Disloyal white fighters?



Kaptain Poop said:
He admitted it!!! You can't unadmit it for him!!! He is a dumb racist. You've lost what little credibility you had defending him.
I am not dfending anyone you ass. And an idiot like you should'nt be talking about racism.


Nov 25, 2004
Good comeback! Name calling. Only white people can be racist - right? Not you - you love people of all color and lack of color.
Now take your ball and go home crybaby. You've been beat. (again)


May 20, 2005
"And why do you think Mcbride hates his own race just because he does'nt get in the ring with a Swastika on his chest singing white powers songs . And giving a fellow profesional respect?."

Point out just where I said McBride whould go in with a swastika on his chest, etc. (He's of the Celtic sub-race of the Nordic group, so a triskel would be more appropriate anyway, but then again, you wouldn't know it.) No, I criticized him for denying that race exists, that his defeat of Tyson is a good public relations for putting down certain stereotypes about whites. Black success in athletics is used as a hammer against the self-respect of whites so copiously these days, that any white fighter to a degree IS representing his race. It's unavoidable. And he should take that responsibility seriously.

And this "respect" business---please. If you respect someone who is not worthy of respect, that is not a virtue, it is a vice. And who is less worthy of respect than a rapist, thug, and as it turns out, coward?

Your comments about MMA don't hold water either. If it were really for those "too un-talented" for boxing, then the blacks who couldn't quite make it in boxing would still be whipping those "physically inferior" whites and making themselves a nice chunk of change. The fact is, there are athletically talented blacks in MMA, always have been, but as impressive as some of their careers have been, whites have over all done better. The reason is that MMA plays more to white strengths-such as strength itself, as well endurance and the mental ability to master a more complicated game-than does boxing. Just admit this and quit acting foolish.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
White_Savage said:
No, I criticized him for denying that race exists, that his defeat of Tyson is a good public relations for putting down certain stereotypes about whites. Black success in athletics is used as a hammer against the self-respect of whites so copiously these days, that any white fighter to a degree IS representing his race. It's unavoidable. And he should take that responsibility seriously.

worth repeating......


May 20, 2005
Yes. I forgot to mention the double standard-look how pop culture celebrates Jack Johnson's career because of what it did for blacks. I've heard a commentator say of Ali "Do you know what it did for us, for one of the most intelligent, the most handsome, and the most athletically gifted man of our generation, to be black?" To say nothing of Ali's own celebrations of blackness, "we're the best boxers", etc. Now there is nothing wrong with this (except possibly celebrating Johnson and Ali too much when there are much better blacks to make heroes out of), but a white man must not only make any comments celebrating his race, he must figuratively deny his race three times before the ******* crows every time he goes on tee-vee or become a "vile racist".


White_Savage said:
"And why do you think Mcbride hates his own race just because he does'nt get in the ring with a Swastika on his chest singing white powers songs . And giving a fellow profesional respect?."

Point out just where I said McBride whould go in with a swastika on his chest, etc. (He's of the Celtic sub-race of the Nordic group, so a triskel would be more appropriate anyway, but then again, you wouldn't know it.) No, I criticized him for denying that race exists, that his defeat of Tyson is a good public relations for putting down certain stereotypes about whites. Black success in athletics is used as a hammer against the self-respect of whites so copiously these days, that any white fighter to a degree IS representing his race. It's unavoidable. And he should take that responsibility seriously.

And this "respect" business---please. If you respect someone who is not worthy of respect, that is not a virtue, it is a vice. And who is less worthy of respect than a rapist, thug, and as it turns out, coward?

Your comments about MMA don't hold water either. If it were really for those "too un-talented" for boxing, then the blacks who couldn't quite make it in boxing would still be whipping those "physically inferior" whites and making themselves a nice chunk of change. The fact is, there are athletically talented blacks in MMA, always have been, but as impressive as some of their careers have been, whites have over all done better. The reason is that MMA plays more to white strengths-such as strength itself, as well endurance and the mental ability to master a more complicated game-than does boxing. Just admit this and quit acting foolish.
I never said i repected Tyson the man i do respect the talent that Tyson had in his prime and what he achieved in the ring in his prime.

Boxing is a sport where two men go into the ring to fight for money . No political bullsh*t no race war ect.

Why should Mcbride make dumb statements just to make you happy he is'nt fighting for you he is fighting because its his job and thats what he is payed for.

But i forget everything iss a racewar to you if a black wins a fight he must have cheated or the white was ''winning'' until he got stopped by cuts.

Thats why you whine about Louis vs Schmelling 2 found any evidence yet ?. Because to you that was the ultimate race war in the ring and when Schmelling got destroyed in the ring you have to make some kind of excuse in your mind about why Schmelling lost to keep your little fantasies of Racial supremacy alive .

If a man has the talent to make it in boxing instead of MMA he chooses boxing simple economics. If a man can choose between Football and HW boxing he chooses football more money for less work. The higher paying sports garner the better athletes.


Nov 3, 2004
United States
So the higher paying sport garners the better athlete? LOL!!!OK so that means Kordell Stewart is a better athlete than Carl Lewis? Fist fighter, you have to be a negro or have negro blood in you to come up with some of these twisted ideas you cough up. "Tysons not a racist" Yeah, sure, thats why he turned his back on Bill Cayton and hooked up with his fellow homoerectus Don King. Thats why he told that whitenews reporter he was going to f#$% him in his a$$ and make him his white b#&ch. Thats why he stated in a news conference that the white man has never did anything for the black man.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Fits-fighter is suffering from psychotic delusions again dkr77. His posts are full of nonsense. He should realize he is getting nowhere with his arguments because they are so poorly constructed.


May 20, 2005
"Why should Mcbride make dumb statements just to make you happy he is'nt fighting for you he is fighting because its his job and thats what he is payed for."

It is McBride's making dumb statements to which I object-once again that race does not exist, that his victory isn't any sort of good P.R. for whites, that the rapist thug Tyson deserves some sort of respect. You say you respect the talent but not the man...what the hell does this mean? You respect a few lines of code in his DNA? Gimme a break. The same physical powers that make a good man a hero only make a thug ten times worse.

Once again, what is the difference between me being glad when a white guy wins and millions of black people being proud of Ali, or proud that blacks do so well in boxing generally? Why is one okay and the other "vile racism"?

As far as "race wars" go-one wishes it were a "race war". Instead, it seems more like one-sided race beat-down, with whites being the only group discriminated against in any way in law, with whites being the only major ethnic group that is shrinking in numbers, with whites being the victims in 90% of the interacial violence in this coutnry, and finally, the issue at hands, with whites constantly being portrayed as both bovine in mentality and physical wimps, can't run, can't fight. Sambo and Amos$Andy are beyond the pale because they are unflattering towards blacks, but somehow Chappelle show is fine, can you name anything to justify this double-standard except hatred of whites? You know everything I say here is true, what will it ever take for you to admit a war is being waged on whites, white people being led to gas chambers, only real ones this time?

As to MMA-once again, why are there so few blacks in it? Why don't your physically superior blacks, those who ain't quite great enough to do big things in boxing, come over to MMA, knock all those white whimps out, and become the biggest champs of all time in that sport?

Why, other than "vile racism", can you not admit that whites have certain athletic advantages that are important in MMA? Why is it so important to you that hang about on this forum trying to prove that black must be considered absolutely physically superior (while all the while also maintaining mental equality across racial lines, talk about "little fantasies)? For all your attempts to insult me by tossing "Nazi" about (which won't work, I disagree with National Socialists but see their point on many issues), it is YOU who desperately with to believe you belong to a "Master Race" that trumps all others in ALL areas.

Finally, romantic conceits of Adolph Hitler aside, White superiority ultimately doesn't have a thing to do with who wins the sprints or the heavyweight boxing championship. I'm pretty sure no white man could lick a silverback gorilla or a charging rhino bare-handed either. I'm equally sure that neither animal posesses anywhere near the average level of intelligence, restraint, and other socially desirable behaviors that allow White people to build and maintain Western civilization, the greatest contribution every made to mankind by any people. THAT is what makes him superior, not the size of his muscles. though I understand you ******** have trouble with this concept, probably why you respect a rapist thug's "talent", IOW, because he's genetically gifted at beating people about the head, he gets respect.

However, it is gratifying that with hard work, ingenuity and courage, that a man can often overcome an animal in a physical contest, including those animals they would like to set up as our athletic heroes.


Nov 3, 2004
United States
Gentlemen, Outstanding rebuttals! In regards to MMA there are several pro football players that are currently participating in it. Bob Sapp and Michael Westbrook are two who come to mind. Blacks with a high concentration of fast twitch muscle fibers don't have as big an advantage when their opponent canrip their legs out from under them and use their strength and wit tocontrol andsubmit them. NHB is the closest thing to real fighting and we whites are well represented in the sport.Just about every high school has a wrestling program where very few I know of has a boxing program andI believe this explainswhy so many whites are involved in the sport of MMA.I enjoy everyones input with the exception of one dense homoerectus. Keep up the good work!


White_Savage said:
"Why should Mcbride make dumb statements just to make you happy he is'nt fighting for you he is fighting because its his job and thats what he is payed for."

It is McBride's making dumb statements to which I object-once again that race does not exist, that his victory isn't any sort of good P.R. for whites, that the rapist thug Tyson deserves some sort of respect. You say you respect the talent but not the man...what the hell does this mean? You respect a few lines of code in his DNA? Gimme a break. The same physical powers that make a good man a hero only make a thug ten times worse.

Once again, what is the difference between me being glad when a white guy wins and millions of black people being proud of Ali, or proud that blacks do so well in boxing generally? Why is one okay and the other "vile racism"?

As far as "race wars" go-one wishes it were a "race war". Instead, it seems more like one-sided race beat-down, with whites being the only group discriminated against in any way in law, with whites being the only major ethnic group that is shrinking in numbers, with whites being the victims in 90% of the interacial violence in this coutnry, and finally, the issue at hands, with whites constantly being portrayed as both bovine in mentality and physical wimps, can't run, can't fight. Sambo and Amos$Andy are beyond the pale because they are unflattering towards blacks, but somehow Chappelle show is fine, can you name anything to justify this double-standard except hatred of whites? You know everything I say here is true, what will it ever take for you to admit a war is being waged on whites, white people being led to gas chambers, only real ones this time?

As to MMA-once again, why are there so few blacks in it? Why don't your physically superior blacks, those who ain't quite great enough to do big things in boxing, come over to MMA, knock all those white whimps out, and become the biggest champs of all time in that sport?

Why, other than "vile racism", can you not admit that whites have certain athletic advantages that are important in MMA? Why is it so important to you that hang about on this forum trying to prove that black must be considered absolutely physically superior (while all the while also maintaining mental equality across racial lines, talk about "little fantasies)? For all your attempts to insult me by tossing "Nazi" about (which won't work, I disagree with National Socialists but see their point on many issues), it is YOU who desperately with to believe you belong to a "Master Race" that trumps all others in ALL areas.

Finally, romantic conceits of Adolph Hitler aside, White superiority ultimately doesn't have a thing to do with who wins the sprints or the heavyweight boxing championship. I'm pretty sure no white man could lick a silverback gorilla or a charging rhino bare-handed either. I'm equally sure that neither animal posesses anywhere near the average level of intelligence, restraint, and other socially desirable behaviors that allow White people to build and maintain Western civilization, the greatest contribution every made to mankind by any people. THAT is what makes him superior, not the size of his muscles. though I understand you ******** have trouble with this concept, probably why you respect a rapist thug's "talent", IOW, because he's genetically gifted at beating people about the head, he gets respect.

However, it is gratifying that with hard work, ingenuity and courage, that a man can often overcome an animal in a physical contest, including those animals they would like to set up as our athletic heroes.
I guess Dempsey must be a monster too not withstanding his achievements in the ring since Dempey did pimp out his first wife in his lean years.


May 20, 2005
Being a Libertarian, I consider prostitution a business, albeit a dirty one, as opposed to crimes such as bodily assault and rape. You'll never hear me criticizing blacks for making their dough in the drug trade either, as opposed to living off the taxpayers. Certainly such a a method of getting by beats the hell out of robbing and shooting helpless little Asians in their store.

However, it you COULD prove such a charge, it would certainly make my opinion of Dempsey lower than before. He's not someone I've held up as a great man to be "respected or else" anyway. In fact, have you ever heard me "demanding respect" for any fighter, as much as anything I only demand equal right to disrespect those groups who are hateful towards whites.


White_Savage said:
Being a Libertarian, I consider prostitution a business, albeit a dirty one, as opposed to crimes such as bodily assault and rape. You'll never hear me criticizing blacks for making their dough in the drug trade either, as opposed to living off the taxpayers. Certainly such a a method of getting by beats the hell out of robbing and shooting helpless little Asians in their store.

However, it you COULD prove such a charge, it would certainly make my opinion of Dempsey lower than before. He's not someone I've held up as a great man to be "respected or else" anyway. In fact, have you ever heard me "demanding respect" for any fighter, as much as anything I only demand equal right to disrespect those groups who are hateful towards whites.
What a fighter does outside the ring and what he acomplished in the ring in his prime are two defferent things.

And in is mentioned in Kahn book a Flame of pure Fire a well known Dempsey Bio that Dempseys first wife was a prostetute who worked in a saloon and that she continued being a prostitute after marrying Dempsey..

Like Tyson or not what Tyson achieved in his short prime was pretty great . The man singlehandidly saved HW boxing in the 80s. Became the Youngest HW champ of all time at the age of 20 something that will Never be repeated . No other fighter has come forward that had the talent and the managemment ready to take that risk.

I do not have to respect Tyson the man to respect that he is an All time great HWs.


Dec 28, 2004
Tyson quit like a punk sissy because McBride hit him back.Rocky NEVER QUIT-but Clay did


Gary said:
Tyson quit like a punk sissy because McBride hit him back.Rocky NEVER QUIT-but Clay did
Ali Never quit

McBride did'nt make Tyson quit Tyson did that on his own.


Dec 28, 2004
Tyson quit because the big Irish lad pushed him down! Clay quit because Holmes was hitting to hard


Gary said:
Tyson quit because the big Irish lad pushed him down! Clay quit because Holmes was hitting to hard
Just admit that you never saw Ali Holmes and that you only read Boxrec.com.

Mcbride dd'nt make anybody quit Tyson was just to lazy to give a damn at that point.


Dec 28, 2004
I saw Clay/Holmes but so what. Clay punked out! Just admit it
Tyson quit because he couldn't break Kevin's arm or bite his nipple and when McBride didn't go down but fought back Tyson Quit like all bullies and cowards do!!


Gary said:
I saw Clay/Holmes but so what. Clay punked out! Just admit it
Tyson quit because he couldn't break Kevin's arm or bite his nipple and when McBride didn't go down but fought back Tyson Quit like all bullies and cowards do!!
Ali never quit in the holmes fight and you know it .

now answer the question


Dont try to weasel out of the question answer it


Dec 28, 2004
I gave you the answer dummy-now answer mind. Name me a black champ who was a war hero? During WW2 they brought hot chow to the real fighting men! Hey Buckwheat how about the Russians for being good soldiers!!Tell me a real battle in WW2/WW1 in which blacks did anything.


Gary said:
I gave you the answer dummy-now answer mind. Name me a black champ who was a war hero? During WW2 they brought hot chow to the real fighting men! Hey Buckwheat how about the Russians for being good soldiers!!Tell me a real battle in WW2/WW1 in which blacks did anything.
Again you change the subjectcant prove that Tunney or Dempsey where everin combat can you ?.


Dec 28, 2004
Hey stupid Tunney was in France during WW1 and Dempsey was in the Coast Guard during WW2-rather they seen combat or not I don't know-Now tell me about the military records of Tyson,Clay,Frazier?I mean at least Tunney and Dempsey was there!So stupid tell about the Negro chumps in the military.


Gary said:
Hey stupid Tunney was in France during WW1 and Dempsey was in the Coast Guard during WW2-rather they seen combat or not I don't know-Now tell me about the military records of Tyson,Clay,Frazier?I mean at least Tunney and Dempsey was there!So stupid tell about the Negro chumps in the military.
You talked about Louis being a coward because he Never saw combat. NEITHER DEMPSEY NOR TUNNEY SAW COMBAT. The only duty Tunney did was guard an army base HE NEVER SAW COMBAT. Again you try to change the subject just admit that Dempsey and Tunney NEVER saw combat and that your claim that Louis was a coward because he never saw combat is Bogus. Dont bring in Frazier or Holmes ect they have nothing to do with the question

Did Dempsey and Tunney see action or not ? The answer is No . You have been outed as a hypocritical fool.


Dec 28, 2004
No Buckwheat you don't understand-Max saw combat-Louis never did-you punked out and brought up Tunney and Dempsey[both vets}.Now stupid I'am asking you for some negro that did any thing and you can't answer.Your not a hypocritical fool[your not that smart].