Matt Wieters and Caste Baseball


Nov 2, 2004
Orioles signed Georgia Tech catcher phenom. Gave him $6M signing bonus. The Angelos-ites were all up in arms that they "caved" and forked over so much money for a prospect.

There is a Caste system twist to this. Far more egregious "bonuses" and salaries have been heaped on Mestizo players all over the league. And what's $6M when one looks at the $100M-plus five-year contracts that big Mestizos like A-Rodriguez get? An excellent White college player is getting his due. No Thanks to the silver-tongued S. Boras, the agent who is a "Well respected lawyer like Angelos", and entices young ballplayers to overestimate their entry value. It's all about enriching the Agent base when Boras et al twist a White ballplayer into being a Prig when it's time to sign an entry-level contract.

Many, indeed many, Mestizo players are arrogant, crude, selfish, and bitter. Very few of the White ones behave the same. White players should be 85% of the league, not 60% as it is now. American White college players universally get screwed. Occasionally one is so good, like Wieters, that even Caste Baseball can't bear to screw them out of spite.

I detest agents. They screw up the game.Edited by: Realgeorge