Racially Adjective


Nov 2, 2004
The English language consistency is under attack nowhere more than in the American and European political arena, where the forces of the New World Order own the media, all institutions, most lethal force, and The Agenda. “Political Correctness” has infected and damaged the language of Americans, dreadfully limiting political speech and intimidating everybody.

One of my pet frustrations of modern Nationalist language is the tortured, circular search for a suitable, brief description of an individual who has decided to join the fight, in some form, in favor of the White race, nationalism, paleo-conservatism, or any resistance to the powers that be. In particular, the description of such a person as a “Race patriot” or a “White Nationalist” or “Racially aware” or similar descriptions has become a bouilliabase of insufficient and incomplete terms, none of which are totally satisfactory.

An obvious shortcoming of our dumbed-down political speech, in the Nationalist realm, is the concept of “Racially aware.” This term is used most frequently in our circles to describe that person who has finally begun to engage in openly nationalist and race-patriot activities after prolonged inactivity, or maybe after long periods of accumulated disgust with non-white behavior, media domination by political correctness, personal economic or job loss, etc. The shortcoming is the simple fact that millions – many millions – of adult Americans are keenly racially aware, yet choose to be liberals, socialists, system dwellers, apathetic, or outright cowardly in their public behaviors. In short, millions of our White political enemies, and millions Whites who choose to do nothing, are as racially aware as the most militant, dedicated pro-White conservative or nationalist.

So I offer a new list of improvements on Racially (adverb) Aware (adjective) for American Nationalists to examine:

Racially radical
Racially inspired
Racially insurgent
Racially engaged
Racially aggressive
Racially nationalist
Racially useful
Racially enlightened
Racially productive
Racially correct
Racially belligerent
Racially motivated
Racially loyal
Racially combatant
Racially aware
Racially active

Probably no perfect racially adverb-adjective pair will ever be found. If you have more to add to this list, or suggestions to improve our intra-Nationalist lexicon, please inform us!

Racially yours, Realgeorge
Dec 10, 2012
good thread..,

I'm interested in the etymology of this world-view, both from the inside & outside.
Starting with the outside, it kills me how opponents routinely describe virtually any White person acting in racial self-interest, as a "Nazi", doesn't matter how opposed that person they're labelling may be to National Socialism.. if you're White, & racially self-interested.. you're a Nazi.

Attitudes that were routine in White America for generations, can now qualify u as a Nazi (like wanting your daughter to date a White guy, within her race, etc.. an attitude which is still routine & healthy in a lot of ethnic groups).
It's boring, and it's slanderous, when libs or Blacks go straight to 'Nazi', without understanding the differences in White people's attitudes. Prime example, equating Confederate buffs, who resent strong centralized government, with real Nazis who created an extremely strong centralized government.
I believe we can earn sympathy & empathy from White liberals if they understand our shared interests.. It's a matter of them understanding the game.. which for most 'racialized' White Americans isn't a Nazi agenda. It's protecting our self-interest & physical and spiritual survival with love for our American customs.

From the inside, I don't know a term that would be any better than yours listed, but for me, lots of times, "American" simply does the job. Because for generations, "American" implied a person dedicated to White Western progress (?)


Aug 22, 2012
I like the term racially enlightened. Liberals love to think themselves racially enlightened while thinking of everyone else as genocidal madmen.

Recently I watched (for like 10 minutes before turning off in disgust) a documentary on the British empire. In it they discussed how the politicians back in Britain heavily regulated interactions between aborigines (I refuse to call them Australian because they aren't) and Australians. The documentary made it seem like the politicians were trying to prevent Australians from wiping out the aborigines a la Americans getting rid of their aborigines. The real truth that should have been gleaned from this is that liberals throughout history have acted like they knew more about a conflict than the actual people at the forefront of the conflict. This reminded me of a historical tidbit that I once read: the people most opposed to further US expansion at the expense of indigenous tribes almost always lived on the eastern seaboard.