Caste Football, RIP. . . not!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
After some contemplation and seeing how much Caste Football has meant to so many and how difficult it may be logistically to replace it, I've decided to become the Brett Favre of admins and postpone my retirement.

But -- my commitment is only to see the site through the upcoming football season and evaluate then if I will continue with it. If it's still as slow as it often is now, then I'll step aside for good. So. . . if Caste Football is as important as many posters claim it is to them, all of us need to roll up our sleeves and do more.

The decline in posting at some point became contagious and just about everyone cut back. We need to make a commitment to post more and have that become contagious. Posting begets more posting and more traffic, i.e., more interest. I'm asking the veterans who still post here to do more posting, and newer posters who joined in the past few years to also do more. There's been a number of new posters who seemed promising and then all of a sudden they stopped posting rather than posting regularly or semi-regularly. Regular posting and regular posters are what make a forum successful, not irregular or very occasional posters.

I'd also like to see more posts about various sports and individual White athletes. Surely more than a few people here follow hockey, golf, tennis, baseball, UFC, soccer, etc.

Although I obviously can't control what people post, we need more positivity and less doom and gloom. Just about everything not related to sports is depressing these days, so let's concentrate on what the guidelines say -- "keep posts productive." White athletes are a breath of fresh air to root for and we need to emphasize that instead of all the bad things going on.

Some posters in private conversations have kicked around the idea of starting a CF spinoff on Gab or Redditt. Or maybe a video channel on BitChute or some other non-censored site. A weekly internet radio show is something that's been talked about at times but never got out of the starting gate. Promoting CF on comments sections always generates at least a little interest.

We need some other ideas -- and more importantly, follow through. So let's all do what we can in our own way to get Caste Football back on an upward trajectory. "Ask not what Caste Football can do for you, but what you can do for Caste Football."

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
"Ask not what Caste Football can do for you, but what you can do for Caste Football."

Thank you Don Wassall. You just cheered up a whole lof of your members/friends/& family here. I have always called this board a home away from home. It is like a 2nd family. Your the captain of this ship. We both have been here for almost 2 decades but
it has been a great ride and I hope it continues for at least that long. There is no other site like this one on the internet. It is a masterpiece my friend. Thank you so much for keeping it through 2021 and then we will go from there.

So please guys let's all try to post more. Let's make this board light up like a christmas tree. Try to get more people to come here. Let's get the word out! :)


Sep 29, 2011
I'm a little mystified by the thought that the posts were too sparse, during the NFL season the weekly games thread is quite active. Then the draft threads, not my thing but others are glued to them, but to me the draft is Lucy's football year after year. I'm quite surprised that the CFB weekly does not pick up. I can't really comment on other sports, I can literally watch more Olympic Biathalon more than the other Big Sports, since I like shooting.

Anyway I have always appreciated CF and any of my supposed negative posts were me trying perhaps unsuccessfully communicating that the Left is pretty weak fire once you look thru the trillions of dollars worth of smoke they send up.

Red Raider

Jul 23, 2017
This is awesome to hear! I know my posting has definitely cut back but that’s due to me posting solely in football and obviously there hasn’t been much to post about since the draft. Once football is back I’ll be back posting as much as always, especially college ball.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Hooray! I promise to post more in the Boxing and Political forums. Right now, those two are getting hot!


Hall of Famer
Jul 20, 2018
Glad we were able to talk you off the ledge! UFC Fights tonight gents!


Dec 27, 2019
Glad we were able to talk you off the ledge! UFC Fights tonight gents!

No important caste matchups in MMA it seems, looks like they are feeding Magny a past-prime Lawler and having Smith vs Rakic in light heavyweight which will get a title fight this year. Boxing also has Postol vs Ramirez and some other fight I think, for main events.
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Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Great news Don! A few of us are trying to get a Gab group going in hopes of reaching out to a wider base of users on a censorship free platform. Once that group is up and running we will use it as a companion site for castefootball to ideally draw new members here. Details to follow.

For any of us that read sports/political articles on other pages - especially if it ties in both then I would add a comment to the comment section to promote this site and throw a link to the site in the comment section. The main issue CF is fighting is censorship - that is why the site is so hard to discover. Hopefully with football season approaching we will see an influx in traffic.


Hall of Famer
May 14, 2006
Good news!
I'm glad that the site will continue under Don's supervision.

I continue to post regularly about track and field, as that is my main interest. But I also follow along with all the main sports, and occasionally comment there.
However, I would like to point out that once someone posts something like, 'Luka had a great game, scored 43 points, 14 rebounds, 9 assists', there is no point in anyone else making the same or similar comment. But that doesn't mean we haven't read, noted, and appreciated that comment. It just means that we don't want to be redundant.
So it might be useful to have a like or thumbs up (and thumbs down/dislike) button for each comment.
That way we can show our notation, appreciation, and support for the comment.
I don't know how hard that is to implement, but it will probably also give you a better idea of the number of people 'active' on the site.

Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
The site needs to be rebranded, and we need to figure out a way to get past the google search blackout.

We also need to be spreading links to this site more often. I used to see this site referenced a lot more a decade ago, but I haven't seen anyone mention it in a very long time. I did drop a link on the dailystormer forum, but not sure if there was any uptick in traffic.

On any right wing leaning site that discusses sports, link to articles on castefootball. No one is going to join if they don't know about the site and it never turns up in search results.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
When commenting on stories we should try to include a little bit about the site...a mission statement of sorts. I commented on a story on Zerohedge about the NBA lock out and this is what I put. It could use some work but it's a good foundation. Just copy, paste and add to the end of your comments:

I am a member of a site - - it's a forum where we discuss sports from a very different viewpoint from the status quo. It is a place to openly cheer for and root for white athletes, point out the blatant and accepted anti-white discrimnation that runs rampant in sports as well as some political talk as well. Sports was one of the first avenues used by cultural Marxism to attack and denigrate white people. I know most red-pilled people out there are done with sports but if anyone wants to join the forum you are more than welcome. It can use a bump in new members.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Great News! Thank you Don and to all the veteran posters who've stuck it out during these uncertain times we're living in. I have vowed to not watch any more sports so it will be difficult for me to post, however I occasionally watch MLB and some PGA. I will do my best to post about upcoming white prospects as well as current stars in these two sports.
Thanks again.


Mar 16, 2013
Its like the Beatles didn't break up. Wise decision Don. CF is a much needed tonic that keeps certain caste oriented things from going off the deep end. In a sense CF is the equivalent of the bouncer in a bar. It keeps a lot of things in check. And there is no better site that covers White athletes with the kind of depth and expert analysis available at this site. It is amazing how much info is available here and compared to other forums the layout here is superior. Most if not all other sports forums are messy and confusing.

I am going to adjust my approach somewhat. I think in order to say in shape so to speak and post on a regular basis I think it is incumbent on me to stay away from the heavier issues. Life is especially tough these days and to keep up my energy levels and stamina I am going to stick to the athletes and the teams. I think that will pay off for me in the long run and keep me engaged..


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Just a reminder - Don is giving the site a second chance so members need to become more active with their posting. Their is no point to keep the site going if most folks are just going to lurk.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Breibart has a woke sports section of the website. It wouldn't be the worst idea to go over there to comment on stories and give a plug.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I'm just going to say this - There are 30+ views of Red Raiders three college write ups that have been up for 2 or 3 hours. We are obviously getting some site traffic so it would be great if lurkers would join the site and contribute to keep Caste Football active. I am not trying to be a pain in ass about this but we need to get this site active again to keep it going.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
I'm just going to say this - There are 30+ views of Red Raiders three college write ups that have been up for 2 or 3 hours. We are obviously getting some site traffic so it would be great if lurkers would join the site and contribute to keep Caste Football active. I am not trying to be a pain in ass about this but we need to get this site active again to keep it going.

Been gone all day. Just got home a little while ago. I agree the site has picked up a little. To all the newbies coming here feel free to join us in this great sports message board. Don't be shy and say hi. All the new members are very welcome here!


Dec 27, 2019
I'm just going to say this - There are 30+ views of Red Raiders three college write ups that have been up for 2 or 3 hours. We are obviously getting some site traffic so it would be great if lurkers would join the site and contribute to keep Caste Football active. I am not trying to be a pain in ass about this but we need to get this site active again to keep it going.

Three new users also registered in the span of a couple days.

Rocky B

Jan 1, 2017
Lots of posts coming due to football season beginning....
SMU is on tv soon...TJ McDaniel should be starting at running back....Tune in!
I’ll post this on the college football link.....
I heard next weeks SMU game has already been cancelled


Mar 25, 2008
Guilty as charged on the decline in posting and the increase in lurking. I've been taking this place for granted for far too long.

The baseball section, as always, looks like it needs a little love. Perhaps I'll get a couple interesting things written up.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Guilty as charged on the decline in posting and the increase in lurking. I've been taking this place for granted for far too long.

The baseball section, as always, looks like it needs a little love. Perhaps I'll get a couple interesting things written up.

It's great to see you back and posting. I hope you are able to get more active - we need a return of many of our long time members. It's encouraging to see you back!


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Guilty as charged on the decline in posting and the increase in lurking. I've been taking this place for granted for far too long.

The baseball section, as always, looks like it needs a little love. Perhaps I'll get a couple interesting things written up.
Wow, blast from the past. Glad to see you back friend. I think we signed up around the same time.
Sep 12, 2016
I haven't been here much over the past few months (aside from the coronavirus thread), so I'm just now seeing all this RIP and RIP...not stuff. Sadly, I am one of those posters who hasn't been contributing much lately, but I just can't bring myself to get back into professional sports as long as this BLM propaganda is going to be shoved down our throats. I tried to watch the US Open but after listening to the nonstop, rabid cheerleading for the BLM/Antifa (bowel) movement from the commentators and seeing BLM splashed everywhere on my screen, I found myself asking, "Why am I doing this to myself?" and turned off the TV. Last year, when football and other sports were at least at a tolerable level of political crap and most of the focus was on the actual sports, I could actually get into the game and enjoyed posting on the weekly NFL threads. (If anybody knows of any televised sport where BLM/Antifa garbage isn't relentlessly being pushed right now, please let me know; I'm all ears.) I'll try to get back to posting more, but as long as sports remain unwatchable it'll probably be mostly political content in the Happy Hour forum.

I'd like to thank Don Wassall, White Lightning, and any other staff members for creating and maintaining this site. It's a unique place and a refreshing change from the "hurr durr it's just sportsball" mentality that many on the Right sadly have because they don't understand the importance that athletics (for better or for worse) has in shaping our society. There have been a lot of intelligent and insightful commentators here, including many who have disappeared and I wish would return (@Thrashen was always hilarious, especially with his photo captions). Love the epic rants ;) from @Shadowlight and the way @Extra Point always calls out the hypocrisy of liberals and tells lurkers to take notice.

Nobody who is sincerely pro-White is an enemy, and it would help to remember that when disagreements pop up (and they always will, that's inevitable with independent thinkers like us). Though I may have strong opinions on issues like the Jewish Question, I make it a point not to flame other posters for being "too harsh" or "too soft." We're all on the same side here (not counting, of course, actual trolls who either promote outright cuckoldry or create one of those 1488/brownshirt stereotypes to make us look bad). But the mods will take care of trolls. ;)

Just want to conclude with the most important thing now is to stay united and put family and race (which is, after all, just extended family) first. My husband and three children are the most important things in the world to me. Stay safe from viruses and rioters, be pro-White, and a little positivity never hurts. Not that we should put our heads in the sand about all the real negativity in the world, but whenever you see relentless anti-whiteness being pushed by Big Media, Big Government, and Big Business and you feel targeted and helpless, realize that that's what they want you to feel. None of us are alone. There are other like-minded souls out there, and we can, should, and will support one another.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I haven't been here much over the past few months (aside from the coronavirus thread), so I'm just now seeing all this RIP and RIP...not stuff. Sadly, I am one of those posters who hasn't been contributing much lately, but I just can't bring myself to get back into professional sports as long as this BLM propaganda is going to be shoved down our throats. I tried to watch the US Open but after listening to the nonstop, rabid cheerleading for the BLM/Antifa (bowel) movement from the commentators and seeing BLM splashed everywhere on my screen, I found myself asking, "Why am I doing this to myself?" and turned off the TV. Last year, when football and other sports were at least at a tolerable level of political crap and most of the focus was on the actual sports, I could actually get into the game and enjoyed posting on the weekly NFL threads. (If anybody knows of any televised sport where BLM/Antifa garbage isn't relentlessly being pushed right now, please let me know; I'm all ears.) I'll try to get back to posting more, but as long as sports remain unwatchable it'll probably be mostly political content in the Happy Hour forum.

I'd like to thank Don Wassall, White Lightning, and any other staff members for creating and maintaining this site. It's a unique place and a refreshing change from the "hurr durr it's just sportsball" mentality that many on the Right sadly have because they don't understand the importance that athletics (for better or for worse) has in shaping our society. There have been a lot of intelligent and insightful commentators here, including many who have disappeared and I wish would return (@Thrashen was always hilarious, especially with his photo captions). Love the epic rants ;) from @Shadowlight and the way @Extra Point always calls out the hypocrisy of liberals and tells lurkers to take notice.

Nobody who is sincerely pro-White is an enemy, and it would help to remember that when disagreements pop up (and they always will, that's inevitable with independent thinkers like us). Though I may have strong opinions on issues like the Jewish Question, I make it a point not to flame other posters for being "too harsh" or "too soft." We're all on the same side here (not counting, of course, actual trolls who either promote outright cuckoldry or create one of those 1488/brownshirt stereotypes to make us look bad). But the mods will take care of trolls. ;)

Just want to conclude with the most important thing now is to stay united and put family and race (which is, after all, just extended family) first. My husband and three children are the most important things in the world to me. Stay safe from viruses and rioters, be pro-White, and a little positivity never hurts. Not that we should put our heads in the sand about all the real negativity in the world, but whenever you see relentless anti-whiteness being pushed by Big Media, Big Government, and Big Business and you feel targeted and helpless, realize that that's what they want you to feel. None of us are alone. There are other like-minded souls out there, and we can, should, and will support one another.
Well said!

I’ve mostly been posting in the Happy Hour thread as well as I have not watched much sports post Covid. The BLM propaganda is maddening. I’m going to however try to slog through the NFL season to help “report” on it. If we don’t comment on the games from a pro-White perspective, no one will.