Have any of you ever seen a TKO from a low blow before?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I've been watching boxing a long time and never have.


Max Kellerman and Nevada State Atheletic Commission's Bob Bennett are saying it was a good stoppage.

But the video evidence is there for us all to see.


Jun 18, 2017
Nope never....but the Vegas creeps have to do it for Ward, he doesn't have the talent to fight a hamster much less an adult human being...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The Kovalev-Ward fight couldn't have ended more differently than the one with Andrew Golata and Riddick Bowe that was posted on the Kovalev fight thread. Same with the rioting that followed. I remember how Golata was mocked and reviled in the media for his low blows, while apparently Ward's low blows are mostly being excused or ignored.


Feb 23, 2013
New York
I've been watching boxing a long time and never have.


Max Kellerman and Nevada State Atheletic Commission's Bob Bennett are saying it was a good stoppage.

But the video evidence is there for us all to see.

Just look at that scumbag referee watching the whole thing and then calling it a TKO. I wrote for 2 hours after the fight on our thread I was so astonished. No, I have watched fights for decades, I boxed amateur, and I train boxers, and, no, I have never seen a boxer "win" on such blatant low blows -never. But, we are in an Orwellian time, so we are not to be too surprised by this.


Jun 18, 2017
there has to be a awya to haraa the Nevada commission and this ref and Ward into the ground I say some of us get together and plant a billboard in Vegas thats says "Come to Vegas to get Screwed!) with the final nut shot on it big lettering and start maybe a twitter hashtag #lowblowward or something and make this so in your face this cretins have at least second thoughts before pulling this kind of a crime again


Jun 18, 2017
Just look at that scumbag referee watching the whole thing and then calling it a TKO. I wrote for 2 hours after the fight on our thread I was so astonished. No, I have watched fights for decades, I boxed amateur, and I train boxers, and, no, I have never seen a boxer "win" on such blatant low blows -never. But, we are in an Orwellian time, so we are not to be too surprised by this.

Basically the ref said hey Ward you hit Kovalaev in the nuts hard enough I'll give you the fight and not penalize you. The feeble minded Ward replied "uggaa ugga" and thats how it went down...pathetic


Jun 18, 2017
Smith:-"My man ward was winning the fight but it was low blow, bruva still won". White Cuck or jewish vermin:-"It was not a low blow his nuts are not between his legs it was a body shot!"
Sane person: "It was an illegal shot below the belt in the jewels and sceptre, Ward sucks"
Apr 28, 2017
If that was Golota, instand DQ, but its Ward so he gets the KO win. Unreal. I am still fuming over this.
Now to be fair, Foul Pole was playing tetherball with Bowe's nuts that whole fight. He hit him low three or four times before the stoppage. Stupid because Golota was winning handedly, and was still headed toward the W, even with the point deductions.

I watched that fight at a friend's house back in high school, and I have to say, the riot that ensued from the final nut shot was more fun than the fight. Watching Lampley's table get smashed up, and hearing Larry Merchant whine about how horrible the riot was; juxtaposed with the camera panning around to spectators beating spectators (and some Bowe cornerman beating Golota with an old brock cellphone).

Ahhhh. Good times.
Apr 28, 2017
The Kovalev-Ward fight couldn't have ended more differently than the one with Andrew Golata and Riddick Bowe that was posted on the Kovalev fight thread. Same with the rioting that followed. I remember how Golata was mocked and reviled in the media for his low blows, while apparently Ward's low blows are mostly being excused or ignored.

Of course they are. The state controlled media needs black heroes in boxing. They are losing a sport they used to dominate, and it's a major issue to the Marxist white-male-emasculation agenda. Boxing is supposed to be the sport that shows Americans "dat days superior to dem white boyz". Instead, Eastern Europeans are taking over and they need a black champion.

Ward is undefeated, and they need a black champ. Joshua (not-American but black) is lucky he didn't lose to a 41 year old, and in-decline Klitschko. Actually if Manny was still in Wlad's corner, he would have lost. I'm noFury fan, but I don't see Joshua beating him.

And with the way Lomachenko and his style is revolutionizing boxing right now, black boxers may never be as dominant as they were in the past.


Jun 18, 2017
Of course they are. The state controlled media needs black heroes in boxing. They are losing a sport they used to dominate, and it's a major issue to the Marxist white-male-emasculation agenda. Boxing is supposed to be the sport that shows Americans "dat days superior to dem white boyz". Instead, Eastern Europeans are taking over and they need a black champion.

Ward is undefeated, and they need a black champ. Joshua (not-American but black) is lucky he didn't lose to a 41 year old, and in-decline Klitschko. Actually if Manny was still in Wlad's corner, he would have lost. I'm noFury fan, but I don't see Joshua beating him.

And with the way Lomachenko and his style is revolutionizing boxing right now, black boxers may never be as dominant as they were in the past.

And Lord knows the promotions, media, and training complex sure as hell is not going to allow a white AMERICAN to become champion No Marciano EVER AGAIN. That hole previous performances crap is a joke there have been so many dirty fixed fights and honest appraisal of white fighters from America the KING/Master of fixed and dirty matches when it comes to the world. Mainly because of the dictates of racial policy by the jewish controllers. White Americans who wanted to box aren't as easily CONTROLLED as well too much real pride, specifically back then it was a turnoff for (((them))). I mean come one you won't take a dive for old Benjamin Noseman?


Jun 18, 2017
Now to be fair, Foul Pole was playing tetherball with Bowe's nuts that whole fight. He hit him low three or four times before the stoppage. Stupid because Golota was winning handedly, and was still headed toward the W, even with the point deductions.

I watched that fight at a friend's house back in high school, and I have to say, the riot that ensued from the final nut shot was more fun than the fight. Watching Lampley's table get smashed up, and hearing Larry Merchant whine about how horrible the riot was; juxtaposed with the camera panning around to spectators beating spectators (and some Bowe cornerman beating Golota with an old brock cellphone).

Ahhhh. Good times.

Yep but thats just an example of warning and ejection Ward did the same thing although he was trying to be sly with it, but that concerto of attempts at pecan cracking were pretty obvious, and sure not deserving of fight stoppage


May 1, 2015
And Lord knows the promotions, media, and training complex sure as hell is not going to allow a white AMERICAN to become champion No Marciano EVER AGAIN. That hole previous performances crap is a joke there have been so many dirty fixed fights and honest appraisal of white fighters from America the KING/Master of fixed and dirty matches when it comes to the world. Mainly because of the dictates of racial policy by the jewish controllers. White Americans who wanted to box aren't as easily CONTROLLED as well too much real pride, specifically back then it was a turnoff for (((them))). I mean come one you won't take a dive for old Benjamin Noseman?
Marciano was in pre-cuck America. I've often wondered through the years, how can a nation (the U.S.) have so many White men but no decent boxers. I mean you see them in Ireland, UK, Ukraine, Germany, Russia, etc. Then it dawned on me that White men have been, for decades now in this country (since Marciano) under psychological assault by the entire (((media))), with "Caitlyn" (formerly Bruce) Jenner as prima facie evidence.

When I was a kid in 1976 (when everything was still golden) eating a bowl of Wheaties staring at decathlon winner Bruce Jenner on the cover of the cereal box, it was very inspiring. Never in my worst nightmare did I ever expect him to become so psychologically damaged in the future that he would turn into a "woman" named "Caitlyn" (and neither did he).


Jun 18, 2017
Marciano was in pre-cuck America. I've often wondered through the years, how can a nation (the U.S.) have so many White men but no decent boxers. I mean you see them in Ireland, UK, Ukraine, Germany, Russia, etc. Then it dawned on me that White men have been, for decades now in this country (since Marciano) under psychological assault by the entire (((media))), with "Caitlyn" (formerly Bruce) Jenner as prima facie evidence.

When I was a kid in 1976 (when everything was still golden) eating a bowl of Wheaties staring at decathlon winner Bruce Jenner on the cover of the cereal box, it was very inspiring. Never in my worst nightmare did I ever expect him to become so psychologically damaged in the future that he would turn into a "woman" named "Caitlyn" (and neither did he).

Damn straight, You had Dempsey, Tunney, Rock, Braddock, Conn, Walker boxing is a "tough" sport I always think its about making whites appear not only un-athletic to make us weaker physically, but that we aren't "tough enough" etc. which is horseshit Bruce still is Bruce, but he is Bruce the walking abomination he got adopted by the Hollyweird crowd and betrayed his country basically. Hell he betrayed himself. This amounts to full blown psychological warfare basically. Rocky wasn't a saint but he exuded for his time manly traits for young white men and boys to copy, what do we have now? Very damn few. I see sports as part of the ongoing cultural and racial war that was declared long ago...and our men have been taken out with thousands of arrows and prevented from becoming role models for generations of young whites to shape their hearts and attitudes. Instead its a culture of self-hate, stupidity, denial and basic ignorance.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
It's good to see this BS outcome of this fight has brought a new member on board. Welcome Sneakyfast!


Jun 18, 2017
It's good to see this BS outcome of this fight has brought a new member on board. Welcome Sneakyfast!

Good to be here :) I've been lurking on this board for 4 years now. I btw experienced the caste system in regards to athletics, way back in 1999! I didn't see the pattern initially but something always told me when I ran faster than anyone trying out for DB/WR way back in school, and did not even make the team something was screwed up, and when some smiling ear to ear fire hydrant of an out of shape, shorter, SLOWER black kid was hugged by the white coach and we were told we were going to hear great things from this "young man"(he didn't amount to crap) I said screw it I'm playing baseball. Also all the constant black worshiping DWF(white "friends") with the "they changed" the game crap ate at me, the girlfriends who screwed me over while saying out of the blue crap like "I should have been born black or hispanic"(I noticed this trend over a decade ago white self hatred, she was a schizo btw, I threw her out) then all the events politically I started questioning them, so I ended up red pilled about 6 years ago. This has been a long process but I somehow found this site when I searched for opposing opinion the black QB agenda just looking up stuff one day. I honestly think this site was one of the best things I've ever come across, the plethora of historical and modern examples all the way down to recruiting floored me. I thought it was just casual stereotypes...but its more, its a damn active action agenda along with a culture weaponized by well you know who. The colleges, the leagues, and the media all on board. The only reason I never posted was because I knew it would take up too much of my time, because I would get hooked. and I work a lot. But I've reached critical mass and I'm sick of being silent.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Good to be here :) I've been lurking on this board for 4 years now. I btw experienced the caste system in regards to athletics, way back in 1999! I didn't see the pattern initially but something always told me when I ran faster than anyone trying out for DB/WR way back in school, and did not even make the team something was screwed up, and when some smiling ear to ear fire hydrant of an out of shape, shorter, SLOWER black kid was hugged by the white coach and we were told we were going to hear great things from this "young man"(he didn't amount to crap) I said screw it I'm playing baseball. Also all the constant black worshiping DWF(white "friends") with the "they changed" the game crap ate at me, the girlfriends who screwed me over while saying out of the blue crap like "I should have been born black or hispanic"(I noticed this trend over a decade ago white self hatred, she was a schizo btw, I threw her out) then all the events politically I started questioning them, so I ended up red pilled about 6 years ago. This has been a long process but I somehow found this site when I searched for opposing opinion the black QB agenda just looking up stuff one day. I honestly think this site was one of the best things I've ever come across, the plethora of historical and modern examples all the way down to recruiting floored me. I thought it was just casual stereotypes...but its more, its a damn active action agenda along with a culture weaponized by well you know who. The colleges, the leagues, and the media all on board. The only reason I never posted was because I knew it would take up too much of my time, because I would get hooked. and I work a lot. But I've reached critical mass and I'm sick of being silent.

It's good to have you on board! This is the only place that covers the taboo topics in sports and gives us an outlet to connect with other like minded individuals who see right through the lunacy of the caste system.


Jun 3, 2014
That is just a horrible stoppage...just horrible. Never seen anything like that. Kovalev wasn't hurt, he bent down the way you do when you get hit in the nuts. It's happened to all of us! As a man, Weeks should have known better. I wish Kovalev would have put ward to sleep and not let it get to this...


Jun 3, 2014
It's good to have you on board! This is the only place that covers the taboo topics in sports and gives us an outlet to connect with other like minded individuals who see right through the lunacy of the caste system.
This site is always a go to for me. Great place to read about white sprinters and other athletes that I wouldn't normally hear about!


Jun 18, 2017
This small corner of the internet is the only place where the truth about sports is allowed, it is a catacomb of resistance to the culturally marxist juggernaut.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
When I was a kid in 1976 (when everything was still golden) eating a bowl of Wheaties staring at decathlon winner Bruce Jenner on the cover of the cereal box, it was very inspiring. Never in my worst nightmare did I ever expect him to become so psychologically damaged in the future that he would turn into a "woman" named "Caitlyn" (and neither did he).

There is something in the food and water that is changing men into women and women into men. Even fish.

Studies: Chemicals in the Water ‘Turning Male Fish into Females’
Hermaphroditic fish signal too many chemicals for everyone

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/studies-c...turning-male-fish-into-females/#ixzz4kehFeVI2
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook


Jun 18, 2017
There is something in the food and water that is changing men into women and women into men. Even fish.

Studies: Chemicals in the Water ‘Turning Male Fish into Females’
Hermaphroditic fish signal too many chemicals for everyone

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/studies-c...turning-male-fish-into-females/#ixzz4kehFeVI2
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook

Its biological warfare, designed to screw us up. Sodium fluoride and the other crap. I don't think its drastically changing humans it may however be causing imbalances which lead to urges or way out of whack hormonal floods. Aiding the brainwashing to queer the country.