For those who are just angry


Feb 15, 2008
Another interesting article that I found.

They Don't Care, Nor Shall We!

These "Elites," in places like Washington DC, New York and Hollywood, don't give a good G-d dam about what real America thinks; never have and never will  get that one straight. They'll climb their flabby rear-ends aboard some slimy lobbyist's Lear jet, break open that bottle of Dom Perignon, smoke that big fat Cuban and, as they fly over this nation's heartland, look down upon those whom they consider as nothing but stupid rednecks, "bitterly clinging" to our guns and religion.

These kind of people don't care one iota if all our manufacturing goes to places like China, India and Mexico  leaving real American citizens with pink slips, a few months of unemployment and more stupid talk about some "retraining." For what, this time? They could care less about where things are made, only that it's made as cheaply as possible and bought somewhere, by someone.

It means nothing for them to spend us, our children and grandchildren into utter debt, giving untold billions and trillions to unknown globalist bankers to do with as they see fit  without a care in the world. They don't even deign to tell us who these people are, where the money goes and when we'll ever see any results.

Repeat after me: THEY DON'T CARE!

And we know that the Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a Reserve, but a private entity owned by these lying parasites. We know all about the printing presses, now churning out increasingly worthless currency and that little pretend check-writing bit that they use to make money out of thin air  creating the debt that the rest of us have to pay for with real labor. Forever, they think.

Yeah, we don't trust any of these Jews one dam bit, either. Why should they always comprise the board of directors for the Federal Reserve, when the chances for a Jew are like over 1 in 300,000 out of our population? Why are the majority of Obama's financial appointments Jews or secret Jews, like Paul Volcker and Larry Summers? We know how they purposefully change names to keep us sheep from smelling a rat.

And we also know that, as a race, they seek to destroy nationhood and White solidarity. Hell, they say this all the time.

These people are not elected by us, they don't answer to a living soul and live high on the hog with the private tax that we call inflation. As we work and struggle to buy bread and milk, they brag about how much they spend on office or bathroom decor for some Palm Beach estate. Parasites, all.


These kind of people don't care if the Mestizos break the law and cross over the border (ICE has been stopped from enforcement), willing to work for next to nothing in this country, while our tax dollars go to pay for local services, schools and benefits. Also, our overburdened hospitals are legally forced to help them have anchor babies so they can stay here forever  when we can't even afford the health insurance to pay for stitches in a cut on our hand.

These elites could care less if our streets are filled with the flotsam and jetsum from every stinking corner of the world, countries that have the least concern with freedom, organization and honesty. They could care less if our country becomes just another third world nation like those places, only as long as it improves the bottom line, increasing profits for them.

They've been telling us lies about all of us becoming "information workers," neglecting to say anything about H1B visa programs, where foreigners are transported from the slums of India by greedy US companies to do this very thing. Now, they are planning on something called H2B visa holders to take what's left of us in this country. Last year, 2.5 million Americans lost their jobs, yet they quietly imported 138 thousand foreigners a month replacing us in those American jobs.


And these people freely spend our money like drunken sailors all across the globe, pretending like they care more for foreigners than us, those populations who've never had any clarity of purpose, nor the will and strength to fight corruption and build themselves up. We see our money disappear time and again, as the thieving tin-pot Dictators funnel our dollars to personal Swiss bank accounts, and the transnational, Globalist companies get rich off the natural resources.

These people are smart enough to know that once a country's manufacturing is gone, so goes the rest. And, with our factories now overseas, it's those country's unprotected smokestacks that now fills the atmosphere with pollution. Yet our brave US politicians are all of a sudden acting like they now care so much about Global Warming - telling us that we must have cap and trade for businesses and add carbon usage taxes to absolutely everything, like our home electricity bills to the smallest plastic product. But guess what? It's really just so they can fill the pockets of the hidden Golobalist parasites of New World Order.


We're sick and tired of being called "Racists" all the time by these people. We know that 600,000 White males died fighting in the Civil War, we've spent the last 40 years bending over backwards to spoiled Black demands and are now dam tired having to listen to them whining still.

We fought Hitler to free Europe, saving the Jews and what do we get? Non-stop White hate, movies about how the evil White man victimized the Indian and Blacks every five minutes from a Hollywood stuffed to the gills with arrogant, rich Jews driving BMW's.

The self-obsessed, so sensitive liberals in the media slander us "Nativists," "Xenophobes" and "Haters"  should we dare speak up. But we're only allowed to hear their views, those who think they are smarter, more caring and only they know what's right for America. Or so they believe.

We're here to tell these people that they are DEAD wrong and no longer will we listen to these made up Jewish slanders of White people!

The media bombards this country with contrived images of a happy, loving multicultural paradise, when we know that the people who dream up these false utopias, live richly cocooned in protected high rises and gated enclaves; always careful about where they go and how they get there. Yet these hypocrites scream bloody murder should we dare say one word about Whites being victimized by horrendous crimes.

These foolish people want us to be "good" Whites, for us to keep our mouths shut and look the other way, when we see our own people raped, murdered and even tortured. Not only that, but they tell us we must mate and procreate with these other races, even though we see this as the despoilation and eventual doom for our race. This bothers them not a whit, since they say Whites are evil anyways.


We have been told that the media is free, but we know for a fact that it's owned by a few giant corporations, beholden to these rich special interests. This media likes to pretend to have our best interests in mind, yet they constantly put out articles promoting "Globalism," decrying "Protectionism," and run glossy magazine inserts extolling the wonders of the rapidly expanding middle class in countries not our own.

This owned media quite obviously refrains from any true investigative journalism on topics involving the real masters, but thankfully  because of the Internet  we see what other people elsewhere talk about and we're smart enough to see the real deal. They try to laugh in our faces for doing this, ridiculing us about thinking anything on our own  anything but what they decide to tell us.

On September 11, 2001, 3000 people died horrible deaths, yet so many real questions remain, ignored and called crazy by this owned media. Evidence of Israeli Zionist involvement is brushed under the carpet, even Jewish investigators and Judges are openly assigned to this task without a murmur.


And we're quite aware that the majority of Neocon bureaucrats, analysts and policy wonks are described in Israel as "warm Jews," as in doing whatever they can get away with for Israel - or any Jews in the world, even spies and criminals.

They somehow expect us to hate anybody that they tell us to hate; transparently use fear tactics, patriotism and appear even willing to use false flag terror, all to jack us up to kill the enemies of them, not us. They don't care a whit about the death and destruction of any innocent people, just as long as their sons and daughters stay out of the military.

But they sure as hell don't care about sending our children, who care greatly for America, off to these pissant little countries to die or brutally kill other people. It's really a global chess game, designed to keep up the flow of debt on us  and profit for the Military/Industrial complex and Jew Bankers.

As we spend this country's hard-earned wealth on these military gambits, we get nothing, zip, nada. Not even cheap gas. There's absolute no return on the investment to the American citizen, nothing except for the mangled bodies of our children shipped home in caskets marked "unfit for viewing."


They do everything under the sun for the stolen State of Israel, giving them billions a year of our money without the least idea or say of what they end up doing with it, even using it to commit terrible war crimes on Palestinians, like in the Gaza strip recently, or unduly influence our elections.

We've have heard quite enough of this Holocaust business, 64 years after our grandfathers fought in Europe to free you from Hitler. We also have serious questions about the real historical facts and make note of your ridicule tactics and censorship laws to silence legitamate doubt.

And they see no problems with allowing Israel to have dedicated organizations like AIPAC, staffed with so-called "American" Jews, spending millions telling our government what to do and say. Even though such groups should logically be called agents of a foreign government.

They also allow these "American" Jews to have dual nationality with Israel, even serving in the Israeli armed forces  for crying out loud  and returning here without the least problem, even gaining positions in the highest capacities of government and intelligence. They fail to see how this could be a conflict of interest for America, having loyalty to a foreign people and government.


They've never cared a dam about whatever we consider as proper and moral. They insist on having millions of unborn babies, mostly White, killed every year, all for the convenience of those who want short-term pleasures and freedom to engage in immorality. They laugh at us for wanting programs on abstinence, since they don't want our children hampered with any moral responsibilities.

They would like to see abortion clinics in every strip mall across America, paid for by our tax money, as well as legally enforcing any doctor, anywhere, to perform this murder against their own personal beliefs.

They want us to emasculate our boys, pumping them full of drugs like Ritalin to turn them into maleable PC zombies, right along with using our tax dollars, to brainwash our children in the schools to accept as normal whatever bizarre sexual behavior, orientation and gender bending these sick individuals want to engage in.

They have not a problem letting these grotesque perverts openly march in our streets, sometimes even performing foul acts in broad daylight, right in public, without the least fear of being arrested. They also expect us to not notice the potential health care expenses of these people  that when factored in, makes our health insurance rates virtually unaffordable.

They don't care a thing about our desire to celebrate the teachings of Jesus Christ and outlaw the mere mention of him in our schools and other public venues, they even try to keep us from saying "Merry Christmas." Yet we notice all those odd little Dradels and giant Menorahs are freely shown anywhere, somehow deemed "secular" by the US Supreme Court.


Even the possibility of Barack Hussein Obama being unconstitutionally qualified for president was laughed at by these people. Our reasonable questions about Obama's birth and how he was vetted meant nothing to them. And they expected us to stupidly go along with some screen image on a website, believing that this would be enough to shut us up, when bona fide documents where never investigated by unaffiliated experts. And now, with the power of US intelligence services at Obama's fingertips, even this possiblity maybe rendered moot.

They've never cared about the Constitution of United States. To them, it's just a piece of paper in a museum. Our Founding Fathers, now fashionably dismissed as dead old White men by the White haters, showed brilliance and unbelievable prescience when they carefully crafted a document designed to keep these kind of corrupt people from power.

But we know they've been doing all kinds of run-arounds, even having the unmitigated gall to call one of these as the "Patriot" act. They are other executive pronouncements, like the ability of the president to have you arrested without habeas corpus and freeze your bank accounts. They want to remove inconvenient parts to the Constitution  to shut us the hell up, target us as "homegrown terrorists" and find any possible way to disarm us.


Nor will these people tell you about the Judaized Socialistic direction this country is now being led, the real reasons for the police state and all these games on America's head. The media people will not breath a word about the North American Union, Centralized World Banking and, eventually, World government. They've failed to report on the NAFTA superhighway, the Amero and the plans to rewrite the Constitution  finally dropping any pretensions that could impede the greed.

And we know that many media people traitorously belong to globalist groups like the Council of Foreign Relations, working hand in hand with the power structure to keep us in the dark. We see how these mainstream media people turn a blind eye to any kind of White victimization, trying vainly to keep us from rejecting the diversity ideology. They know all this but, as usual, haughtily laugh in our faces.

You media people are not our friends, but allies and bed partners to the lying Elite. You even think you're elite, yourselves. Remember these words when we pay your TV stations, editorial offices and broadcast studios a surprise visit from out of the blue: The revolution will not be televised!

Even the corrupted White elites could care less about members of their own race, people who share the same genetics, background and history. None of it makes the least difference to them  you could be willing to put your life on the line for this country and they would have no problem lying to you with a straight face. They don't care if you live or die, so why should they care about you having a job in the first place and wanting a decent future for your children?

They never ask us about any of these things because THEY DON'T CARE!

Just because these high-flying elites wear Brioni suits and Berluti shoes, with blackberries and overpaid minions rushing to and fro; that they think they are better than us, smarter, chosen by God. They've never walked a mile in our shoes  hell, these pampered pigs have never even walked a mile before in their entire lives.

White America has had quite enough of this bull  we've played by the rules, we've peaceably voted and tried our level best to be heard  regardless of the censorship and ridicule tactics  but these people just go on ignoring anything that we have to say or even the least thing we care about.

Our patience has now run clean out, gone. And in that space something a whole helluva lot different than patience is now filling the void.

Oh, it's time for a change, alright. We're not angry, anymore: We're furious as all hell.

You just remember these words that I speak here today because, soon enough, we'll be dragging you by the scruff of your fat necks from those black limousines and SUVs; we'll root you out from those walk-in closets of your Upper Eastside mansions and Georgetown townhomes and lead you, kicking and screaming, to the nearest wall or lamp post.

And, as you tearfully cry out to us for mercy, we will scream this in your arrogant, piggish faces:


- Phillip Marlowe


Oct 26, 2008
David Korten in his book "When Corporations Rule the World" called the global elites "Cloud Minders". These are people who hang out with other rich people in the world. These people have total contempt for the average person. They are busy letting all the foreigners into this country. I was at the library the other day and there were what seemed liked Russians outside talking in their own language. It really made me mad.Why are they here? They are so arrogant.Speak English if you are here and they shouldn't be here in the first place.Then, I am at the store and there are 2 Mexican clerks talking to each other in Spanish while they are checking me out. That is so rude. Why do we allow the U.S. to be invaded?