same leftist policies, it was only a matter of time before all of Kennedy's pernicious legislation passed and America was well on the road to demographic Armageddon. The Kennedy assassination also brought on the first laws in violation of the Second Amendment, our vital right to keep and bear arms. It also brought a change to American policy toward Israel. Perhaps one redeeming trait of Kennedy was his intense opposition to Israel getting the atomic bomb. My good friend Mike Piper of the Barnes Review, in his books, shows the involvement of many Israeli operatives in the very center of the conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination.

In America today, the chief advocates of laws to end constitutionally guaranteed free speech have been Jewish led groups such as the ADL (anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) and the Southern Poverty Law Center. They have supported so-called hate laws that have literally criminalized politically incorrect thoughts.

If Obama were to be assassinated, I believe that draconian laws would be enacted in America much like that in Europe where simply speaking about racial realities would become a criminal offense. I believe that there would be successful efforts to restrict freedom of speech on the Internet, and I think the powers that be would use such laws to stifle and criminalize criticism of Israel and Jewish extremism.

There is another very scary scenario we should all consider. We cannot put anything past our enemies. Israel has a record of committing terrorism against the United States. The Israeli terrorist attacks in the Lavon Affair and the Attack on the USS Liberty are indisputable facts of history. The Israeli treachery against America in the Jonathan Pollard Case is undeniable. There is no doubt that Israel's intelligence is ruthless enough to do any deed, no matter how foul in the service of the Jewish supremacist agenda.

We also are aware of the plentiful evidence that Israel had a role in the 9-11 tragedy. The facts are indisputable that the Mossad shadowed and wire-tapped Mohammed Atta and at least half of the alleged hijackers for months prior to the attack. They were certainly in position to know about the attacks ahead of time. We also know that on the day of the 9-11 attack 5 Mossad agents were arrested by the FBI filming and celebrating the attacks on the WTC as they occurred. Why would Mossad agents in America be filming and cheering the attack s unless they had prior knowledge and saw it as "mission accomplished"? As Benjamin Netanyahu was quoted in The NY Times just a day after the 9-11, "the attacks were good for Israel."

Of course, as horrific as 9-11 was for America, it was a godsend for Israel. It took the world's attention off the murders of war criminal, Ariel Sharon. It made the world turn a blind eye to Israel's systematic destruction of the emerging Palestinian State. It upped the ante for unquestioned, massive American monetary and military support of Israel. Finally, it enabled Israeli Partisans in media and government to embark America on a catastrophic war against Israel's enemy: Iraq.

It would not be hard for a sophisticated intelligence agency to find some deranged loser, ply him with money and set him out to do an evil deed of murder, of political assassination. Over the next few months it would be naive not to consider the possibility of this rogue state's potential to do evil.

The most radical Jewish supremacist feel more comfortable with McCain's much longer record of subservience to Israel, and in an effort to consolidate their grip of power in an increasingly totalitarian America, who knows what Israeli intelligence might do. Their record is not in the least reassuring.

If Israel decides to embark upon it, there is not much we can do to prevent such an Israeli scenario,

If some nut somewhere in an increasingly Hollywoodized and crazified America assassinates Obama, we have no affect on that.

But there are some things we can do, and some things we must do.

Everyone in this Movement for European-American rights and heritage must understand that an assassination of Barack Obama would be an evil act, catastrophic act for White Americans.

Understand that anyone who is even remotely associated with our ideas who would promote any thoughts of violence or vicious or truly hateful rhetoric is either working for the other side or is so stupid he should be. Either way, we must protect ourselves from such psychopaths.

Internet Chats are basically anonymous, and they are perfect pathways of Black propaganda. You never know for sure who is posting on any site.

For instance, if someone is a secret operative and he wanted to really hurt Obama he could place posts on Obama's websites openly supporting anti-White policies or justifying violence against Whites. It would be wrong to do that and such tactics are completely unnecessary, for there are acres of clear evidence of Obama's racist sentiments and affiliations.

The same kind of vulnerability existing for Obama also is true for White activist sites. Our enemies can anonymously and easily plant hateful and violent rhetoric which can be easily used by the powerful mainstream media to demonize us. We should keep our eyes open for inflammatory, clearly hateful, expletive or violent rhetoric. Such should be moderated and forcefully condemned.

If the worst would happen, and Obama would be assassinated, it would be an incalculable tragedy. Hateful or violent rhetoric would be dragged up and used in a direct assault against every White activist organization. Just as important, millions of our people would be stripped of their psychological moral defenses. To even simply say that White people should have human rights too would be viewed as some sort of justification of murder. The media would depict White activists as synonymous with a murderer of a man often portrayed by the media as the Second Coming.

It would usher in a media hate fest against the European American people and those of us who are activists for our rights and heritage, it would accelerate every government policy for the destruction of our people, and it would spur on the greatest suppression of freedom in American history.

It is vital that all awakened European Americans understand these fundamental things. All of us must think, speak and act morally and ethically, and we must repeat again and again our opposition to any sort of violence against anyone, and reiterate again and again how any sort of plot against Obama would be evil as well as being catastrophic for our own people.

Hopefully, the worst will not happen.

But, I have learned long ago, that our enemies are capable of doing the most evil things imaginable to advance their agenda.

Vigilance as always, is the cost of freedom!

Be what we European people are naturally: fair-minded, decent and moral. At the same time we must be unselfishly and courageously dedicated to the heritage and rights of our people.

Thanks for being with me today, and thank you for having the ability to think independently


Feb 15, 2008
Obama's greatest threat is the corporate military industrial complex that controls us. It is also Mccain's greatest threat. You want to know something else they are our biggest enemy right now. It doesn't matter which one of these idiots gets into office because they both will be under their control.


Anyone who says an Obama victory would help the White race is a brainwashed stooge.

You don't win by losing. You become a loser by losing.

I do not like McCain's politics nor his personality, and I normally vote third party.But NOT THIS ELECTION!!!

Whites who fail to support McCain in this election are race traitors, plain and simple.

In an interracial fight, you support your racial kinsman, no thought, no hesitation. Everyone seems to get this basic fact of life but stupid Whites.

Why do you think all the third parties claim to represent conservative Whites? Because they are trying to split our vote, and divide our people! Think about it!

If all the Libertarians and Constitutionalists and so on, would get involved in the Republican Party, we could take the GOP back from the big money internationalists who currently control it.

Use your frickin thick heads for something other than hitting the wall, White brothers. Dividing our numbers only provides victory to our enemies.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
89Glory said:
Anyone who says an Obama victory would help the White race is a brainwashed stooge.

You don't win by losing. You become a loser by losing.

I do not like McCain's politics nor his personality, and I normally vote third party.But NOT THIS ELECTION!!!

Whites who fail to support McCain in this election are race traitors, plain and simple.

In an interracial fight, you support your racial kinsman, no thought, no hesitation. Everyone seems to get this basic fact of life but stupid Whites.

Why do you think all the third parties claim to represent conservative Whites? Because they are trying to split our vote, and divide our people! Think about it!

If all the Libertarians and Constitutionalists and so on, would get involved in the Republican Party, we could take the GOP back from the big money internationalists who currently control it.

Use your frickin thick heads for something other than hitting the wall, White brothers. Dividing our numbers only provides victory to our enemies.

I like your posts 89Glory and agree with your contention about voting for McCain because Obama is far worse. I will hold my nose and vote for McCain as well. But a word of caution to you, I think you are throwing around the buzzword "race traitor" a little too loosely. There are plenty of people at this site who would never vote for McCain and I don't think any one of them should be called a race traitor. Why would anyone post at Caste Football regulary if they were race traitors? I just don't think that you should throw around that term so easily, it usually doesn't belong here. If a conservative Obama came along and agreed with you on most of the issues, would you still vote for McCain in order not to be a "race traitor"?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Funny thing is there are whites who will be voting for Obama. I recently had a conversation with a co worker who is a white female. She stated she is voting for Obama. I stated I would never vote for him. She said I didn't like Obama because he is black. The brainwashing has taken over many white minds already.


Good point, G, that phrase is probably too loaded to use safely. You got me correct, as well, I would not say a vote for a black over a white would always be bad thing.But in this case, when the candidate is flaunting his race and his supporters are so openly racist, I cannot think of another term to use. A McCain defeat would be a defeat for the White people of America, and everyone who supports Obama realizes that.

I guess I am just tired of these so-called White nationalists who are so obsessed with the Jews that they are unable to think rationally. Frankly, I get the impression they are actually leftist Zionist plants, seeking to weaken America.

If they aren't actually leftist Zionists, they need to realize that their rhetoric, advocating an Obama victory, makes them indistinguishable from real leftist Zionists.

The idea that if only things got much worse, we would be ahead, is just stupid. Things are already so bad it is almost beyond the possibility of repair.

Adding an anti-white President to a anti-white House and Senate, to thrown more anti-white Supreme Court justices on the bench and in the federal courts would seal the deal, making sure that Whites could not reverse the tide before our numbers were too low.We are facing permanent defeat here, and that is no joke.

The argument that we can somehow win by losing needs to be buried for the sucker, defeatist proposition it is.

Some whites seem to revel in the idea of submission to blacks: liberals, obviously, and some so-called White Nationalists.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
whiteathlete33 said:
Funny thing is there are whites who will be voting for Obama. I recently had a conversation with a co worker who is a white female. She stated she is voting for Obama. I stated I would never vote for him. She said I didn't like Obama because he is black. The brainwashing has taken over many white minds already.

Good point whiteathlete33! It has indeed.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
whiteathlete33 said:
Funny thing is there are whites who will be voting for Obama. I recently had a conversation with a co worker who is a white female. She stated she is voting for Obama. I stated I would never vote for him. She said I didn't like Obama because he is black. The brainwashing has taken over many white minds already.

You can't say anything negative about a black person today without having it blamed on racism, regardless of how despicable or heinous. Even mere disagreement of opinion with a black person is enough to label you racist. Yes, it's that bad.

Oh, and by the way, I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Duke's observations, and I will not vote for McCain under any circumstances. I don't see how anyone in good conscience can - he is the author of McCain-Feingold (stripped away freedom of speech), McCain-Kennedy (amnesty for illegal aliens,) and he is beholden to APAIC as much if not more than any of his predecessors. McCain himself is the very definition of race traitor. Edited by: White Shogun

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
David Duke said:
Internet Chats are basically anonymous, and they are perfect pathways of Black propaganda. You never know for sure who is posting on any site.

I'll just leave it at that.


I know plenty of young white females who will be voting for Obama. They are thrilled about it.

Not to sound like I am picking out white women for ridicule, but they have to be, on average, the least aware, least useful participants in any competition between races. Liberal white men are the most dangerous on a case by case basis, as they will go out of their way to directly help non-whites. But young white women in 2008 are completely disarmed. Half of them are clueless as to the general intentions of the other races. Many, perhaps most of them would openly welcome an instant transition to permanent minority status. And why not? The brown people on television are not so bad. They're all doctors and lawyers and rich rappers. Brown people are great.

Letting women vote has had a huge effect on politics. I am not advocating that they not be allowed to vote. I am only pointing out the facts. So many women that vote don't much understand what they're voting for. They are less likely to think about the issues and more likely to vote on whim, which is the same way they operate in normal day-to-day activities as well. Feelings, not facts. On balance this has increased the number of Democrat voters. Republican voters are now almost exclusively white men and some white women. Everybody else votes to the left.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
nevada said:
I know plenty of young white females who will be voting for Obama. They are thrilled about it.

Not to sound like I am picking out white women for ridicule, but they have to be, on average, the least aware, least useful participants in any competition between races. Liberal white men are the most dangerous on a case by case basis, as they will go out of their way to directly help non-whites. But young white women in 2008 are completely disarmed. Half of them are clueless as to the general intentions of the other races. Many, perhaps most of them would openly welcome an instant transition to permanent minority status. And why not? The brown people on television are not so bad. They're all doctors and lawyers and rich rappers. Brown people are great.

Letting women vote has had a huge effect on politics. I am not advocating that they not be allowed to vote. I am only pointing out the facts. So many women that vote don't much understand what they're voting for. They are less likely to think about the issues and more likely to vote on whim, which is the same way they operate in normal day-to-day activities as well. Feelings, not facts. On balance this has increased the number of Democrat voters. Republican voters are now almost exclusively white men and some white women. Everybody else votes to the left.

All true. Note that white men gave the vote to black men before they did white women.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The Secret Service is very very good at what it does. Security in general of important politicians is far larger and omnipresent than before. It would be extremely difficult to the point of impossiblefor any deranged person to assassinate Obama. The days of someone walking up and shooting someone, ala the way RFK was offed, are long over. If something like that would happen it would more likely be because of a "deranged" Secret Service man or because ofan "inside job."

In regard to Obama, the way I see it he's being built into Camelot 2.0. He's the successor to JFK, half a century later. White men can no longer have charisma, so the celebrity/rock starmust now bea well-spoken embodiment of the "tan everyman" of America's near future. Tiger Woods is still a few years too young otherwise he might have been the one making the speech tonight.

Other than that I don't see the ominous racial implications that some others do. The Browning of America has been going on full speed aheadwith the approvalof both monopoly parties. The system is tightly controlled from the top down; Obama isn't going to get away with anything the powers behind the scenes don't approve of. Rap culture and the Third Worldization of U.S. "culture" has been on in your face mode for years now. Does anyone really think a President McCain is going to put his foot down and oppose any of the social and demographic changes taking place? It's a one-party system with two wings, the rest is deliberate window dressing to keep the masses interested in the outcome. And it's an anti-white one-party system, having a non-white president is the logical next step so might as well bring it on and see if the drunk white fans learn anything over the next four years.

The only serious issue is whether the Zionists are going to fully trust Obama or not; if enough do Obama will win, otherwise it'll be four more years of those lovely GOP neo-cons. Edited by: Don Wassall


Oct 21, 2004
Obama would not be worse, policy wise, than most of the recent white presidents. Certainly, it would be hard for him to do more damage to the country than Bush has (taking into account that no president has that much impact on anything, being primarily a puppet for those who rule behind the scenes). The main danger of an Obama presidency is symbolically; the fawning talking heads, the constant references to "historic," etc. It would make it next to impossible for any intelligent white man to watch any t.v. political coverage. It would be like watching ESPN's jock-sniffers covering Tiger Woods. It would be like having Black History Month for 4 (or even 8) years.

On the other hand, McCainiac is a true lunatic. He would have us involved everywhere overseas, threatening every country except Israel. We'd be fortunate to survive a McCainiac presidency without having had any nuclear exchanges. He is one of the few people on the face of the earth who would actually make a worse president than Bush. He is a thoroughly corrupt, hack politician who will not improve anything for the average citizen. If he picks Lieberman as his running mate, Israel might as well set up shop in the oval office- it will be that obvious. This is the ultimate Hi Papa Lowum and Lo Papa Hium situation, as Huey Long once so aptly described it.

There is not even a mediocre option in this election.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
whiteathlete33 said:
Funny thing is there are whites who will be voting for Obama. I recently had a conversation with a co worker who is a white female. She stated she is voting for Obama. I stated I would never vote for him. She said I didn't like Obama because he is black. The brainwashing has taken over many white minds already.

Tell her she's RACIST for "one dropping" Obama! (One drop rule)

At least she didn't say, "You don't like him because he's a member of the human race."

Because, what would that make White people? White Devil sub-humans?

Kind of confusing, I know... sorry!


McCain is against affirmative action, i.e., legal discrimination against whites. Obama is for it.McCain favors constitutionalist judges, Obama would set the court back a generation with his anti-white appointees.

We do not have another generation, it is now or never.

Let me confess, I live in Arizona, but I have always voted against McCain as my senator. I voted against him in the primaries. I normally vote third party. BUT NOT THIS TIME!

This is a race election, so don't waste your vote.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
McCain is only against quotas, not AA. His voting record is 50/50 on the AA issue.


He recently came out for the Arizona anti-AA referendum.

Unfortunately, it was disqualified by the courts, so we won't get to vote for it.

It was a huge step forward for him to support it.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
talk is cheap, 89Glory. and as far as i can tell, that is what McCain does: talk, at least when it comes time to support things i am politically favorable toward.

i haven't found any record of him casting a single vote that supported a measure that is good for white americans. on the other hand, i can find MANY things with his name on 'em that are BAD for white americans. if you know of some, please tell me. no sarcasm intended.

for crying out loud! he co-authored the McCain-Feingold (so long First Amendment), co-authored the McCain-Kennedy amnesty for illegal aliens, supports stringent gun control measures, and he is in bed with APAIC.

and if that isn't enough to make him non-conservative, he was a hair's breadth from being named the Democratic V.P. nominee in the last Prez election.

how much worse can it get? the only thing he has going for him compared to obama is white skin... but that means absolutely nothing compared to all the love he has for those with brown.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood


Gentelmen, its all about perception. Just imagine BO as President. White would further loathe themselvles and raise thier children as 2nd class citizens subservent to black and other minorities.

Of course McCain has issues I/we strongly disagree with. But they are small to the consequences of BO as Commander in Chief and real ground formation of Whites as a lower Caste members in our society. I find it disturbing how members are trashing McCain and not seeing the greater damaged done by electing BO.

McCain picking this conservative white woman is a big blow to electing BO. Members of this site WTF up, and maybe tear yourselves away from watching the Affletes and small amount of whites playing in the NFL. Instead support the white candidates with funds or grassroots support. I know I have and will.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
You guys that are voting for McCain simply because he is white are are doing nothing more than helping to sell your country down the river. This guy will do his best to open our borders, send more young white men to die in the sands
of the Middle East, strip away more of your freedom through executive orders, and tank the economy. He is no better than Obama. His only real saving grace in my opinion at this time is his selection of running mate. If McCain has a heart attack before the election, I'll consider casting my vote for Palin.

Otherwise, it's Baldwin. Unless and until Americans wake up and stop voting for the lesser of two evils, we will NEVER break the two (one) party system in this country. I for one will no longer be a part of the charade.

Edited to add for kulukcan's sake: I rarely watch any sporting event outside of mixed martial arts. Sure I support white athletes emotionally, but I am not a 'drunk white fan,' I am not a brain-dead athlete worshiper by any means. Telling whites who aren't voting for McCain to 'wake up' is an oxymoron - they are among the most 'awake' and aware individuals among our people. Edited by: White Shogun

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Kukulcan said:
Members of this site WTF up, and maybe tear yourselves away from watching the Affletes and small amount of whites playing in the NFL. Instead support the white candidates with funds or grassroots support. I know I have and will.

Fine, let's do some sports analogies here. Obama becoming the presidential nominee ofone of the two monopoly partiesisanalogousto an NFL team hiring a black coach or GM. Coach Obama can't change the NFL, nor can President Obama change the agenda of the entrenched corporate/government power structure. The president serves the power structure, not the other way around.

Every single anti-white policy of the past 40+ years has been enacted by a white (albeit deracinated) power structure. We've been sold down the river by white elites. The white power structure has made it verboten for anyone to say anything positive about whites or to even advocate white survival without being labeled racist.

Supporting "white candidates" that are anti-white simply because they are white is analogous to believing that white coaches couldn't possibly discriminate against white athletes.


Don, by your logic and comparision, the Trader White GMs and White Headcoaches are selling white players down the road. While this is going on, members on this site bitch, wine and moan to the injustices faced by whites in the NFL. At the same time they watch or go to these games. This is dysfunctional. We should shun the NFL/advertisers and get some white star to protest this racism and create a movement. Months ago I stated something similar, but you said for all intents and purposes it was futile, the omnipresent "power structure" wouldn't allow it. Let just help dig the hole now, then wait until we are pushed in.

I remember reading somewhere that the gov't is of the people and for the people. It is always my hope that a candidate for president will finally see this and create the conditions where our talents allow to us to achieve our dreams/goals based on merit.

So, yes members should tear themselves away from watching a game that trashes them and do something that helps the country. In short, McCain for our country and whites in particular is soo much better that BO. If you had a another candidate who was viable I would certainly entertain his candidancy, but we don't so I have to make an informed decision on whats available. The decision is McCain.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I don't think anyone here "supports" the NFL. We watch games to root for players we like and to document the Caste System in the hopes of seeing it ended. That's not supporting the NFL, that's building support for policies that will force it to change. If you can recruit a "white star" to speak out, fine. But I'm just giving you my opinion that something like that will only happen after this site builds enough awareness of the Caste System that more people do begin to speak out. I'm surprised that you find what we're doing here to be "bitching, whining and moaning" rather than building awareness.

As far as McCain, fine you support him. I happen to believe he and the GOP are a major reason this country is in the pickle it's in. We're only exchanging political views in Happy Hour, of which there are many. But correlating a lack of support for McCain to support for the NFL is nonsensical.


Don you have created awareness regarding the injustice in the NFL. But to state, "I don't think anyone here "supports" the NFL", is a stretch. There are some who in fact support it. Either by purchasing products from its sponsers to buying NFL jerseys futuring the white stars, for God sake. I do neither. Members do bitch and whine here, that doesn't mean an awareness is not being built. Both are done here. I for one have done my share of bitching, whining and moaning where is the conflict of interest?

Yes the GOP is partly to blame. The last 8 years they mimicked Dems to their and our demise. I only correlated the Trader White GMs and Headcoaches to the White Power structure. Whats so nonsensical? Anyways, we only have two viable choices. I am supporting the one I feel is in my, White race and country's interests. The alternative is to stay home the first tues of November and bitch, whine and moan. I would rather have a say who becomes President and vote.& nbsp;


Consider just this one issue: We are THIS CLOSE to retaking the Supreme Court, which has been the bulwark of the liberal takeover of America for the last 40 years. One or two more conservative judges is all that it takes. One or two liberal judges, and we are back to the 1970s.

But we are OUT OF TIME, demographically speaking! It is now or never for America as a white nation.

Voting for a third party helps NOTHING. It just divides us.

If we switched to proportional representation and runoff elections, supporting third parties would make sense. Support that, by all means, I am right there supporting it with you.But until the system changes, you might as well stay home if you vote third party.

There is one party that is the proven party of the White race: the GOP. That is beyond dispute. I totally agree with you that the national party barely deserves our support in the last decade, but that is what we are stuck with. Rather than abandoning the GOP, we should be working from within to re-take it from the globalists neo-cons.

Yes, we have issues with McCain, but the long and short-term consequences of a BO presidency would be so incredibly disastrous for white America, it is hard to describe.