2012 London Olympics

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Post-9/11, the police state presence is ratcheted up at every Olympic games. I remember being shocked by the security measures in place for the Salt Lake City Winter games in 2002. That was child's play compared to London. The link to the original article has pictures.

London's Militarized Olympic Games Conjure Up Orwell's 1984

by Finian Cunningham

The London Olympics are fast taking on the appearance and tone of a full-scale land, sea and air military operation rather than an international sporting event.

With surface-to-air missiles stationed on top of residential apartment blocks, Royal Navy battleships on alert and Royal Air Force fighter jets and helicopters patrolling the skies over Britain’s capital there is a foreboding sense of a nation at war instead of an occasion of internationalist fraternity that the ancient Games are supposed to embody.

The Games begin in just under two weeks. The latest development is the announcement by Britain’s Ministry of Defence that 3,500 extra troops are to be deployed to ensure security at the 30 venues hosting sporting events. This is in addition to the 13,500 military personnel already assigned to protect members of the public and sports teams from the risk of terrorist attack.

British General Sir Nick Parker, overseeing the security arrangements, has said that one of the contingencies being planned for is dealing with a “9/11 type event”.

The total troop deployment in and around London represents 7,000 more personnel than is currently on British operations in Afghanistan.

This figure is in addition to the 10,000 extra police officers and a division of 10,000 private security guards. It was the disclosure that G45, the private security firm with the Olympics contract, could not fulfill its manpower requirements to cover the Games that prompted the latest enlisting of additional soldiers.

The militarization of the Olympics was conveyed inadvertently by a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence when he said: “Many of the people whom the public will meet at the point of entry to any Olympic event will now be a serving member of the armed forces.”

Boris Johnson, the maverick Mayor of London, said in a statement: “The mayor takes the issue of Olympics security extremely seriously, and having the finest and bravest service men and woman in the world at our disposal during the Games should be a source of great comfort.”

The Royal Navy’s largest battleship, HMS Ocean, will be moored on the Thames at Greenwich, providing a logistical command centre during the event. It will also provide a base for Lynx helicopters manned with snipers to make round-the-clock sorties over the capital.

Royal Marines on patrol boats and inflatable dinghies are also assigned on the iconic river that snakes its way through London’s historic landmarks.

The RAF will also be patrolling the skies over the capital with Puma helicopters and Typhoon fighter jets operating out of RAF Northolt in West London and Ilford in East London.

But the most controversial deployment has been the installation of surface-to-air missile batteries in residential apartment blocks in the impoverished, rundown East End of London. Residents recently lost a court battle to prevent the Rapier SAM batteries being installed.

The mainly working-class local communities objected to the militarization of their neighbourhoods. They also questioned the safety for residents in the event of the weapons being used to bring down aircraft suspected of carrying out terror attacks. One local man said: “What’s going to happen if our houses get showered with debris?”

The military invasion of poor neighbourhoods for the four-week duration of Olympics has served to rankle already ill feeling towards the colossal spectacle. East London areas such as Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest lie in the shadow of some of the purpose-built venues. The staging of the Olympics, including the massive security operation, is reckoned to come to a total cost between $20 and $40 billion, much of which will be footed by the taxpayer. This is at time of swingeing austerity cuts by the British government amounting to a total of $140 billion axed from public spending.

Socially deprived communities in London’s East End have borne the brunt of government cutbacks required to balance Treasury books thrown into disarray from lavishing billions of dollars on bailing out corrupt private banks.

With unemployment and deprivation being felt keenly in areas like London’s East End, not many of the residents there will be able to afford the admission to the Olympics, with tickets fetching as much as $3,000.

Given the juxtaposition of this glitzy event and its garish corporate sponsorship alongside the sprawling grim poverty for many Londoners – amid the backdrop of full-scale military operations and surveillance – there is an eerie sense of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.

Orwell’s classic story of an authoritarian police state was set mainly in London, which had become the capital of Airstrip One, a province of the American super-state, Oceania. The impoverished majority of the populace, the “proles”, had to content themselves with seedy pubs and the faint hope of winning a weekly lottery, while the “inner circle” lorded over the masses. The proles were kept in their place of servitude by emergency powers and a permanent state of war. There is also more than a suspicion in Orwell’s 1984 that the supposed state of war and incoming attacks from anonymous enemies were a contrivance by the elite to instill fear in the masses.

With the British government’s lead participation in America’s "global war on terror” (commonly referred to as GWOT) and evidence that British intelligence colluded in the so-called 7/7 London underground terror bombings in 2005, Orwell’s 1984 looks increasingly like life imitating art.

The novel was published in 1949, one year after the last Olympics were staged in London. Those Games were held in the aftermath of World War II when much of London’s skyline would have still shown the devastation of the German Luftwaffe’s Blitzkrieg.

In 2012, London will also resemble a war zone, owing to the spurious “war on terror” that the British government and its American allies have embarked on in the pursuit of domestic and foreign dominance.

Finian Cunningham [send him mail] is Global Research’s Middle East and East Africa Correspondent.
Reprinted from Global Research.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The hypocrisy of the whole exercise in unity is so ridiculous that they may as well permanently shut it down.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I don't much like the Olympics. It's welfare for athletes. I have no idea why a country in billions of dollars of debt thinks it's a good idea to pay people to run or swim or jump to win medals. The whole thing is ridiculous. Factor in the possibility of terror attacks and the idea becomes even more ridiculous.

Why am I supposed to care if some ghetto negro or foreign born transfer competes and wins a medal for the good ol US of A? I don't much like this country anyway, I guess I can cheer for the individual athletes but so much of the 'games' is silly stuff anyway.

Yahoo had an article recently about how much sex goes on during the games, I guess it's a LOT. The article made the point that these were young physically healthy people so you can expect them to have lots of sex when they get together. Geez, what a mentality. They bragged about having to hand out thousands of condoms.

As far as I'm concerned those athletes can screw themselves silly, but here is another thing I, as a taxpayer, is expected to pay for. It's not enough just to pay, travel, room, board, a stipend, and other luxeries but more then that, condoms and non-stop sex. Plus a lot of it's going to be deviant as many of the athletes, especially the women are queers. Great I get to pay for that too!! And then they want me to cheer for it all!! Insane.


Jul 6, 2011
As a British citizen I have no qualms in saying I hope they are the worst Olympics ever. I hope it rains a lot and ruins some events. I hope it is a logistical nightmare - according to many in London it's already that before it's even started - with strikes bringing transportation to a halt. I would even laugh if there were black riots like last August. The only sporting events I plan on watching are tennis, men's soccer, and maybe some swimming.

My hopes, sports wise: that the USA basketball "Dream Team" do not win the gold medal - that alone will make this Olympics a success - and no golds for the Williams sisters. I'd also enjoy seeing Britain's affletes fail.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
you guys are going to love this (Zeus, is this your sister? :icon_cool:) :


A Greek triple jumper was today kicked off her Olympic team over comments on Twitter mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party.The Hellenic Olympic Committee said Voula Papachristou was dropped from the team 'for statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement.'Papachristou, who is currently in Athens, was due to travel to London shortly before the start of the athletics events but has now been excluded.

On Monday, she tweeted: 'With so many Africans in Greece... At least the West Nile mosquitoes will eat home made food!!!'This is a reference to an outbreak of the West Nile virus, a potentially fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes of African origin, in Athens this summer. One man died and another 180 have been infected since the outbreak began.
She also re-tweeted a comment from Ilias Kasidiaris, a politician with Golden Dawn, criticising Prime Minister Antonis Samaras's stance on immigration.
It created a storm on the social network, with other users accusing her of being a 'Nazi' and a supporter of the extremist right-wing political party.
Papachristou later took to Twitter to try and defuse the row, saying: 'I apologize if I insulted people! I have no mingling with politics!!! I am only athlete!!'
But her comments were to no avail as pressure mounted on her to be thrown out of the Greek Olympic squad.
The left-wing party Democratic Left led calls for her to step down, saying 'racist humour and jokes' had no place in Greek society.
This afternoon, Isidoros Kouvelos, President of the Greek Olympics Committee, confirmed her expulsion.
Papachristou has since apologised again for her comments on her Facebook page. She wrote: I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account.'I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights.'My dream is connected to the Olympic Games and I could not possibly participate if I did not respect their values. Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races.'I would like to apologise to all my friends and fellow athletes, who I may have insulted and shamed, the National Team, as well as the people and companies who support my athletic career. Finally, I would like to apologise to my coach and my family.'

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[/FONT]George Pomaski, Papachristou’s coach, claim the expulsion was a harsh punishment for the young athlete. “It’s too much, the penalty should not have been so strict. She has already apologised for her remarks,â€￾ he told The Guardian. â€￾This is a big disappointment not only for her but for her family and for myself, and anyone involved in the Greek team.â€￾



Jul 6, 2011
So Greece expels a triple jumper from its Olympic team for "statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement". IOW she's too patriotic so she doesn't belong in the Olympics.

That good old Olympics spirit! It reminds me of 1996 when the organisers ran a mile from Atlanta's Southern heritage to emphasise the New South and its diversity. They must have been embarrassed when the foreign tourists ignored them and went in their thousands to the Margaret Mitchell Museum.


Jun 7, 2012
i love proper greek people more and more ,especially voula
time for the rest of europe to follow there lead .

what is been said in greece ,you know who.

instead of the yet another racist article, right on cue , from the ever predictable
and increasinly annoying british media and sky and bbc been leaders in that respect .
she could and maybe should have of bit her tongue and played the pretend game like most others ,
at least honest about feeling when comes to what really happening in society .

an example of this annoyance is the example of bradley wiggins winning tour de france on sunday
and first off been main headline story ,sport should never take precedence from real stories even if team ****ing sky ,
the attitude in society to now to go out of there
way to complement and praise athletes no matter what .
you had the prime minister cameron saying that it could be greatest achievement in british sport ever .
not a chance .like wiggins but media once again can go tae **** .
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Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
you guys are going to love this (Zeus, is this your sister? :icon_cool:) :


A Greek triple jumper was today kicked off her Olympic team over comments on Twitter mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party.The Hellenic Olympic Committee said Voula Papachristou was dropped from the team 'for statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement.'Papachristou, who is currently in Athens, was due to travel to London shortly before the start of the athletics events but has now been excluded.

On Monday, she tweeted: 'With so many Africans in Greece... At least the West Nile mosquitoes will eat home made food!!!'This is a reference to an outbreak of the West Nile virus, a potentially fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes of African origin, in Athens this summer. One man died and another 180 have been infected since the outbreak began.
She also re-tweeted a comment from Ilias Kasidiaris, a politician with Golden Dawn, criticising Prime Minister Antonis Samaras's stance on immigration.
It created a storm on the social network, with other users accusing her of being a 'Nazi' and a supporter of the extremist right-wing political party.
Papachristou later took to Twitter to try and defuse the row, saying: 'I apologize if I insulted people! I have no mingling with politics!!! I am only athlete!!'
But her comments were to no avail as pressure mounted on her to be thrown out of the Greek Olympic squad.
The left-wing party Democratic Left led calls for her to step down, saying 'racist humour and jokes' had no place in Greek society.
This afternoon, Isidoros Kouvelos, President of the Greek Olympics Committee, confirmed her expulsion.
Papachristou has since apologised again for her comments on her Facebook page. She wrote: I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account.'I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights.'My dream is connected to the Olympic Games and I could not possibly participate if I did not respect their values. Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races.'I would like to apologise to all my friends and fellow athletes, who I may have insulted and shamed, the National Team, as well as the people and companies who support my athletic career. Finally, I would like to apologise to my coach and my family.'

George Pomaski, Papachristou’s coach, claim the expulsion was a harsh punishment for the young athlete. “It’s too much, the penalty should not have been so strict. She has already apologised for her remarks,â€￾ he told The Guardian. â€￾This is a big disappointment not only for her but for her family and for myself, and anyone involved in the Greek team.â€￾

Backrow you beat me to it. Certainly the banning of this attractive elite White female athelet with a real possiblity to medal is over the top. The culty marxy tenicles further their grip on Proud White athelets to marginalize. Just imagne if supa sprinter affelet Bolt made some joke about some White group. Is he going to be banned? Of course not! The Greek Olympic officials should have demanded an apology from her, which they recieved end of story.

The tipping point for the marginalization of Whites is years off. I am interested in hearing Zeus's take on this crime.


May 18, 2012
In my world

If the Greek Olympic team had any balls they'd all stand up and walk out.

Brother, I think you have it all wrong there................It's the GREEK Olympic committee that banned that girl (of course after the pressure of the International media and committees). The two left wing parties (the one this fat lesbian belongs to, who got b i t c h slapped from the brave MP of Golden Dawn) celebrated that decision with a passion!

So how the Greek team will boycott the games when it's them taking that decision?

Balls? Man like I told you again, if the Greeks in key positions (same goes for most whites in key positions worldwide) Greece and the white kind as a whole wouldn't be in such position right now, don't we agree on this one?

We both know that if that joke was against Norway, Danes, Poles, blondes etc everybody would have a good laugh and enjoy it, but it was against Negroes who I PERSONALLY consider them look like Apes so much (this is personal opinion, not representative of this site) so as you understand the Greek girl had to pay for it!

A good, 75% of the Greek people and shockingly most mass media are in her favor, that's
weird. Golden Dawn took an official position in her favor as it was expected of course :

Our divine leader said all he had to say in a very intense tone against every responsible individual involved to her ban.

As long as Golden Dawn gains more power and freedom of speech, I have no fear as a white European man!
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Brother, I think you have it all wrong there................It's the GREEK Olympic committee that banned that girl..."

Yeah, I know who banned her, Zeuss, but I meant they should all walk out in solidarity with her because this is sheer bull****. That beautiful girl has trained her whole life for this event. In fact I'd like to see this whole bull**** Rothschild olympics boycotted anyway as I understand the Zog-UK regime is banning entry for Iranian sports fans, not to mention hiring the USSA's infamous TSA (= Michael Chertoff = Mossad) to help police it.

"A good, 75% of the Greek people and shockingly most mass media are in her favor, that's

Good! I was going to ask you about that.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The Greek girl is persecuted because of alleged "racism," but 40 years on the most racist country on earth and its U.S. servants demand that the killing of Israeli athletes at the Munich Games be thrust front and center in London so that we "never forgive and never forget."

Hillary Clinton urges IOC to commemorate Munich massacre

4 years ago did she advocate for the Olympics to honor the dead of the Tianammen massacre or any of the purges that the communists committed against their people since they won the civil war against Chung Kai Shek? Total hypocrisy...:frusty::kev:


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I won't be watching the opening ceremony, and probably won't be watching much of the Olympics either.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Zeus, Sir, Does Golden Dawn have a plan to deal with the members of the Greek Olympic Committee over this? If they/you do, then you are sending a real message that will be heard throughout Greece. The Olympic committee will know that Golden Dawn is not just a bunch of loudmouths that they can afford to be on the wrong side of. There's no other way for White people anymore.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Zeus, Sir, Does Golden Dawn have a plan to deal with the members of the Greek Olympic Committee over this? If they/you do, then you are sending a real message that will be heard throughout Greece. The Olympic committee will know that Golden Dawn is not just a bunch of loudmouths that they can afford to be on the wrong side of. There's no other way for White people anymore.

Tom Iron...

I'm sure that the Greek Golden Dawn (love the name!) isn't going to be quiet about this gross injustice. They are no shrinking violets.

Why was Zeuss banned? I was especially interested in his feedback from Greece on this.


Voula Papachristou

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Oh, I see. I never look at that board. The only ones I look at are boxing and this one.

"Voula Papachristou 'bitter and upset' over Olympic ban"

Writing this joke was supposed to be her horrible crime:

"So many Africans in Greece at least West Nile mosquitoes will eat homemade food."

Not even one single word about race. Africa does not = Negro. Africa is a continent, not a race. Africa consists of four major races and many sub-races, including Whites (Europids) in northern and southern Africa.


Mostly good comments there.
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Jul 6, 2011
Why was Zeuss banned?

He was a troll. Both as Zeus and before as Spartan he also constantly expressed hatred of people of north European background.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
He was a troll. Both as Zeus and before as Spartan he also constantly expressed hatred of people of north European background.

Nah, I wouldn't say that. He was a bit feisty. I vote to give him a special dispensation to come back for the duration of the olympics. He was our man in Athens, the birthplace of the olympics - and now the judeo-bolshevik-homosexuals are messing around with the Greek olympic team itself.


Jul 6, 2011
I watched five minutes of the Opening Ceremony. I had no idea so many blacks were living in England during the Industrial Revolution and playing cricket on village greens before then.:icon_rolleyes:


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
I agree with Werewolf on 2 points. 1. The entire Greek Team should show solidarity with Voula and not particapate in the games. Its non action like this that has let the PTB to marginalize Whites and elevate mud peoples throughout the world. Just think of the message it would send to the world, finally Whites sticking together again.

2. Zeus was not a troll. He was just more pissed off than the rest of us, and an individual of action, abliet, lets his emotions take over at times. I hope he can temper his posts and reaches out to Don.