ESPN Rerunning O.J. Simpson Made In America (Acquittal Apologia

Dec 18, 2004
This week, starting Monday night, ESPN is rerunning the O.J. Simpson Made In America "Documentary." It was an apologia for the acquittal. Actually, the program's reviewers gloated over it.

The trial itself was an example of how the MSM creates news., or the kind of
media frenzy" they want. Most of the public cared little about Simpson by 1994, but the media turned it into the biggest story in the country.

And they were hoping for an acquittal from the start, and steered the narrative in that direction. They loved a black defendant getting away with murdering white people.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I watched most of the ESPN documentary at the time in sections, but never sat through it beginning to end.

The media coverage of the murders and subsequent trial was so over the top, not much less than what is taking place now with the coronavirus. And absolutely the agenda was to inflame blacks, with the prolonged trial being used to encourage them to symbolically "get back" at Whitey through an acquittal for Simpson.
Dec 18, 2004
Jeffrey Toobin admitted in his post-trial New Yorker article the press went out of their way to favor the defense. One by making Furhman the main character in the case. Two, by picking away at the prosecution case, making it seem like their case was falling apart every day. Three, puffing up the defense, making Cochran a hero,etc.

And as Toobin ("Everyone was afraid of being called a racist") acknowledged, "never pointing out the evidence against Simpson was simply overwhelming."

As someone who has observed trials for a long time, media types seem to want EVERY black on white murder defendant (especially when guilty) acquitted. Maybe not every member of the media but a lot of them.

Again, by 1994 Simpson was a has-been 18 years past his last big football season. He was barely hanging on to a low-ranking NBC gig. Yet EVERY network carried every thing that happened at the start. The preliminary hearing was covered live on all the major commercial networks, as well as CNN, Court TV, Fox. And the cover of every magazine.

As Don said, every angle was used to whip up anti-white animus from blacks. Admittedly not the hardest thing to do.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I agree with you guys in full that the anti-White media simply wanted to elevate this case and subsequent trial into a wedge to further rile up blacks against Whites. If the story had received an appropriate amount of coverage it would have lasted a week or so only due to the former celebrity of OJ. Beyond that it was simply a case of a black murdering a mudshark and a jew. Most of America just wouldn’t have cared.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
As Don said the coverage was over the top. Half of the defense team's points were taken from the news coverage that was favorable to the defense. The judge was pitiful, lost control. The prosecution, Marcia Clarke and Darden, was a joke. Darden asking Simpson to try on the gloves found at the scene was stupid. Who can forget the Bronco "chase" scene?