"Blacks are fading from baseball"

Sep 12, 2016
Ah, good ol' Jackie Robinson Day, yet another occasion where we are told by our overlords to worship a mere mortal and try to make him bigger than his whole sport.

Taking a more realistic look at the man, as a ballplayer, Robinson was good but not great. As a person, although he was much more even-tempered than most black players (and was hand-picked to be the first black to integrate precisely for that reason), he spent much of his later years agitating for more affirmative action in baseball's upper management positions. He wasn't quite the Great Uniter that the neocons/Diversity Republicans like to make him out to be.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Diversity means the replacement of Whites.

Chicago Sun-Times Writer Laments Major League Baseball’s ‘White Problem’

by Paul Kersey

The 2018 National Basketball Association Racial and Gender Report Card (RGRC), put out by the University of Central Florida, gleefully reported “80.7 percent of the NBA’s players were people of color,The percentage of players who were classified as African-American in the league was 73.9 percent. The percentage of white NBA players was 19.3 percent. They gave the grade of an A+ for the diversity in the league (lower number of whites the better in this scoring system).”

THE 2018 RACIAL AND GENDER REPORT CARD: NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAUGE noted, “During the NFL’s 2016 season, the percent of African-American players increased from 69.2 percent in the 2015 season to 69.7 percent in 2016. The percent of white players decreased from 27.9 percent in 2015 to 27.4 percent in 2016.” They also awarded the league an A+ for its diversity (or lack of whites, a fact worthy of praise).

Major League Baseball is only 7.7 percent black, thus a problem arises. Too many white people are still employed, meaning baseball has a “white problem.”[Beyond the pale: Baseball’s so-called black issues caused by its white problem, Chicago Sun-Times, April 27, 2019]:

"I’m the problem.

"If not the problem, then at least the issue.

"Me, those who look like me, sound like me, view the world through a light-colored, male prism that sets agendas, makes rules and decides what’s mainstream or “normal” in American culture – or its subcultures, such as baseball.

“Middle-aged white men,” said Diamondbacks outfielder Adam Jones.

"Just look at the average baseball press box during a game, the average baseball front office, the average executive walking around Major League Baseball’s headquarters in New York.

"And then when you hear about the racist messages and taunts players such as the Cubs’ Carl Edwards Jr. must endure – or the absurd thinking that went into suspending Tim Anderson of the White Sox for his use of a certain word – it should start to become self evident to those who would continue to traffic in tired white-splaining of non-white experiences, in this game and in this society:

"The so-called black issues in baseball – whether it’s the causes behind the extreme under-representation of African-Americans or the continual incidence of racist jeers and treatment – are white problems.

"And if the first step in solving a problem is to admit it exists, maybe it’s time that the next conversation on this issue begins there.

“It sucks, but you’ve got middle-aged white men telling everybody else what to do in the world,” Jones said. “I didn’t make that part up. That’s just what you see on TV. That’s what you see in real life. It’s history.”

"It’s certainly baseball.

"Jones made headlines in 2016 when he explained that the reason you don’t see the kind of social-justice protests in MLB that Colin Kaepernick inspired in the NFL is because “baseball is a white man’s sport” and that there are so few black players in the majors (7.7 percent) that “you might as well not kick yourself out of the game” by speaking up.

"Despite gains in hiring diversity in recent years, according to an annual study, MLB’s top eight ranking decision makers are all white men, including the commissioner, its two deputy commissioners, and chief baseball officer Joe Torre – the league’s discipline head.

"Baseball already knows it has a demographics problem when it comes to getting young people to watch its increasingly slow-paced game and what that might mean for the future.

"What’s said less often is that its middle-aged-white-guy skew continues to prove problematic when it comes to growing the game relative to other American team sports.

"Black players for decades have talked about a game they sometimes play during slow moments between innings.

“I play the same game. I know the game you’re talking about,” Edwards said. “Count the black fans.”

"It usually doesn’t take long.

“I love everybody,” Edwards added. “But at the end of the day, that’s just what we’re surrounded by.”

"The demographics gap not only is about fan bases and the executive structure, but it also impacts the game’s ability to attract non-white American players and often how it’s portrayed by the media."

The anti-white mindset pervades every aspect of American life. 59 percent of MLB rosters are white (41 percent are people of color, but an insufficient number of these players are black), meaning the league has a “white problem” until the rosters have the same racial breakdown as the NFL and the NBA.

Do you get yet? Diversity is nothing more than chasing away white people and limiting the number of opportunities for whites.



Mar 16, 2013
It is like you are at a card table and they get to cheat. Everyone else ( meaning white folk) have to play by the rules. So this diversity BS is just that.

Nothing bothers me more than the baseball bitch. The 41% of players that are of color includes quite a few foreign players who are either black or part black. Also if you threw out pitchers and maybe catchers ( few if any black catchers) you would see that the league seems to have a non white majority.

This is just a black power move dressed up as some sort of social case. Screw them.


Mar 16, 2013
A CF member discussed the Tim Anderson piece that was in SI which I read last night.

The hypocrisy is so strong it is beyond comprehension. Much hyped rookie Vladimir Guerrero Jr. ( think Cecil Fielder in a few years ha) is from the Dom Republic but is essentially black. He doesn't count when they tabulate the racial breakdown in baseball. The focus is only on African American players.

Want to play that game ass wipes?

The NBA white European players shouldn't be counted as white either then. So if you tally up the white American basketball players it is surely lower than the percentage of African American baseball players. It is miniscule. For consistency shouldn't the lack of white American basketball players in the NBA be front page news too? And like the "plight" of black American baseball players shouldn't the wheels be in motion to "correct" the situation and create a system that produces more white American NBA players? They are constantly promoting black American baseball players with their inner city initiatives etc.. What is being done to boost the level of white American NBA players? How about a giant goose egg!!

What gives? You could expect the racial answer that white people are inferior athletes so that is to be expected.

So the so called inferior white athletes should make way for more black athletes no matter where they come from. The entire nature of there "aren't enough blacks argument" is held up by the twin engines of superior race talk and white extermination.
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Jan 2, 2020
Jackie Robinson day today. All of the clubs have to honor it and all of the players have to wear 42 for a day. MLB keeps this going on and on and on while the player that made baseball the most popular sport in America once, Babe Ruth, is never honored, never even talked about anymore, and nearly forgotten.

Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player of all time....

..he could have been selected for the hall of fame as a outfielder/batter alone.....

..........or as a pitcher alone.....................

That ends the argument before it even starts.....


Jul 23, 2015
It is just my opinion, but it seems like there are more Black Americans playing MLB now than the last 10 yrs or longer. As much as I like Breitbart they will delete your comments for various reasons, more so than in the past.


Mar 16, 2013
I wouldn't be surprised. I have noticed at the high school levels a decided increase in black players in the top 100 prospect lists. I hazard to guess roughly a 10-20% increase. In a top flight all star game coming up 8 position players are black. Out of the top ten 2021 prospects 3 are black including the top prospect. Similarly the class of 2022 features 4 blacks out of the top ten. The top prospect Elijah Green sports Kirk Gibson like athleticism so the media will be fawning forever. Also these black prospects are almost always in premier field positions like SS or CF. Rarely are they pitchers or catchers and very few are first or third basemen.

I am not sure anything in regards to race and sports irritates me more than their push to get more blacks to the major league level. These sadistic bitch race baiters conveniently ignore the heavy black presence within the ranks of Latin players. And again most pitchers are white but if you break it down by positions blacks compose of a hefty amount that play the middle infield and centerfield.

This claptrap racial stuff, which they wheel out each year with tons of fanfare, is just a big crock of shite.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
It seems like Doug Glanville is picking up the mantle of the dearly departed Joe Morgan as the official MLB race hustler. If you can stomach this self-serving drivel, you’ll learn that Dougie wants more black managers of course, but really he wants to gripe about all the racism he’s been subjected to. He also wants you to know he’d make a fantastic manager himself but can’t be away from his “children for extended periods of time when, every day, the poison of racism makes me fear for their safety?”


Jews and white liberals have crafted an alternate reality world for blacks. One in which they are always in danger from evil Whites. Nearly everything they believe is the opposite of the truth. Nearly every fear they have misplaced. We truly cannot live with millions of people this deluded and filled with endless amounts of resentment.
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Oct 12, 2008
I saw that Doug Glanville article. It’s really sad that even successful professional athletes drink the victimhood kool-aid, and teach it to their kids.


Jan 23, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised. I have noticed at the high school levels a decided increase in black players in the top 100 prospect lists. I hazard to guess roughly a 10-20% increase. In a top flight all star game coming up 8 position players are black. Out of the top ten 2021 prospects 3 are black including the top prospect. Similarly the class of 2022 features 4 blacks out of the top ten. The top prospect Elijah Green sports Kirk Gibson like athleticism so the media will be fawning forever. Also these black prospects are almost always in premier field positions like SS or CF. Rarely are they pitchers or catchers and very few are first or third basemen.

I am not sure anything in regards to race and sports irritates me more than their push to get more blacks to the major league level. These sadistic bitch race baiters conveniently ignore the heavy black presence within the ranks of Latin players. And again most pitchers are white but if you break it down by positions blacks compose of a hefty amount that play the middle infield and centerfield.

This claptrap racial stuff, which they wheel out each year with tons of fanfare, is just a big crock of shite.
Sir, do have any theory on why it's always the very top echelon of pitchers in the majors who are White?


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
O God. Another round of their annual groveling and Bitchin about how hard it is being Black LOL. Worth a share on the gab page as well.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
O God. Another round of their annual groveling and Bitchin about how hard it is being Black LOL. Worth a share on the gab page as well.

Blacks believing in this narrative of perpetual victimhood are as loathsome as the whites who deny that a great replacement is going on. Glanville was an average player - I remember him from my days of following baseball as a teenager. He was able to carves out a 8-9 year career and make million and is now empowered by the anti-white ESPN to continue Joe Morgan's false cries of racism in the MLB. Give me a break. Diversity is not about equality, it's about absolute power.


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Blacks believing in this narrative of perpetual victimhood are as loathsome as the whites who deny that a great replacement is going on. Glanville was an average player - I remember him from my days of following baseball as a teenager. He was able to carves out a 8-9 year career and make million and is now empowered by the anti-white ESPN to continue Joe Morgan's false cries of racism in the MLB. Give me a break. Diversity is not about equality, it's about absolute power.

Agreed everything is about power, sooner folks realize this the better..
Sep 12, 2016
Virtually every self-proclaimed "equality" activist really wants supremacy.


Sep 29, 2011
Agreed everything is about power, sooner folks realize this the better..

Yep, but will they? I'd say on the whole NO, I'm in a suburb surrounded by boomer and gen x women and basically what they have is shopping, that is what they want a nice shopping experience to just shop. I don't even think the much vaunted and forever talked about Depression 2.0 would snap them out of it, I think they would just off themselves or have such a mental breakdown as to have it done to them.

Too bad about baseball falling into the hands of the psychopaths, I used to love playing any version of it.


Sep 11, 2021
I think that one thing people will likely do is gravitate to less woke versions of these sports.

for instance college baseball is entertaining as hell to watch and you don’t get all of the political nonsense.

I used to be a Yankee fan but frankly supporting MLB is just nauseating.

I found a refuge this last year watching the last college baseball World Series highlights on YouTube.

Highly recommended experience. All the baseball and much less ********.


Jan 16, 2022
I probably remember Dwight Evans best as a star white outfielder although his career lasted into the late 80's and early 90's he had 3 golden glove years in the 70's. Evans had one of the strongest arms I've ever seen, a cannon. Other pretty good white outfielders of the 70's were, Jeff Burroughs, Rick Monday, and Bobby Mercer. Burroughs was the 1974 AL MVP.
Tony Conigliaro would have been the best of them all, however a horrifying eye injury due to being hit by a pitch in the eye derailed his career.
.... but yes, not too many white stars in the outfield in the 1970's
BTW, Conigliaro had 104 HR's by his year or age 22 season. The year he was injured in August. He would have had a lot more! More than Mike Trout at age 22, (98)!

I just want to give Thanks to all the posters who are providing historical facts about baseballs caste system. I wasn't around in the 70s and find all of this very fascinating to learn

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Deion Sanders channels the whining spirit of Joe Morgan. The one cause that will never be considered is that on average Whites are simply better all-around baseball players:


Major League Baseball has the lowest percentage of black baseball players since 1991, and Deion Sanders believes he knows why.

Sanders of course offers an interesting perspective of the situation seeing as how he played 641 MLB games over the course of nine seasons while spending 14 years in the NFL as well.

For Sanders, he believes that both the price to play baseball at a high level and fathers are playing a role in fewer black kids getting into the game.

“This is the problem with baseball,” he told Desi Banks on the ‘How It Goes Down’ podcast.

“Black fathers never played baseball so black fathers are not pushing their kids towards baseball. So, when the black father wants to play with his son, he puts in his hands what he’s accustomed to. Baseball is not the option.”

Baseball Is Far From A Cheap Sport To Get Into
For anyone that played high-level travel baseball or has put their kids on that path knows just how expensive it can be. Back when Sanders was playing as a kid baseball was much more affordable. Nowadays, a season of travel baseball can cost thousands of dollars. You add equipment and travel costs to the mix and you could easily be looking at a five-figure hit for a season of travel ball.

Sanders believes baseball has “priced out” black kids from the sport.

“Back when I was coming up we had a lot of African-Americans in Major League Baseball. Now that is not a thing because they priced us out as well,” Sanders said.

“Back when we played baseball in the little leagues it was so cool, maybe about a hundred or a hundred fifty dollars to register. To play on a select team now it’s at least two thousand. So kids are not playing it. They cannot afford it; they priced us out.”

According to the 2022 Racial and Gender Report Card, on Opening Day this season, 38.0% of MLB players were players of color. The percentage of black players was 7.2 percent, which is a 0.4 decrease from the year prior and the lowest that number has ever been since data started being collected in 1991.



Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Just shared your post on Gab Don. Blacks will never stop crying. That's why it's pointless to try and please them. Classic give them an inch, they'll take a mile. The J's have done a good job of ingraining this In them from birth. Muh oppression.

PS I found it hilarious that in the most broadcasted HBCU football game of all time, Neon Deion and Jackson State got their asses handed to them.

Amazing how American Blacks are their own category demographically now. Stop putting these people on a pedestal. USA bends over backwards being Afrocentric and its never enough.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Blacks stay away from baseball because it’s not a sport of instant gratification. In pro baseball you have to work your way through the farm system. In the NBA and NFL you get drafted and you are a millionaire regardless of performance.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
I attended a game between two Northwoods League teams, which is a college-only partial-season Single A league. There was one black on the home team and three blacks on the visiting team. It was refreshing to see actual proportionate minority representation.

One of the white players attends Southern University, which I needed to look up to locate. It's an HCBU in Baton Rouge, LA. I was really surprised to see EIGHT non-black players on their college roster! https://gojagsports.com/sports/baseball/roster The team also features two scantily-paid white assistant coaches. There are twelve scholarships to divide up for a D1 baseball team - can they really not find enough brothas to field an HCBU roster?


Sep 29, 2011
Back about ten years ago one of my job sites was next to a motel that housed the visiting teams for a Triple A team. Anyway one day I watched them all file out to go to a restaurant and it was basically 24 young white men all over 6' tall damn near identical physiques and then one black guy same physique. I was kind of shocked their league allowed this but there it was.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i hope blacks do fade from baseball ... then fade away from everything and everyone else in this country.

“i have a dream today!”